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Freakonomics / – 547. Satya Nadella’s Intelligence Is Not Artificial

Freakonomics – 547. Satya Nadella’s Intelligence Is Not Artificial

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In this episode of Freakonomics, host Stephen Dubner interviews Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, to discuss his leadership philosophy, the advancements in artificial intelligence, and the future of technology.

Main Takeaways

Satya Nadella’s Leadership and Microsoft’s Success

  • Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, has worked at the company for over 30 years and has invested heavily in growth areas like cloud computing.
  • Under Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft has come roaring back and is now the second most valuable company in the world.
  • Nadella’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, with a business model aligned with the world doing well.
  • Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, was named the best American CEO due to his ability to invest in AI and cloud computing opportunities.
  • Nadella invested $25 billion in R&D each year, twice as much as the average firm invests.
  • Nadella expanded Microsoft’s footprint in cloud computing with their own company, Azure platform, and commercial cloud business.
  • Nadella’s revenue grew 42% over the past year due to his investments.
  • Nadella embraces a collaborative model over a competitive model, as seen in Microsoft’s partnership with Apple devices.
  • Growing overall share of the pie is possible when the pie itself is becoming bigger.
  • Microsoft embraces collaboration over competition but still engages in zero-sum competitive battles for innovation and consumer surplus.
  • Microsoft’s successful acquisitions include LinkedIn, GitHub, nuance, Zenimax, and Minecraft.
  • Microsoft’s attempted acquisition of TikTok was strange due to the circumstances surrounding it.
  • The roles of CEO and board chair can sometimes be at odds due to potential conflicts of interest.
  • The chair role is more about program managing the board and coordinating agendas, while the governance of the board is with the independent directors.
  • Microsoft’s board has a good format for discussing ideas and feedback, with a living document capturing their strategy and performance.
  • Satya Nadella takes the succession plan seriously and considers it a significant job of his to surface talent and have conversations with the board of directors.
  • Nadella believes that building institutional strength is crucial, and he is suspicious of leaders who claim that everything was terrible before their time and will be terrible after they leave.
  • The next CEO of Microsoft will be appointed by the lead independent directors of Microsoft and not by Nadella.

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

  • Microsoft invested $13 billion in OpenAI for a reported 49% stake in the company and integrated OpenAI’s tech into many of their products, including Bing.
  • Microsoft’s chatbot GPT integrated into Bing has put the company back in the game, and Google is trying to play catch-up with its own chatbot called Bard.
  • Chat GPT is a large language model that takes in vast amounts of data from all over the internet so it can learn how to read and answer questions like a really smart human.
  • The more we ask chat GPT to answer questions or summarize arguments or plan itineraries, the more finely tuned it gets.
  • Bing is part of chat GPT and chat is part of Bing, so it doesn’t matter which entry point you come to, you will have Bing.
  • Microsoft bet big on OpenAI, the firm behind chat GPT, with an early investment of a billion dollars, and much more since then.
  • Microsoft is applying transformer models for product building, with the first real product effort being GitHub Copilot.
  • The scaling effects of GPT-3 are showing promise.
  • Chat GPT has given Microsoft competitive momentum in the search market.
  • Chat GPT’s cross-lingual understanding captures the depth of poetry in translations.
  • Technology, including AI, can contribute to what Heidegger called the forgetting of Being.
  • Leaders across the tech industry warn that mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority.
  • Microsoft has been working on provisions to best govern AI, including safety breaks for AI systems and transparency for academic researchers.
  • The biggest unsolved problem is ensuring that AI never goes beyond the control of its human inventors.
  • A “Sun-like” project is needed for academics, corporations, and governments to solve the alignment problem and accelerate AI safety.
  • AI safety is a critical part of all product making, and all actors must think about safety.
  • Microsoft has doubled down on AI safety, with all 200,000 employees working on products thinking about it.
  • Concentration of AI technology within few firms and institutions could lead to political and economic oppression, history has shown us this.

Satya Nadella’s Personal Reflections and Succession Plan

  • Satya Nadella reflects on the loss of his son Zane and the support system that helped him and his wife through it.
  • Nadella is thankful for the kindness of people and institutions that were a part of Zane’s life and their lives.
  • Satya Nadella takes the succession plan seriously and considers it a significant job of his to surface talent and have conversations with the board of directors.
  • Nadella believes that building institutional strength is crucial, and he is suspicious of leaders who claim that everything was terrible before their time and will be terrible after they leave.
  • The next CEO of Microsoft will be appointed by the lead independent directors of Microsoft and not by Nadella.


Satya Nadella’s Leadership and Microsoft’s Success

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, has transformed the company through his investments in growth areas like cloud computing. Under his leadership, Microsoft has become the second most valuable company in the world. Nadella’s mission is to empower every person and organization to achieve more, with a business model aligned with the world’s well-being. He embraces collaboration and has successfully expanded Microsoft’s presence in cloud computing. However, he also recognizes the importance of competition and engages in strategic battles for innovation and consumer surplus. Microsoft’s board has a strong format for discussing ideas and feedback, and the next CEO will be appointed by the lead independent directors.

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft has made significant investments in artificial intelligence, particularly through its partnership with OpenAI. The integration of OpenAI’s chatbot, GPT, into Bing has given Microsoft a competitive advantage in the search market. Chat GPT, a large language model, continuously learns from vast amounts of data and improves its ability to answer questions and summarize arguments. Microsoft is applying transformer models for product building, with GitHub Copilot being a notable example. However, the ethical implications and potential risks of AI are also a concern. Microsoft is actively working on provisions to govern AI and ensure it remains under human control.

Satya Nadella’s Personal Reflections and Succession Plan

Satya Nadella reflects on the loss of his son and the support system that helped him through the difficult time. He acknowledges the kindness of people and institutions involved in his son’s life. Nadella takes the succession plan seriously and believes in building institutional strength. He is wary of leaders who claim sole credit for success and emphasizes the importance of talent and board conversations. The next CEO of Microsoft will be appointed by the lead independent directors, highlighting the company’s commitment to a robust selection process.


Satya Nadella’s leadership has propelled Microsoft to new heights, with a focus on empowering individuals and organizations through technology. His investments in AI and cloud computing have driven the company’s success, and he remains committed to ensuring the responsible development and governance of AI. Nadella’s personal reflections and approach to succession planning demonstrate his dedication to building a strong and sustainable organization. As Microsoft continues to innovate and collaborate, the future of technology looks promising under Nadella’s leadership.

Next time on the show, Freakonomics Radio will explore the idea of the marriage market and why people misunderstand dating services.

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