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Freakonomics / – 556. A.I. Is Changing Everything. Does That Include You?

Freakonomics – 556. A.I. Is Changing Everything. Does That Include You?

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In this episode of the Freakonomics podcast, host Stephen Dubner explores the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on various industries and job markets. He delves into the role of prompt engineers, the development of large language models (LLMs), and the potential benefits and risks associated with AI. Dubner also discusses how AI can be utilized in entrepreneurship and the importance of setting rules and guidelines for its use.

Main Takeaways

The Rise of Prompt Engineers

  • The prompt engineer is a new job that acts as the linguistic intermediary between user input and AI output.
  • The prompt engineer designs filters to avoid offensive content and to provide context for the AI.
  • AI in its raw form is not always great at understanding what humans want, which is where the prompt engineer comes in to provide details and context.
  • The prompt engineer job is an example of how new technology creates new jobs that nobody could have imagined.
  • The prompt engineer’s superpower is being precise about language and providing details that most people don’t think to type in.
  • Prompt engineering is a new job created by AI and is becoming popular, with many listings on job boards paying over $100,000 a year.

The Power of Large Language Models

  • Large language models (LLMs) are a new generation of AI programs that use trillions of data points to generate text.
  • LLMs are created and managed by a team of people, with the original work on GPT3 done by only three people.
  • Dario Amade, former VP of research at OpenAI, is now CEO of an AI company called Anthropic.
  • Anthropic aims to scale up AI systems while prioritizing safety and controllability.
  • The company has raised billions of dollars from venture capitalists and Google, which owns 10% of the company.
  • Anthropic aims to create the dominant large language model (LLM) in the world, surpassing OpenAI.
  • The LLM chatbot created by Anthropic is named Claude and is currently being developed by a team of around 35 people.
  • Building an LLM involves feeding a large language model trillions of words of content and gradually teaching it to understand language, grammar, and basic facts.

The Ethical Challenges of AI

  • AI models are often compared to children, with some being newborns and others being naive about the world.
  • The hard work in AI companies comes after building the large language model, which takes months and costs over $100 million.
  • Open AI spent months getting GPT-4 to stop being offensive, violent, and useless through human intervention.
  • Anthropics uses a method called constitutional AI, which involves training the model to follow a set of principles and having another model check its actions against those principles.
  • Claude’s constitution is about five pages long and draws principles from the UN Declaration on Human Rights and Apple’s terms of service. Its aim is to respect human rights.
  • AI should be taught to tell right from wrong, and Claude’s constitution could help clear that hurdle.
  • Machines may be able to solve complex problems in biology that humans cannot fully understand.
  • AI has incredible upsides, but there are also fears of bad actors using it to develop biological weapons.

AI in Entrepreneurship

  • AI can be helpful in entrepreneurship by providing guidance and overcoming inertia.
  • AI can suggest reasonable steps to pursue an idea.
  • AI can help with initial testing by acting as a potential customer.
  • AI can be a useful tool for small business owners.
  • Ideation is an important phase in entrepreneurship and AI can help in fleshing out ideas.
  • AI can generate a large number of ideas and variations quickly and efficiently.
  • Providing context and interacting with the AI can improve the quality of generated ideas.
  • AI-generated ideas can be refined and developed further by interacting with the AI.


The Role of Prompt Engineers and the Power of Large Language Models

The rise of prompt engineers highlights the need for linguistic intermediaries between users and AI. These engineers design filters and provide context to ensure AI output aligns with user expectations. Large language models (LLMs) are at the forefront of AI development, utilizing trillions of data points to generate text. Companies like Anthropic aim to create dominant LLMs, with their chatbot Claude being a prime example. Building LLMs involves extensive training and refining, with ethical challenges arising in terms of offensive content and the need for AI to adhere to principles.

AI in Entrepreneurship and the Potential of AI-Generated Ideas

AI has the potential to revolutionize entrepreneurship by providing guidance, suggesting steps, and acting as a thought partner. Entrepreneurs can utilize AI to expand the range of possibilities and generate a large number of ideas quickly. By interacting with AI and providing context, entrepreneurs can refine and develop these ideas further. However, it is essential to ensure that AI-generated ideas align with the entrepreneur’s knowledge and goals.

The Future of AI and Its Impact on Jobs and Industries

AI’s impact on jobs, companies, and industries is inevitable and will bring both positive and negative changes. Prompt engineers and AI-related roles are emerging as new job opportunities, showcasing how technology creates previously unimaginable positions. However, concerns regarding AI’s ethical implications, potential misuse, and the need for safety and controllability remain. Setting rules and guidelines for AI’s use is crucial in harnessing its benefits while mitigating risks.


As AI continues to advance, its transformative power becomes increasingly evident. From prompt engineers shaping AI output to the development of large language models, AI is changing the way we interact with technology. While challenges and ethical considerations persist, the potential for AI to enhance entrepreneurship, education, and problem-solving is immense. By understanding AI’s capabilities and setting guidelines for its use, we can harness its power for the betterment of society.

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