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Founders / – Mike Bloomberg

Founders – Mike Bloomberg

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In this episode of the “Founders” podcast, Mike Bloomberg shares his insights on entrepreneurship, success, and the lessons he learned throughout his career. He recommends a book that has influenced him and discusses the importance of understanding your core product. Mike also delves into the early days of his company and the challenges he faced. Join him in New York City for a live show and get the opportunity to ask him questions.

Main Takeaways

Lessons from “The 38 Letters from Rockefeller to his Son”

  • Rockefeller’s letters teach important lessons on how to become a successful businessman.
  • Lessons include taking risks, entering new mediums, and expanding.
  • Bloomberg emphasizes the importance of not mistaking your product for the device that delivers it.
  • Understanding your core product is crucial for success in any industry.

Michael Bloomberg’s Autobiography

  • Michael Bloomberg’s autobiography, “Bloomberg by Bloomberg,” is an example of unapologetic extremeness and sets the tone from the very beginning.
  • Real entrepreneurs are focused, one-dimensional, and dedicated to their work.
  • Answering to no one is the ultimate situation for a successful businessman.
  • Lessons from the book include taking risks, entering new mediums, and expanding.

Lessons from Michael Bloomberg’s Journey

  • Getting fired can sometimes be the best thing that ever happened to you.
  • Hard work and dedication are necessary for success.
  • Being willing to do anything for your organization can lead to opportunities.
  • Once a chapter of your life is finished, move on and don’t look back.

Entrepreneurship and Success

  • Choosing to be an entrepreneur involves risk, but can lead to happiness.
  • Stop over-analyzing and just take a step forward.
  • Have a vision that is affordable, practical, and fills customer needs.
  • Building a business customers love is the surest way to get rich.

Building Bloomberg and Leveraging Technology

  • Bloomberg’s success came from leveraging media.
  • Combining software, sales, and content marketing can lead to a successful modern company.
  • Investing in the latest technology gives businesses an edge over slower-moving competitors.
  • Bloomberg repurposes information into various media forms to showcase the capabilities of their product.


Lessons from “The 38 Letters from Rockefeller to his Son”

Mike Bloomberg recommends the book “The 38 Letters from Rockefeller to his Son” and highlights the important lessons it teaches on becoming a successful businessman. He emphasizes the need to understand your core product and not mistake it for the device that delivers it. Taking risks, entering new mediums, and expanding are key lessons from the book.

Michael Bloomberg’s Autobiography

Michael Bloomberg’s autobiography, “Bloomberg by Bloomberg,” showcases his unapologetic extremeness and dedication to his work. He shares lessons on entrepreneurship, such as the importance of answering to no one and the need for focus and dedication. The book also emphasizes the significance of taking risks, entering new mediums, and expanding.

Lessons from Michael Bloomberg’s Journey

Mike Bloomberg shares personal experiences and lessons from his journey. He highlights how getting fired can sometimes be a blessing in disguise and lead to new opportunities. Hard work, dedication, and the willingness to do anything for your organization are essential for success. Bloomberg also emphasizes the importance of moving on from past chapters and embracing new challenges.

Entrepreneurship and Success

Bloomberg discusses the risks and rewards of choosing entrepreneurship over traditional employment. He encourages listeners to stop over-analyzing and take action, emphasizing the importance of having a vision that is affordable, practical, and meets customer needs. Building a business that customers love is the key to financial success.

Building Bloomberg and Leveraging Technology

Mike Bloomberg shares insights into the growth of Bloomberg as a company and the importance of leveraging technology. He highlights the combination of software, sales, and content marketing as a recipe for success in the modern business world. Bloomberg also emphasizes the advantages of investing in the latest technology to stay ahead of competitors. Repurposing information into various media forms showcases the capabilities of their product.


Mike Bloomberg’s journey and insights provide valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. Understanding your core product, taking risks, and embracing new opportunities are key to success. Hard work, dedication, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are essential traits. By leveraging technology and focusing on customer needs, entrepreneurs can build successful businesses. So, take a step forward, embrace challenges, and create your own path to success.

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