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The Daily Stoic / Here’s The Deal | Balance The Books Of Life | The Daily Stoic

Here’s The Deal | Balance The Books Of Life | The Daily Stoic

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the host discusses the true essence of Thanksgiving and the importance of avoiding the materialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Inspired by ancient Stoics, the podcast offers daily meditations to help listeners improve themselves.

Main Takeaways

Practicing Gratitude and Giving

  • The essence of Christianity and Stoicism is the idea of being a blessing to others, giving freely, and returning the gifts we have received in life.
  • Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations” emphasizes actively helping others and being fortunate enough to help many people.
  • The podcast invites the audience to join in putting energy towards helping people instead of engaging in consumerism.

Supporting Feeding America

  • The host highlights the disparity in access to food and the opportunity and obligation to help those in need.
  • The Daily Stoic community aims to raise $300,000 to provide 3 million meals through Feeding America, with every dollar raised providing 10 meals.
  • The audience is encouraged to contribute to something bigger than themselves and embody the principles of Stoicism by participating in the fundraising effort.

Journaling for Personal Growth

  • Journaling is a way to gather life’s experiences, insights, frustrations, and triumphs, and make a reckoning of our progress on life’s way.
  • Rather than postponing, the impulse should be to bring things as much as possible to completion, as we never know what tomorrow might bring.
  • Give yourself credit for the journey you’re on and reflect on how far you have come and how far you have left to go.
  • Seneca emphasizes the importance of preparing our minds as if we’ve come to the end of life and balancing life’s books each day.
  • Epictetus urges to diligently practice and complete the work to achieve freedom and happiness.
  • Journaling captures day-to-day improvement and the work put into personal growth.
  • Small, consistent efforts in journaling, reading, and conversations contribute to progress, as “many Michaels make a muckel”.
  • Small steps lead to progress and growth, even if they may not feel significant in the moment.
  • Journaling can be a valuable and impactful addition to one’s routine.

Podcast Information

  • The “Daily Stoic” podcast is available early and ad-free on Amazon Music for Prime members, and on Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts.
  • “Over the Top” is a new podcast covering sports and pop culture using royal rumble rules, available on the OneDrew app or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • “Over the Top” is not a wrestling podcast, but it is inspired by wrestling.


Practicing Gratitude and Giving

In this episode, the host emphasizes the importance of reflecting on the true essence of Thanksgiving and avoiding the materialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Drawing from the principles of Christianity and Stoicism, the host highlights the idea of being a blessing to others and giving freely. Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations” is referenced to emphasize the significance of actively helping others and the fortune of being able to make a positive impact on many lives. The podcast invites the audience to shift their focus from consumerism to putting energy towards helping people, embodying the core principles of Stoicism.

Supporting Feeding America

The host brings attention to the disparity in access to food and highlights the opportunity and obligation to help those in need. The Daily Stoic community aims to raise $300,000 to provide 3 million meals through Feeding America, with each dollar raised providing 10 meals. Listeners are encouraged to contribute to this cause, emphasizing the importance of participating in something bigger than oneself and embodying the principles of Stoicism through action. International listeners are directed to Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organization providing similar assistance across nearly 50 countries.

Journaling for Personal Growth

The practice of journaling is explored as a means of gathering life’s experiences, insights, frustrations, and triumphs. The host encourages listeners to bring things to completion rather than postponing, as tomorrow is uncertain. Reflecting on one’s journey and acknowledging progress made is emphasized, drawing inspiration from Seneca’s teachings on preparing the mind as if life were coming to an end and balancing life’s books each day. Epictetus’ teachings on diligently practicing and completing the work to achieve freedom and happiness are also discussed. Journaling is seen as a way to capture day-to-day improvement and the effort put into personal growth. The importance of small, consistent efforts in journaling, reading, and conversations is highlighted, as they contribute to overall progress and growth.

Podcast Information

Listeners are informed that “The Daily Stoic” podcast is available early and ad-free on Amazon Music for Prime members, as well as on Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Additionally, the host shares information about another podcast called “Over the Top,” which covers sports and pop culture using royal rumble rules. The “Over the Top” podcast is available on the OneDrew app or wherever podcasts are found. Although not a wrestling podcast, it draws inspiration from the world of wrestling.


This episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast reminds listeners of the true essence of Thanksgiving and the importance of giving and helping others. It encourages reflection on personal growth through journaling and emphasizes the value of small, consistent efforts. The fundraising effort to support Feeding America is highlighted, inviting listeners to contribute to something bigger than themselves and embody the principles of Stoicism. Overall, the episode offers valuable insights and practical guidance for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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