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Founders / – #304: Sol Price: The Founder Who Taught Jim Sinegal, Sam Walton, Jeff Bezos, Bernie Marcus, and more

Founders – #304: Sol Price: The Founder Who Taught Jim Sinegal, Sam Walton, Jeff Bezos, Bernie Marcus, and more

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In this episode of the “Founders” podcast, the host explores the life and impact of Sol Price, a legendary entrepreneur and founder who influenced some of the biggest names in the retail industry. Sol Price’s innovative ideas and business philosophy continue to shape the way we think about retail today. Join us as we dive into the fascinating story of Sol Price and his lasting legacy.

Main Takeaways

Revolutionary Concepts in Retail

  • Sol Price’s Price Club concept was revolutionary and influential in the retail industry.
  • Many successful retailers, including Walmart and Amazon, borrowed Sol Price’s innovations.
  • Price Club’s strategy of offering a wide range of products at low prices was a powerful idea.
  • Price Club’s warehouse concept and direct delivery from suppliers allowed for lower prices and operating efficiencies.

Influence on Business Ethics and Values

  • Sol Price’s teachings had a great impact on business ethics, core values, and merchandising philosophy at Costco.
  • Sol Price’s leadership qualities engendered admiration and respect from thousands of people he worked with over the years.
  • FedMart broke retail conventions in the 1950s by requiring membership cards for military and government employees.
  • Sol’s business philosophy prioritizes customers, employees, and stockholders in that order.

Lessons from Sol Price’s Life

  • Sol’s biography highlights his unusual and inspiring life story.
  • Sol’s supportive spouse, Helen, provided stability and nurturing that he never experienced with his own family.
  • Choosing the right spouse is life’s most important decision.
  • Adversity shaped Sol’s strong work ethic and fulfillment in being productive.

Learning from Other Entrepreneurs

  • Learning from other founders is key to success, as seen with Sol’s interest in EJ Corvette and the Locker Club.
  • Sol started his own company with only $5,000 while still practicing law.
  • Ignorance can sometimes be a blessing for entrepreneurs who don’t know what they can’t do.
  • Being aggressive in promotion is important to make sure people are aware of a product.

Legacy and Impact

  • Sol Price’s legacy is the ideas he instilled in those around him, creating trillions of dollars of value.
  • Sol Price was a successful businessman and philanthropist who lived the American dream.
  • Sol Price’s son learned valuable life skills from his father, who taught him to be humble, appreciate the unpredictability of life, and care for people.
  • The greatest tribute a father can give his son is leaving the gift of life skills necessary to carry on.


Sol Price: A Revolutionary Retail Visionary

Sol Price, the founder of Price Club, had a profound impact on the retail industry. His Price Club concept, which offered a wide range of products at low prices in a warehouse setting, revolutionized retail and influenced major players like Walmart and Amazon. Price Club’s business philosophy, prioritizing customers, employees, and stockholders in that order, set a new standard for business ethics and values. Sol Price’s leadership qualities and teachings left a lasting impression on those who worked with him, shaping the core values and merchandising philosophy at companies like Costco. His biography highlights his inspiring life story, including the importance of choosing the right spouse and overcoming adversity to build a successful business.

The Power of Learning from Others

Sol Price understood the importance of learning from other entrepreneurs. His interest in EJ Corvette and the Locker Club, as well as his own experiences starting a company with limited resources, taught him valuable lessons about business. Sol Price’s willingness to take risks and his aggressive promotion strategies contributed to his success. He believed in the power of ideas and execution, recognizing that being smart in business doesn’t necessarily guarantee success in other aspects of life. Sol Price’s legacy lies not only in the trillions of dollars of value he created but also in the life skills he instilled in his son, emphasizing humility, adaptability, and caring for others.

A Lasting Legacy

Sol Price’s impact on the retail industry and business ethics cannot be overstated. His innovative concepts and business philosophy continue to shape the way we think about retail today. Sol Price’s emphasis on low prices, limited selection, and teaching employees rather than relying on training manuals set him apart from his competitors. His focus on putting customers first and providing value created a loyal customer base and paved the way for the success of companies like Costco and Sam’s Club. Sol Price’s legacy is not just in his public accomplishments but also in the personal values he instilled in those around him, leaving a lasting impact on the business world.


Sol Price, the founder of Price Club, was a visionary entrepreneur who revolutionized the retail industry. His innovative concepts, emphasis on business ethics, and dedication to providing value to customers continue to influence the way we do business today. Sol Price’s life story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of learning from others, overcoming adversity, and staying true to one’s values. His legacy lives on in the trillions of dollars of value he created and the life skills he passed on to his son. Sol Price’s impact on the retail industry and his commitment to making a difference in people’s lives make him a true legend in the business world.

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