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PBD Podcast / Home Team | PBD Podcast | Ep. 329 | PBD Podcast

Home Team | PBD Podcast | Ep. 329 | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, the host covers a wide range of topics, including shifting Las Vegas odds on presidential candidates, a new formula for cleaning up homelessness, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson discussing politics on Joe Rogan’s podcast, speculation of a civil war within the Daily Wire, and a billionaire’s prediction that Miami may replace New York City as the financial capital of the world. The episode also delves into migrants fleeing Chicago for Venezuela, high jobless claims in the US, a drop in retail sales, and the importance of having home conversations at the kitchen table. Join the host as they provide insights and analysis on these intriguing subjects.

Main Takeaways

Presidential Odds and Homelessness

  • Las Vegas odds on presidential candidates have shifted dramatically.
  • A new formula for cleaning up homelessness in a week is discussed.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Daily Wire Speculation

  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson discusses politics on Joe Rogan’s podcast.
  • Speculation of a civil war within the Daily Wire arises.

Miami’s Rise and Migrants Fleeing Chicago

  • A billionaire predicts Miami may replace New York City as the financial capital of the world.
  • Migrants are reportedly fleeing Chicago for Venezuela due to unpleasant living conditions.

Notable Meetings and Threats

  • GJ Ping seen having dinner with Tim Cook, Steven Schwarzman, and Elon Musk.
  • Barbara Streisand threatens to leave the US if Trump becomes president.

Economic Indicators and Investment Advice

  • US jobless claims rise to the highest in almost two years.
  • Retail sales drop in October, indicating trouble for commercial real estate.
  • American Hartford Gold offers physical gold or silver delivery for retirement funds.

Twitter Exchanges and Faith-Politics Discussions

  • Biden’s comments about G being a dictator went viral on Twitter.
  • Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro had an exchange on Twitter about her potential resignation.
  • The conversation on the exchange between Owens and Shapiro centered around faith and politics.

Home Conversations and Respectful Dialogue

  • The speaker recommends having a portion of one’s portfolio in gold for access in case of emergencies.
  • The speaker discusses an exchange between two individuals about money and God.
  • Quotes from the Bible are mentioned, including “Blessed are the peacemakers”.
  • One individual suggests having a portion of one’s portfolio in gold for emergencies.
  • The conversation should have been handled privately instead of publicly.
  • The importance of having home conversations at the kitchen table is emphasized for healthy relationships.
  • Public feuds between colleagues should be avoided and handled in private.

Israel, Humanity, and Compassion

  • There is a disconnect between those who support Israel and those who question or oppose it.
  • It is important to have respectful conversations and not resort to airing dirty laundry on social media.
  • Both sides should be on the side of not wanting innocent people to die.
  • Beliefs should not be above humanity and compassion.

Controversial Comments and Authentic Leadership

  • Ben Shapiro’s controversial comments about vaccines went viral.
  • Beliefs should not be above humanity and compassion.
  • It’s important to be aware of cameras and assume everything is being recorded.
  • Candace Owens has a strong opinion and businesses should research their hires before making public decisions.

Miami’s Potential as a Financial Hub

  • Miami has the potential to replace New York as the world’s financial capital, according to billionaire Citadel founder Ken Griffin.
  • Miami’s emergence is due to its international and diverse population, especially wealthy individuals from Latin America and South America.
  • Miami’s favorable tax situation and climate are attracting people from big blue cities like New York and LA.
  • Miami is not meant to replace Wall Street, but rather become another significant hub.
  • Mayor Francis Suarez and the city’s leadership are creating a favorable climate for business and investment in Miami.

Migrants Fleeing Chicago and Commercial Real Estate Troubles

  • Thousands of migrants sent to Chicago from Texas as part of a sanctuary city policy are reportedly fleeing back to Venezuela due to harsh living conditions.
  • Chicago’s harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and crime issues have made many migrants decide to return home.
  • Despite the challenges, more than 20,000 migrants arrived in Chicago last year, seeking asylum due to unstable conditions in their home countries.
  • The unintended consequences of open borders have led to human suffering and taxing of resources in cities like Chicago.
  • Mezzanine loans in commercial real estate are in trouble, with a surge in defaults due to rising interest rates and increasing vacancies.
  • Mezzanine loans have played a substantial role in various property types, including office buildings and apartments.
  • The commercial real estate crisis is starting to see banks foreclosing on properties due to missed payments and bankruptcies.
  • COVID-19 work-from-home policies and economic downturn are contributing factors.

Economic Indicators and Political Implications

  • US continuing jobless claims have risen to the highest level in almost two years.
  • Declining home builder sentiment and retail sales drop in October are contributing to speculation among traders that the Federal Reserve may have concluded its interest rate hikes.
  • Cooling of the economy is here and a soft Q4 is here, with a recession predicted to happen in the middle of Q1 to the middle of Q2 next year.
  • Job claims are sustaining themselves for jobless claims and the number of jobs being built is down.
  • Economy is in the midst of a contraction and what will come with it is a slow, steady growth in unemployment, culminating in a 5% rate halfway through Q1 and a recession.
  • Layoffs are starting and it’s not going to be a wave, but contraction.

China’s Streets and US-China Relations

  • China’s streets are clean and well-maintained, with many flags representing the country.
  • San Francisco’s streets were once dirty but have been cleaned up, with no American or pride flags in sight.
  • The city has put up barriers to prevent homeless people from sleeping on the streets.
  • It took the visit of a foreign leader for the city to clean up its streets, despite ongoing issues with homelessness and drug use.
  • There are concerns about the relationship between California Governor Gavin Newsom and China, and the potential implications for the future.
  • President Biden’s response to a question about China during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping caused concern among some observers.
  • The meeting between the US and China was about restoring confidence in the Chinese economy.
  • The Chinese Communist Party’s core foreign policy is to become the dominant country in the world and counter the US.
  • The CCP’s treatment of those who speak out against them, such as Jack Ma, is a cause for concern.
  • The US-China relationship can only be adversaries or partners, with no middle ground.
  • The dinner between US and Chinese executives focused on stabilizing general relationships, military contact, and working on the fentanyl situation.
  • The conservation of pandas was one of the main topics discussed.
  • China’s treatment of those who speak out against them, such as Jack Ma, is a cause for concern.
  • The executives at the dinner had a total net worth of $760 billion.
  • China wants to be an unconstrained trading partner with the US.
  • China wants to either be full partners or full adversaries with the US.
  • Free trade is only fair if currencies are balanced, which China’s is not.
  • Investigation into COVID could affect the partnership between China and the US.
  • The concept of law and order is important for holding people accountable.
  • China needs to be held accountable for the investigation into COVID.
  • The definition of partnership can vary between countries.
  • Negotiating what a partnership means gives one organization control over the other.
  • The US-China relationship is not balanced and China benefits more.
  • China is not a friend to the US, but competition doesn’t have to lead to conflict.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Potential Political Career

  • Dwayne Johnson was on Joe Rogan’s podcast discussing politics and his potential run for presidency.
  • Johnson believes that in the past, people could have friends with different political beliefs without it being a big deal.
  • Johnson has friends who support both Trump and Biden, but clarifies that he himself is a Republican and has friends loyal to the party.
  • The challenge with Johnson is that he wants to keep Hollywood happy while also being a center-right, pro-America, pro-military, pro-hard work, and pro-family person.
  • Johnson knows that if he comes out as a Republican, he risks losing a large portion of his audience in Hollywood.
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is considering running for office, which he finds surreal.
  • He is one of the most recognizable faces in the world, with a likable and entertaining persona.
  • To run for office, he would need to take a position and have opinions on policies.
  • Johnson’s camp may be running polls to determine which party he should run for, but the decision should be based on his personal beliefs.
  • Authenticity is key, and if Johnson is straight up about his beliefs, he could earn respect as a leader.
  • Barack Obama and Joe Biden have different speaking styles, with Obama doing more of the talking.
  • The speaker believes that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s political beliefs are influenced by his Hollywood connections.
  • The speaker thinks that The Rock is a center-right person at his core, but has to play the leftist in Hollywood.
  • John Cena had to apologize in Mandarin after making a comment about Taiwan, which shows that anyone can be bought.
  • Leadership should be authentic and not compromise beliefs for the sake of popularity.
  • The importance of staying in one’s lane and not getting involved in politics.
  • The potential consequences of endorsing a political candidate, including damage to one’s career and reputation.
  • The idea that conversations about politics likely take place off camera every day in every country.
  • The notion that authenticity in leadership is crucial and compromising one’s beliefs for popularity is not advisable.
  • The use of non-English words and phrases in the text, including “Ni Bu Ke Yi Fang Song” (meaning “you cannot relax”) and “Poons” (likely a misspelling of “Putin”).
  • Leadership is about being authentic and knowing what you are defending, changing, and creating.
  • Conversations happen all the time, but true leadership means putting yourself in the position to defend, change, and create.
  • The key to running for office is having authentic passions and knowing what you want to do.
  • The speakers suggest having a debate or discussion using quotes from both the Old and New Testaments.
  • The podcast will cover more stories in the next episode, airing at 9 am.


Presidential Odds and Homelessness

The episode starts with a discussion on the shifting Las Vegas odds on presidential candidates. This highlights the unpredictable nature of politics and the importance of staying informed. The host also introduces a new formula for cleaning up homelessness in a week, offering a potential solution to a pressing issue.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Daily Wire Speculation

The conversation shifts to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, where he discusses politics and his potential run for presidency. This sparks speculation about a potential civil war within the Daily Wire, showcasing the divisions within conservative media.

Miami’s Rise and Migrants Fleeing Chicago

The episode explores a billionaire’s prediction that Miami may replace New York City as the financial capital of the world. This highlights the changing dynamics of the global economy and the potential impact on major cities. Additionally, the host discusses the concerning trend of migrants fleeing Chicago for Venezuela due to unpleasant living conditions, shedding light on the complexities of immigration policies and their consequences.

Notable Meetings and Threats

The host shares news about GJ Ping having dinner with prominent figures such as Tim Cook, Steven Schwarzman, and Elon Musk. This showcases the intersections of power and influence in various industries. Additionally, Barbara Streisand’s threat to leave the US if Trump becomes president raises questions about the role of celebrities in politics and the impact of their statements.

Economic Indicators and Investment Advice

The episode covers economic indicators such as rising jobless claims in the US and a drop in retail sales, indicating potential challenges for the economy. The host also highlights American Hartford Gold’s offering of physical gold or silver delivery for retirement funds, providing an alternative investment option for listeners to consider.

Twitter Exchanges and Faith-Politics Discussions

The conversation shifts to Twitter exchanges between prominent figures such as Biden and Candace Owens, focusing on their discussions about politics and potential resignations. The host delves into the intersection of faith and politics, emphasizing the importance of respectful dialogue and private conversations to maintain healthy relationships.

Home Conversations and Respectful Dialogue

The episode emphasizes the significance of having home conversations at the kitchen table, where personal and sensitive topics can be discussed in a safe and respectful environment. The host highlights the importance of avoiding public feuds between colleagues and handling disagreements privately, fostering better understanding and collaboration.

Israel, Humanity, and Compassion

The conversation touches on the disconnect between those who support Israel and those who question or oppose it. The host emphasizes the need for respectful conversations and the recognition that both sides share the common goal of not wanting innocent people to suffer. The importance of compassion and humanity in political discussions is underscored.

Controversial Comments and Authentic Leadership

The episode delves into the controversy surrounding Ben Shapiro’s comments about vaccines, highlighting the potential consequences of expressing controversial beliefs. The host emphasizes the importance of authenticity in leadership and the need to prioritize humanity and compassion over personal beliefs. The impact of social media and the importance of being mindful of recorded conversations are also discussed.

Miami’s Potential as a Financial Hub

The host explores the potential of Miami to become a significant financial hub, drawing attention to the city’s international and diverse population. The favorable tax situation and climate attract wealthy individuals from Latin America and South America. The leadership of Mayor Francis Suarez and the city’s efforts to create a favorable business climate are also highlighted.

Migrants Fleeing Chicago and Commercial Real Estate Troubles

The episode discusses the challenges faced by migrants sent to Chicago from Texas as part of a sanctuary city policy. The harsh living conditions, lack of infrastructure, and crime issues prompt many migrants to return to their home countries. The unintended consequences of open borders and the strain on resources in cities like Chicago are examined. The host also delves into the troubles in the commercial real estate market, including mezzanine loan defaults and foreclosures.

Economic Indicators and Political Implications

The conversation highlights rising jobless claims in the US, indicating economic challenges. The declining home builder sentiment and drop in retail sales raise speculation about the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes. The host discusses the potential implications of these economic indicators and predicts a recession in the near future. The impact on unemployment and layoffs is also examined.

China’s Streets and US-China Relations

The episode explores the clean and well-maintained streets of China, contrasting them with the issues of homelessness and drug use in San Francisco. The host raises concerns about the relationship between California Governor Gavin Newsom and China, highlighting the potential implications for the future. The US-China relationship, China’s foreign policy goals, and the treatment of dissenting voices are also discussed.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Potential Political Career

The host analyzes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s potential political career, focusing on his appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast and his discussions about politics and his Republican beliefs. The challenges of maintaining a Hollywood career while expressing center-right views are explored. The importance of authenticity in leadership and the potential consequences of compromising beliefs for popularity are emphasized.


The PBD Podcast episode covers a wide range of topics, from shifting presidential odds to homelessness solutions, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s political aspirations, Miami’s rise as a financial hub, and challenges in Chicago and the commercial real estate market. The host provides insightful analysis and encourages respectful dialogue, authenticity in leadership, and informed decision-making. Tune in to the next episode for more engaging stories and discussions.

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