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Hidden Brain Podcast / Finding Focus | Hidden Brain Podcast

Finding Focus | Hidden Brain Podcast

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In this episode of the Hidden Brain podcast, titled “Finding Focus,” psychologist Gloria Mark explores the challenges of maintaining focus in an era of constant connectivity. She shares her research on how technology affects our attention spans and offers strategies for achieving greater harmony amidst distractions.

Main Takeaways

The Impact of Constant Connectivity

  • With the rise of smartphones and constant connectivity, it has become challenging to escape the internet and avoid interruptions from emails, text messages, and social media notifications.
  • Technology has made it possible to do remarkable things, but it raises questions about its effects on our minds and attention.

The Consequences of Multitasking and Interruptions

  • People rapidly cycle between activities, often returning to the same apps repeatedly without much to show for it.
  • Information workers check email an average of 77 times a day, with some individuals checking over 400 times a day.
  • Nested interruptions are common, with people being interrupted from their interruptions before returning to the original task.
  • It takes an average of about 25 and a half minutes for individuals to return to their original task after being interrupted.
  • Multitasking leads to more errors, as shown by studies in real work environments.

Strategies for Maintaining Focus

  • Noticing distractions and becoming more conscious of unconscious activities can lead to more intentional actions.
  • Practicing forethought by imagining our future selves can help avoid getting distracted.
  • Visualizing your future self at the end of the day can help stay on task and ward off distractions.
  • Setting concrete goals makes it easier to resist distractions and stay focused.
  • Taking breaks consciously can increase focus capacity.

The Importance of Empty Space

  • Attention rhythms fluctuate during the day, with peak focus times around mid-morning and mid-afternoon for most people.
  • To maximize productivity, individuals should plan tasks requiring intense focus and creativity during peak attention times.
  • Subordinate work during attention valleys: simple tasks that need to be done without much thought.
  • Utilizing empty space for activities like walking, meditation, and contemplation can refresh the mind.


Impact of Constant Connectivity

Gloria Mark’s research highlights the challenges of constant connectivity in today’s digital age. The rise of smartphones and the internet has made it difficult to escape interruptions from emails, text messages, and social media notifications. While technology has enabled remarkable achievements, it also raises concerns about its effects on our minds and attention spans.

Consequences of Multitasking and Interruptions

People’s attention spans have significantly decreased over time, with individuals rapidly switching between activities and frequently checking email. This constant multitasking and interruptions lead to more errors and mental fatigue. It takes considerable time for individuals to refocus on their original tasks after being interrupted, affecting productivity and overall performance.

Strategies for Maintaining Focus

Gloria Mark suggests several strategies for maintaining focus amidst distractions. Noticing distractions and becoming more conscious of unconscious activities can help individuals take more intentional actions. Practicing forethought and visualizing future selves can aid in avoiding distractions and staying on task. Setting concrete goals provides a clear direction and makes it easier to resist distractions. Additionally, taking breaks consciously can increase focus capacity and prevent mental fatigue.

The Importance of Empty Space

Attention rhythms fluctuate throughout the day, with peak focus times in mid-morning and mid-afternoon for most people. It is essential to plan tasks requiring intense focus and creativity during these peak attention times. During attention valleys, individuals can focus on subordinate work that requires less mental effort. Utilizing empty space for activities like walking, meditation, and contemplation can refresh the mind and enhance overall productivity.


In a world filled with constant distractions and interruptions, finding focus has become increasingly challenging. However, by implementing strategies such as noticing distractions, setting concrete goals, and utilizing empty space, individuals can restore balance, happiness, and productivity in their lives. It is crucial to be mindful of our attention spans and take intentional actions to minimize distractions and maintain focus on what truly matters.

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