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Financial Feminist / – 93. What I Wish I Knew in My Early 20s: Career Edition

Financial Feminist – 93. What I Wish I Knew in My Early 20s: Career Edition

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Welcome to the “Financial Feminist” podcast, hosted by Tori, a money expert and author of the book with the same name. In this episode, Tori shares her insights on what she wishes she knew in her early 20s when it comes to her career. The podcast focuses on how money affects women differently and aims to make listeners more attuned to feminist issues. Listeners can support the show by subscribing, posting about it, and leaving a review.

Main Takeaways

Travel and Personal Growth

  • Traveling is important for personal and career growth.
  • Studying abroad can be a challenging but valuable experience.
  • Traveling to new places, even if they’re not far away, can help build self-reliance and problem-solving skills that can be applied in a career.
  • Travel can be a state of mind, and armchair travel through books and other media can also provide benefits.

Building Relationships and Networking

  • People often leave jobs because of a poor relationship with their boss, not the company itself.
  • It’s important to ask questions about leadership style and mentorship when considering a job.
  • A good leader should be able to describe their leadership style in one word.
  • When finding a job, prioritize finding a boss who can mentor and grow you.
  • True networking is a mutual exchange of ideas or contacts, not just asking for something.
  • Have conversations in alignment with your goals to build a network.
  • Informational interviews are helpful in gaining insight into career paths and how to get there.
  • Building a professional network is important to gain insight into career paths and figure out what you want to do.

Career Decisions and Self-Reflection

  • Trusting your intuition is crucial in all aspects of life, including career decisions.
  • Setting boundaries is essential for protecting your energy and achieving your career goals.
  • It’s okay to say no to opportunities that don’t align with your goals and experience.
  • Your intuition will tell you if something doesn’t feel right, and it’s important to listen and take action.
  • It’s normal to have bad days at work and feel homesick or lonely.
  • Don’t shame yourself for feeling a certain way.
  • The question “What am I going to do with my life?” is not helpful.
  • Instead, ask yourself “What am I going to do next?”
  • Leading with curiosity can lead to more fulfilling experiences.

Understanding Compensation and Benefits

  • Start saving for retirement early, even if it’s just a small amount.
  • Reading the benefits packet at your job is important and can be done with the help of someone else.
  • Read your benefits packet and understand how your benefits play into your total compensation.
  • Compensation is not just your salary, it includes other benefits like 401k match, health insurance, work from home days, and PTO.

Embracing Mistakes and Growth

  • Trust your gut and don’t join an MLM, they are scams.
  • There is no dream job, find what works for you right now.
  • Your early 20s are a beautiful time to start discovering and experimenting, it’s okay to make mistakes.


Travel and Personal Growth

Traveling, whether physically or through armchair experiences, is crucial for personal and career growth. It builds self-reliance, problem-solving skills, and expands your perspective. Studying abroad can be challenging but offers valuable experiences that shape your future.

Building Relationships and Networking

The relationships we build in our careers, especially with our bosses, greatly impact our job satisfaction. It’s important to ask questions about leadership style and mentorship when considering a job. True networking involves mutual exchange and having conversations aligned with your goals. Informational interviews help gain insight into career paths and build a professional network.

Career Decisions and Self-Reflection

Trusting your intuition and setting boundaries are essential for making career decisions that align with your goals and values. It’s okay to say no to opportunities that don’t feel right. Embrace the ups and downs of work life and don’t shame yourself for feeling certain emotions. Instead of worrying about the grand plan, focus on what you can do next and lead with curiosity.

Understanding Compensation and Benefits

Start saving for retirement early, even with small amounts. Take the time to read and understand your benefits packet, including how they contribute to your overall compensation. Compensation goes beyond just salary and includes important benefits like 401k match, health insurance, work from home days, and paid time off.

Embracing Mistakes and Growth

Trust your instincts and avoid joining MLMs, which are often scams. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all dream job, and it’s important to find what works for you at the present moment. Your early 20s are a time of discovery and experimentation, so embrace mistakes and learn from them.


In this episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast, Tori shares valuable insights on career learnings in the early 20s. From the importance of travel and personal growth to building meaningful relationships and understanding compensation, these lessons provide guidance for navigating the early stages of a career. Embracing mistakes and trusting your intuition are key to finding fulfillment and success. Remember, your early 20s are a time of exploration, so don’t be afraid to take risks and discover what works for you.

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