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Financial Feminist / – 99. 29 Things I Learned by 29

Financial Feminist – 99. 29 Things I Learned by 29

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In this episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast, the host reflects on the 29 things she has learned by the age of 29. From personal growth to relationships, entrepreneurship to self-care, she shares valuable insights and lessons that have shaped her life. Join her as she dives into these topics and offers her unique perspective on living a fulfilling and intentional life.

Main Takeaways

Life Lessons

  • Life happens from you, not to you
  • Life is shaped by the decisions you make
  • Every decision and moment in life presents different opportunities
  • Reflecting on decisions can lead to growth and learning
  • Life is not attacking you, it is happening for you

Relationships and Friendships

  • Love is not expressed in grand gestures, but in small moments of care and intentionality
  • The media often feeds us the idea of grand gestures as love, but it’s the small moments that truly matter
  • It’s important to find and cherish the little quiet moments in relationships
  • Love is consistent, intentional, and typically expressed quietly
  • Best friends are consistent and stay, even when romantic partners come and go
  • It’s important to prioritize and maintain friendships, and not just focus on romantic relationships
  • Make a commitment to spend time with your friends, such as booking an annual trip together
  • Celebrate and cherish the powerful relationships you have with your friends, especially with women

Creating a Home and Entrepreneurship

  • Create a home that you love and take the time to choose intentional pieces that hold memories
  • Entrepreneurship has its highs and lows, and it’s important to be honest about the difficult moments
  • You can’t please everyone, and trying to do so will only make you miserable

Self-Care and Mental Health

  • Working out should bring you joy and remind you of your strength
  • Finding the right workout can change your perspective on exercise
  • Working out is not just about getting thinner or meeting a requirement, it’s about building strength and improving mental health
  • Grief is not meant to be muscled through, it’s meant to be sat in
  • Movement is there to bring you joy and remind you of your strength, not to minimize or shame you
  • Embrace difficult emotions and sit in discomfort to learn from them

Travel and Experiences

  • Cheaping out may lead to regret, prioritize experiences over cost
  • Frugality can be beneficial, but not at the expense of expectations and experiences
  • Travel is not about checking off countries on a list, but about intentional time and experiences
  • Slow travel movement allows for a deeper and more meaningful experience of a country
  • Being intentional about where you go and spending more time in fewer places can create better memories
  • Alcohol may not have the appeal it once did, and exploring new experiences can be fulfilling
  • Exploring new experiences can be fulfilling and may lead to a decrease in alcohol consumption
  • Being intentional about drinking and considering how it will make you feel is important

Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance

  • Let go of shame around one’s body and embrace it
  • Don’t try to help someone in a way that they don’t need
  • Assume that someone didn’t mean to hurt you and give them the benefit of the doubt
  • Own what your body looks like and don’t feel ashamed
  • Don’t be concerned if someone sexualizes you, it’s not your problem
  • Let people dress and live the way they want without judgment


Reflecting on Life’s Lessons

Life is a journey of self-discovery and growth. By understanding that life happens from you, not to you, you can take control of your decisions and shape your own path. Every decision and moment presents unique opportunities for learning and growth. Reflecting on your decisions can lead to personal development and a deeper understanding of yourself. Remember, life is not attacking you, but happening for you.

Nurturing Relationships and Friendships

Love is not expressed solely through grand gestures, but in the small moments of care and intentionality. The media often portrays grand gestures as the epitome of love, but it’s the consistent, intentional, and quiet expressions of love that truly matter. It’s important to prioritize and maintain friendships, as they provide consistent support even when romantic relationships come and go. Celebrate and cherish the powerful relationships you have with your friends, especially with women, and make a commitment to spend quality time together.

Creating an Intentional Life

Your home should be a reflection of who you are and hold intentional pieces that bring you joy and hold memories. Entrepreneurship comes with its highs and lows, and it’s important to be honest about the difficult moments. Trying to please everyone will only lead to misery, so focus on staying true to yourself and your values.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Mental Health

Working out should be a joyful activity that reminds you of your strength, both physically and mentally. Find the right workout that resonates with you and shifts your perspective on exercise. It’s important to embrace difficult emotions and sit in discomfort to learn and grow. Remember, movement is there to bring you joy and remind you of your strength, not to minimize or shame you.

Embracing Travel and Experiences

When it comes to travel, prioritize experiences over cost and don’t cheap out, as it may lead to regret. Frugality can be beneficial, but not at the expense of your expectations and the experiences you desire. Travel is not about checking off countries on a list, but about intentional time and meaningful experiences. Consider embracing the slow travel movement, spending more time in fewer places to create lasting memories. Exploring new experiences can be fulfilling and may lead to a decrease in alcohol consumption. Be intentional about your drinking choices and consider how they will make you feel.

Fostering Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance

Let go of shame surrounding your body and embrace it for what it is. Avoid trying to help someone in a way that they don’t need, and assume positive intent with strangers and loved ones. Own your body and don’t feel ashamed of what it looks like. Remember, someone else’s sexualization of you is not your problem. Let people dress and live the way they want without judgment.


This episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast offers valuable insights and lessons on various aspects of life. From understanding that life happens from you, not to you, to embracing self-care, nurturing relationships, and fostering self-acceptance, the host shares her wisdom and experiences. Reflecting on decisions, prioritizing experiences over cost, and being intentional in various aspects of life can lead to a more fulfilling and intentional journey. Embrace the lessons shared in this episode and appreciate the support of the “Her First 100K” team and community.

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