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Financial Feminist / – 115. A Love Letter to “Late Bloomers” with Laura Belgray

Financial Feminist – 115. A Love Letter to “Late Bloomers” with Laura Belgray

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In this episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast, Laura Belgray, founder of Talking Shrimp and author of “Tough Titties,” shares her inspiring story of being a late bloomer and finding her career groove at 48. She discusses the importance of putting yourself into your business, navigating the self-help world, and embracing the concept of being a late bloomer. Join us as we explore the power of creativity, the journey to finding your passion, and the acceptance of personal timelines.

Main Takeaways

Embracing Your Journey

  • Many people feel like they are not where they are supposed to be in life, and that’s okay.
  • Late bloomers are becoming more accepted, as we may not know ourselves enough at 17-19 to plan our entire lives.
  • Pivoting later in life is possible and can lead to success, as seen in the speaker’s parents’ experiences.
  • Success can come later in life, and it’s never too late to switch careers or find a new passion.
  • It’s important to accept that everyone moves at their own pace, and success can come at any age.
  • Patience and acceptance are key in navigating a pivot, and it’s important to trust the path to finding where you’re supposed to be.

Navigating the Self-Help World

  • Tough Tiddies is a book about navigating the confusing world of self-help culture.
  • The speaker was once part of a self-help group that was considered cult-ish.
  • The group had a specific language and would not allow disagreement.
  • The speaker stayed in the group because she was waiting for it to work and had a sunk cost fallacy.
  • Self-help and online business often go hand-in-hand.

Finding Your Passion and Career Groove

  • The creative industry is a great way to make money.
  • Putting yourself into your copy and all through your business is pure magic for getting people to love you up, share your ideas, and happily click your buy button.
  • The speaker got into the online world through her friend Marie Forleo and started hosting her work on a website.
  • The speaker started gathering email addresses and taking on private clients for website copy.
  • The speaker put herself out there to her small email list when she was let go by her biggest client.
  • The speaker eventually transitioned entirely into the online space for better pay and to become more well-known.
  • The speaker retired her one-on-one services to focus on writing emails and achieving her fantasy of making a living writing emails.
  • She operates on a binary system of being either lazy or obsessed with her work.
  • The speaker defines “Ikigai” as the intersection of doing what you love, what you’re good at, and providing value.

Childless by Choice

  • Choosing to remain childless is a personal decision that should not be influenced by societal pressure.
  • Media pressure can create unnecessary anxiety around having children.
  • It can be difficult to find examples of happy, successful women who don’t have children.
  • Waiting to want kids can be frustrating and unhelpful advice.
  • Having an open and honest conversation with your partner about not having kids can be freeing.
  • Not having kids can bring a sense of joy and freedom.
  • It’s important to hear both perspectives – those who have kids and those who don’t – and recognize that everyone’s experiences are different.


Embracing Your Journey

Many individuals feel a sense of unease when they believe they haven’t achieved what they’re supposed to by a certain age. However, being a late bloomer is becoming more accepted, as it takes time to truly know ourselves and find our true passions. The speaker shares personal stories and examples of how success can come at any age, and it’s never too late to switch careers or embark on a new path. Embracing patience, acceptance, and trusting the journey are essential in navigating the pivot and finding fulfillment.

Navigating the Self-Help World

The speaker delves into her experiences with self-help groups and the cult-ish nature of some communities. She highlights the importance of being critical and discerning when engaging with self-help culture. While self-help and online business often intertwine, it’s crucial to maintain individuality and not get caught up in groupthink. The speaker’s personal journey in the self-help world serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder to trust one’s own instincts and values.

Finding Your Passion and Career Groove

The creative industry can be a lucrative avenue for those seeking financial success. Putting yourself into your business and copy is a powerful way to connect with others and drive engagement. The speaker shares her journey of transitioning into the online space, starting with a website and building an email list. By embracing her love for writing emails, she achieved her fantasy of making a living from it. The concept of “Ikigai” is introduced, emphasizing the importance of aligning passion, skill, and value in finding fulfillment in work.

Childless by Choice

The speaker explores the personal decision of remaining childless and challenges societal expectations around parenthood. Media pressure often fuels unnecessary anxiety around having children, making it difficult for individuals to find examples of happy, successful women who don’t have kids. The speaker encourages open conversations with partners about not having children, emphasizing the freedom and joy that can come from this choice. It’s important to respect and honor individual experiences, recognizing that everyone’s journey is unique.


This episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast with Laura Belgray offers a refreshing perspective on embracing personal timelines, navigating the self-help world, finding passion in the creative industry, and challenging societal expectations around parenthood. By sharing her own experiences as a late bloomer, the speaker inspires listeners to trust the journey, be patient, and embrace their unique paths. Whether it’s finding a new career groove or making the decision to remain childless, success and fulfillment can be achieved at any age or stage of life.

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