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Financial Feminist / – BONUS: Preparing for Student Loan Repayments

Financial Feminist – BONUS: Preparing for Student Loan Repayments

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In this bonus episode of the “Financial Feminist” podcast, the host discusses the upcoming student loan repayments and provides important information and strategies for borrowers. With the student debt crisis and the potential for loan forgiveness, it’s crucial to understand the current situation and make informed decisions about loan repayment.

Main Takeaways

Student Loan Repayment Strategies

  • Student loan forgiveness is supported and advocated for, but relying on it as the only plan is not recommended.
  • Personal choices account for 20% of financial success, while systemic issues make up 80%.
  • Mitch McConnell and other politicians may not support student loan forgiveness.
  • Advocacy and voting for student loan forgiveness is important, but it may not be a guaranteed solution.
  • Less predatory financial systems should be advocated for and pursued.

Important Dates and Loan Types

  • Interest on federal student loans will begin accruing from September 1st, 2023, after being paused for almost three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Federal loans are better types of loans compared to private loans.
  • Private loans may have already started accruing interest, and borrowers can negotiate their interest rates or loan repayments with their loan providers.
  • Borrowers have until October to start repaying their loans, even though interest starts accruing from September 1st.
  • Loan providers should notify borrowers of the exact dates for interest accrual and repayment.

Repayment Options and Strategies

  • Different repayment options for federal loans: standard, income-driven, graduated plan.
  • Consider monthly payments, length of loan, total interest paid.
  • Do not turn federal loans into private loans to remain eligible for loan forgiveness.
  • Lowering principal amount reduces interest in the long run.
  • To pay off debt quicker, put extra money towards the principal.

The Importance of Education and Understanding Loan Types

  • Having a college degree is not a waste of time or money, even with the student debt crisis.
  • It’s important to understand the difference between private and federal loans.
  • Interest will begin accruing on federal loans in September, followed by the first debt repayments in October.
  • There are different repayment options for federal loans, each with pros and cons.


Understanding Loan Repayment Strategies and Dates

When it comes to student loan repayment, it’s important to have a plan beyond relying solely on loan forgiveness. While advocacy and voting for student loan forgiveness is important, it may not be a guaranteed solution due to differing political views. Advocating for less predatory financial systems is crucial to address the root causes of the student debt crisis. Additionally, borrowers need to be aware of the upcoming dates for interest accrual and repayment, as federal loans will start accruing interest from September 1st, 2023. Private loan borrowers should also negotiate their interest rates and repayment terms with their loan providers.

Exploring Repayment Options and Strategies

There are different repayment options for federal loans, including standard, income-driven, and graduated plans. Borrowers should consider factors such as monthly payments, the length of the loan, and the total interest paid when choosing a repayment option. It’s important not to convert federal loans into private loans to remain eligible for loan forgiveness. Lowering the principal amount through extra payments can significantly reduce interest in the long run, helping borrowers pay off their debt quicker.

The Value of Education and Loan Types

Despite the student debt crisis, having a college degree is still valuable in terms of career opportunities and earning potential. Understanding the difference between private and federal loans is crucial for borrowers. Federal loans offer more favorable terms compared to private loans. With interest on federal loans starting to accrue in September and repayments beginning in October, borrowers should explore the various repayment options available and weigh the pros and cons of each.


As student loan repayments are approaching, it’s essential for borrowers to be proactive and informed. While loan forgiveness is advocated for, it’s important to have a repayment plan in place and understand the options and strategies available. By advocating for less predatory financial systems and making informed choices, borrowers can navigate the student debt landscape and work towards financial success.

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