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Ted Talks Daily / How comedy helps us deal with hard truths | Roy Wood Jr. | Ted Talks Daily

How comedy helps us deal with hard truths | Roy Wood Jr. | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, comedian Roy Wood Jr. discusses how comedy can help us confront hard truths in a humorous and meaningful way. Drawing from his background in journalism and comedy, Wood shares insights into the power of humor in addressing difficult social issues and leaving a positive impact on the world. He also explores the importance of connecting with audiences on a personal level and the challenges faced by comedians in navigating sensitive topics. Join Roy Wood Jr. as he takes us on a journey through the intersection of comedy and truth.

Main Takeaways

Growing up in a family of journalists

  • Roy Wood Jr. grew up in a family of journalists and was inspired by his father’s work as a civil rights journalist.

The intersection of journalism and comedy

  • Comedy often comes from frustration with the world and questioning why things are the way they are.
  • Roy’s background in journalism and comedy intersect in his work as a comedian and storyteller.
  • Comedy can be seen as a form of journalism as it reports on personal and collective experiences.

The power of comedy in addressing difficult social issues

  • Humor can be a powerful tool for addressing difficult social issues and making them more accessible to audiences.
  • Using humor to address difficult issues involves finding the common denominator between people.
  • Comedy can be adapted to different audiences and locations, from retirees in Biluxi to urban nights in Atlanta.
  • Comedians can adapt their material to different audiences by focusing on universal topics like food, love, entertainment, and employment.

Leaving a legacy through comedy

  • Leaving a legacy with our work involves using our talents and skills to make a positive impact on the world.
  • Having a child made the comedian think about the messages he wants to leave behind for his child in case he’s not there.
  • The comedian’s career has become a way of leaving messages for his child and sharing important life lessons with the general public.

The art of delivering humor

  • Connecting with the audience on a personal level before delivering humor makes them more receptive to it.
  • Honesty, vulnerability, and sharing personal experiences are key to making people laugh and connecting with them.
  • Acknowledging the obvious and difficult aspects of a situation can help break the ice and make the audience more open to tougher material.

Comedy as a tool for mental health

  • Comedy is a powerful tool for mental health and can address serious topics in a way that is both hilarious and meaningful.
  • Jokes can be used to explore deeper topics and find unexpected angles.
  • Understanding the audience is important to avoid misinterpretation of jokes.

The journey of a comedian

  • Success in comedy requires hard work and experience.
  • Having a clear sense of self and voice is important for comedians.
  • Conan O’Brien was the only person who would put Roy Wood Jr. on TV for a stretch in his career.
  • Roy Wood Jr.’s comedy has evolved to focus on race relations and manhood/fatherhood/masculinity.

Using humor to confront history

  • Roy Wood Jr.’s joke about the math of American flags and Confederate flags reflects his experiences driving in the South and the residue of racism that too many flags can have.
  • Down South racism vs. up North racism is a nuanced conversation.
  • Confederate flags can be used to signal racism.
  • Humor can be a powerful way to confront history.
  • CJ Hunt’s documentary “The Neutral Ground” uses humor to explore the fight to remove Confederate monuments.

Navigating sensitive topics in comedy

  • Let go of the fact that someone may be offended by your joke.
  • Four safety corners for jokes: food, entertainment, love, and money.
  • Be careful not to make jokes based on assumptions or at the expense of a group.
  • People vote with their wallets and remote controls in comedy shows.
  • Constantly altering yourself to public ideologies is a dangerous and uncreative place to be.
  • YouTube and Reddit provide the most comprehensive and fair critiques of any forms of entertainment.
  • Retroactive cancellation of past comments based on current societal standards is not cool.

The resilience of comedians

  • It’s important to have a thick skin to be a comic, but many creative people are really sensitive.
  • It’s important to understand that all creative work gets insulted and critiqued, so don’t take it personally.
  • Women in comedy face different challenges than men, but insults are usually critiques of their art rather than personal attacks.
  • Trust what you’re doing and find your audience – the people who like you.

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner and happy accidents

  • The White House Correspondents’ Dinner involved constant changes to the script, with the Clarence Thomas NFT joke being a highlight.
  • The NFT joke was a happy accident, with people catching the reference to Clarence Thomas being called a token black guy.


Using Comedy to Confront Hard Truths

Roy Wood Jr., drawing from his background in journalism and comedy, explores the power of humor in addressing difficult social issues. Comedy, in many ways, serves as a form of journalism, reporting on personal and collective experiences. By finding the common denominator between people, comedians can adapt their material to different audiences and locations, making tough subjects more accessible. Wood emphasizes the importance of connecting with the audience on a personal level, using honesty, vulnerability, and shared experiences to create a meaningful connection. Comedy also serves as a powerful tool for mental health, allowing for exploration of deeper topics and unexpected angles. However, navigating sensitive topics requires caution, avoiding assumptions or jokes at the expense of a group. Comedians must trust their own voice and find their audience, understanding that insults are often critiques of their art rather than personal attacks. Through humor, we can confront history, address difficult truths, and leave a positive impact on the world.


Roy Wood Jr.’s insights into the intersection of comedy and truth reveal the immense power of humor in addressing difficult social issues. By connecting with audiences on a personal level and using shared experiences, comedians can create meaningful connections and spark conversations about important topics. Through comedy, we can confront history, challenge societal norms, and leave a lasting impact on the world. So, let’s embrace the power of laughter and use it as a tool to address hard truths and create positive change.

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