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Home Team | PBD Podcast | Ep. 330 | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Pat Bet-David discusses a wide range of topics, including controversial tweets from Elon Musk, the shift in Snoop Dogg’s cannabis consumption habits, Dana White’s refusal to remove a video supporting Trump, the bankruptcy of Miss Universe, and much more. Join Pat Bet-David as he delves into these current events and offers his insights and opinions.

Main Takeaways

Elon Musk Controversial Tweet

  • Elon Musk faces backlash for endorsing an anti-Semitic post on Twitter.
  • Tesla investors and customers are calling for Musk’s resignation.
  • IBM suspends advertising on X due to Musk’s comments about white pride.
  • Musk’s careless response on social media can negatively impact his brand and investments.

Snoop Dogg’s Shift in Cannabis Consumption Habits

  • Snoop Dogg announces he’s giving up smoking weed.
  • Despite the announcement, fans remain doubtful and speculate it’s a promotional stunt.
  • Snoop Dogg previously rumored to have someone roll 75 to 150 joints for him daily.
  • Snoop Dogg’s shift in cannabis consumption habits earlier this year due to being a grandfather.
  • Cheech and Chong’s shift from smoking to pushing edibles in recent years.
  • Snoop Dogg’s social media marketing for his edibles is not targeted and is being spammed everywhere.
  • Snoop Dogg is an entrepreneur and capitalist underneath it all and sees the potential in the edible market.
  • Snoop Dogg’s move from smoking to edibles is part of a publicity stunt and a money play.
  • Snoop Dogg’s previous affiliation with gangsters and his current marketing of wine at Target shows his ability to pivot and market himself in different ways.
  • If Snoop Dogg were to quit smoking and go on a tour encouraging others to do the same, he could have a significant impact on the industry.

Dana White’s Bold Move with a Sponsor

  • Dana White refused to take down a video supporting Trump, despite being asked by a sponsor to do so.
  • Thio Wong shared a story about Peloton asking for an episode to be taken down, and Dana called them out for it.
  • Dana’s actions empower content creators to not allow sponsors to bully them.
  • It can be difficult for smaller creators to stand up to sponsors, but those with more visibility have more power.
  • Business owners with basic visibility can still have an impact on their community by sharing their beliefs.
  • Business owners can share their beliefs without fear of being silenced or losing sponsorships.
  • Dana White has always been consistent in his beliefs.
  • Standing up for what you believe in can have financial consequences.

Miss Universe Company Goes Bankrupt

  • Miss Universe company goes bankrupt after accepting a transgender contestant.
  • Emily Austin argues against transgender women competing in pageants like Miss Universe, stating it goes against women’s empowerment.
  • The name “Miss Universe” implies the competition is for women, and some argue that transgender women do not have a “true” feminine story.
  • There is controversy surrounding the transgender owner and organizers of Miss Universe.

Target’s Stock Surge and China’s Home Prices Drop

  • Target’s stock surges despite sales decline.
  • China’s home prices experience a significant drop.

Other Notable Topics

  • YouTube’s AI tool that mimics vocals of famous artists.
  • Majority of West Bank residents support October 7th Massacre.
  • American Express supports Osama bin Laden after a viral letter.
  • FBI digs for bodies possibly buried by Gambino family.
  • Compassion fatigue after COVID.
  • Iran’s current situation: high inflation and interest rates, chaotic regime, mafia-like behavior, repression at home, and aggression abroad.
  • RFK Jr. is the best spokesperson for insight on the JFK and RFK assassinations.
  • Aniser Bush’s marketing chief is set to resign, and Kyle Norrington will take over as the new chief marketing officer in 2024.
  • 17,000 people signed a petition against Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade featuring gender nonconforming performers.
  • The US Army is sending letters to former troops saying that in light of the removal of the COVID-19 vaccine requirement, they cannot apply to get the reasons for discharge changed.
  • Free speech is important to protect, but it comes with the cost of hearing things you may not agree with.
  • Killing Hamas members may create more hatred towards Israel than it solves.
  • Believe all women is a sham, and facts should play out.
  • Rumors of Diddy’s homosexual behavior have been circulating for a while.
  • Will Smith’s assistant alleges scandalous behavior on a movie set involving Dwayne Martin.
  • Soccer star Megan Rapinoe claimed her injury in a championship game is proof that God doesn’t exist.


Snoop Dogg’s Shift in Cannabis Consumption Habits

Snoop Dogg, a well-known advocate for cannabis, recently announced that he is giving up smoking weed and shifting towards consuming edibles. This shift is seen as a publicity stunt and a money play, as Snoop Dogg recognizes the potential in the edible market. His previous affiliation with gangsters and his ability to pivot and market himself in different ways, such as his wine marketing at Target, demonstrate his entrepreneurial mindset. If Snoop Dogg were to quit smoking and go on a tour encouraging others to do the same, he could have a significant impact on the industry.

Dana White’s Bold Move with a Sponsor

Dana White, the president of the UFC, made a bold move when a sponsor asked him to take down a video supporting Trump. Despite the potential financial consequences, Dana refused to comply, empowering content creators to stand up against sponsors who try to dictate their beliefs. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining integrity in business relationships and not allowing sponsors to bully creators. Dana’s consistent beliefs and willingness to speak his mind have earned him respect in the industry.

Miss Universe Company Goes Bankrupt

Miss Universe company filed for bankruptcy after accepting a transgender contestant, sparking controversy and debate. Some argue that transgender women should not be allowed to compete in pageants like Miss Universe, as it goes against the concept of women’s empowerment. The bankruptcy may be partly attributed to the controversy surrounding the transgender owner and organizers. This incident raises questions about the future of beauty pageants and their inclusivity policies.

Elon Musk Controversial Tweet

Elon Musk faced backlash for endorsing an anti-Semitic post on Twitter, leading to calls for his resignation from Tesla investors and customers. The incident also resulted in IBM suspending all advertising on X due to Musk’s comments about white pride. Musk’s careless response on social media can have a negative impact on his brand and investments, highlighting the need for responsible use of social platforms by influential figures.

Other Notable Topics

The episode covers a wide range of other notable topics, including YouTube’s AI tool that mimics vocals of famous artists, the majority of West Bank residents supporting the October 7th Massacre, American Express’s controversial support of Osama bin Laden after a viral letter, the FBI digging for bodies possibly buried by the Gambino family, compassion fatigue after COVID, Iran’s current situation of high inflation and interest rates, the chaotic regime, mafia-like behavior, repression at home, and aggression abroad, RFK Jr.’s insight on the JFK and RFK assassinations, Aniser Bush’s marketing chief resignation and the appointment of Kyle Norrington as the new chief marketing officer, a petition against Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade featuring gender nonconforming performers, the US Army’s letters to former troops regarding discharge reasons, the importance of protecting free speech while acknowledging its costs, the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the controversy surrounding Diddy and allegations of rape and sex trafficking, scandalous behavior allegations involving Will Smith and Dwayne Martin, Megan Rapinoe’s statement about God’s existence, and more.


This episode of the PBD Podcast covers a wide range of current events and controversial topics, providing insights and opinions on subjects such as Snoop Dogg’s shift in cannabis consumption habits, Dana White’s refusal to remove a video supporting Trump, the bankruptcy of Miss Universe, and Elon Musk’s controversial tweet. Pat Bet-David offers thought-provoking perspectives on these issues, encouraging listeners to think critically and engage in discussions about these topics.

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