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Ted Talks Daily / Fight for justice — even if you don’t live to see it | Golriz Lucina | Ted Talks Daily

Fight for justice — even if you don’t live to see it | Golriz Lucina | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” Golriz Lucina shares the inspiring story of Tahirah, a poet and mystic from Iran who fought for justice and freedom in the face of immense adversity. Despite living in the 19th century, Tahirah’s actions continue to resonate today and serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up against oppression.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Sacrifice and Dedication

  • Tahirah defied societal norms by attending a male-only conference with her veil removed, advocating for freedom and choice for all individuals.
  • Her courageous actions led to imprisonment and a death sentence, but her legacy lives on through the transformation of hearts and the seeds of equality and freedom she planted.

Activism Rooted in Love and Compassion

  • Tahirah’s activism was fueled by deep love for humanity, rather than bitterness or self-interest.
  • The challenge for activists is to stand up against oppression and injustice while rooting their thoughts, words, and actions in compassion and love.

The Long-Term Pursuit of Justice

  • Urgency and conviction are necessary in activism, even if the results may not be seen in one’s lifetime.
  • Pursuit of justice is a multi-generational endeavor, and immediate gratification cannot be expected.
  • Embracing Tahirah’s example, individuals can bravely choose to do the next right thing, planting seeds for future generations.

Tahirah’s Poem as a Call to Action

  • Tahirah’s poem offers a clear call to action, emphasizing the importance of banishing warring ways, promoting justice, and fostering love and friendship.


Tahirah’s Courageous Stand for Freedom

Golriz Lucina shares the story of Tahirah, a poet and mystic from Iran who defied societal norms in 1848. Tahirah attended a male-only conference with her veil removed, advocating for freedom and choice for all individuals. Despite facing imprisonment and a death sentence, Tahirah’s actions continue to inspire courageous women in Iran today.

The Power of Sacrifice and Dedication

Tahirah’s life teaches us the power of sacrifice and dedication in paving the way for a better world. Despite not living to see the change she fought for, her legacy lives on through the transformation of hearts and the seeds of equality and freedom she planted. This is evident in the brave protests led by young women in Iran, who continue to fight for justice and freedom.

Activism Rooted in Love and Compassion

Tahirah’s activism was fueled by a deep love for humanity. Her example reminds us that the challenge is to stand up against oppression and injustice while rooting our thoughts, words, and actions in compassion and love. By approaching activism with empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and just society.

The Long-Term Pursuit of Justice

Urgency and conviction are necessary in activism, even if the results may not be seen in one’s lifetime. Tahirah’s life teaches us that the pursuit of justice is a multi-generational endeavor, and immediate gratification cannot be expected. By embracing Tahirah’s example, individuals can bravely choose to do the next right thing, planting seeds for future generations to continue the fight for justice and equality.

Tahirah’s Poem as a Call to Action

Tahirah’s poem offers a clear call to action, emphasizing the importance of banishing warring ways, promoting justice, and fostering love and friendship. It serves as a powerful reminder of the role each individual can play in creating a more just and compassionate world. By following Tahirah’s example and embracing these values, we can contribute to the ongoing fight for justice and equality.


Tahirah’s story is a testament to the enduring power of courage, sacrifice, and dedication in the pursuit of justice. Her actions continue to inspire and empower individuals to stand up against oppression, even in the face of great adversity. By embracing Tahirah’s example and rooting our activism in love and compassion, we can contribute to the ongoing fight for a more just and equitable world.

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