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My First Million / From High School Dropout To $952 Million At 33 | My First Million

From High School Dropout To $952 Million At 33 | My First Million

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, Jess Ma, a successful entrepreneur with 10 companies worth $950 million, shares her journey from high school dropout to building groundbreaking biotech companies. She provides valuable insights on overcoming self-doubt, securing funding, and navigating the path to success. The episode also explores the importance of mindset, lifestyle, and financial aspects of entrepreneurship. The host highlights the significance of personal connections and face-to-face interactions in business, while discussing various topics such as tax optimization, health optimization, and the future of science and technology.

Main Takeaways

Jess Ma’s Entrepreneurial Journey

  • Jess Ma started a server business as a teenager and made significant profits, setting the stage for her future success.
  • Despite struggling in school and dropping out, she overcame self-doubt and fear to pursue big, bold changes.
  • Her journey from rock bottom to building biotech companies offers valuable insights on resilience and determination.

Insights on Funding and Navigating the Path to Success

  • Jess Ma shares her experiences and strategies for meeting scientists, securing funding, and building successful ventures.
  • She emphasizes the importance of having internal conversations to address fears and insecurities about starting something new.
  • Embracing being a beginner and committing to learning and improving over time are key to entrepreneurial success.

Mindset and Financial Aspects of Entrepreneurship

  • Jess Ma openly discusses lifestyle and financial aspects of success, including owning a jet and tax write-offs.
  • She highlights the importance of mindset and overcoming the fear of failure in pursuing ambitious goals.
  • The episode explores the concept of personal hold co models in entrepreneurship and the value of building genuine relationships.

The Future of Science and Technology

  • The episode delves into exciting possibilities in science and technology, such as test tube babies using genetic material and artificial embryo generation.
  • Bold science and the importance of taking a different approach to solving problems are discussed.
  • The potential for extending human lifespan and enhancing quality of life through scientific advancements is explored.

The Power of Personal Connections and Face-to-Face Interactions

  • The host emphasizes the significance of meeting successful entrepreneurs in person and building genuine relationships.
  • Examples are shared, highlighting the impact of personal connections and face-to-face interactions in business.
  • The value of attending conferences outside one’s industry and broadening areas of interest is discussed.


Jess Ma’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Jess Ma’s journey from high school dropout to building biotech companies is a testament to her resilience and determination. Despite struggling in school and dropping out, she started a server business as a teenager and made significant profits. This early success paved the way for her future endeavors. She shares valuable insights on overcoming self-doubt and fear, emphasizing the importance of embracing big, bold changes.

Insights on Funding and Navigating the Path to Success

Jess Ma provides valuable insights on meeting scientists, securing funding, and navigating the path to success. She encourages entrepreneurs to have internal conversations to address fears and insecurities about starting something new. Embracing being a beginner and committing to continuous learning and improvement are crucial for entrepreneurial success. Jess Ma’s experiences and strategies offer practical guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Mindset and Financial Aspects of Entrepreneurship

Jess Ma openly discusses lifestyle and financial aspects of success, including owning a jet and utilizing tax write-offs. She emphasizes the importance of mindset in achieving success and overcoming the fear of failure. The episode explores the concept of personal hold co models in entrepreneurship, highlighting the value of building genuine relationships beyond seeking financial support. Jess Ma’s insights provide a holistic perspective on the mindset and financial aspects of entrepreneurship.

The Future of Science and Technology

The episode delves into exciting possibilities in science and technology. Jess Ma discusses advancements such as test tube babies using genetic material, artificial embryo generation, and extending human lifespan. The importance of taking a bold approach to scientific research and partnering with scientists is emphasized. The future holds tremendous potential for improving quality of life through groundbreaking innovations in science and technology.

The Power of Personal Connections and Face-to-Face Interactions

The host highlights the significance of personal connections and face-to-face interactions in business. Examples are shared, illustrating the impact of meeting successful entrepreneurs in person and building genuine relationships. Attending conferences outside one’s industry and broadening areas of interest are encouraged as ways to gain fresh perspectives and unexpected business opportunities. The episode underscores the value of personal connections and meaningful conversations for gaining wisdom and insights.


Jess Ma’s journey from high school dropout to building biotech companies serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. Her insights on funding, mindset, and the future of science and technology provide valuable guidance for those seeking success in the business world. The episode also highlights the significance of personal connections and face-to-face interactions in fostering meaningful relationships and gaining insights. Overall, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for individuals looking to make their mark in entrepreneurship.

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