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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How happy people take Positive Control and love their lives. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How happy people take Positive Control and love their lives. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores how happy people take positive control and love their lives. The podcast aims to raise vibrations, lift perspectives, and build a positive mindset.

Main Takeaways

Creating and Distributing Podcasts with Spotify for Podcasters

  • Spotify for podcasters offers an easy platform for creating and distributing podcasts, with opportunities to earn money through ads and sponsorships.

Aligning Mindset through Visualization and Positive Frequencies

  • Taking deep healing breaths and visualizing positive frequencies can help align one’s mindset.
  • Focusing on the word “control” and aligning with its high frequency can empower individuals to take positive control of their thoughts and experiences.

Becoming the Right Person for What You Desire

  • Instead of looking for the path, become the person that can see it.
  • An analogy of a chef making soup is used to illustrate the importance of being the right person for what you desire.
  • You don’t need to change the external; you need to change the internal. The world is as you are, not as it is.
  • To attract what you desire, become the person that would attract it and create that thing in your mind.
  • When you go on the growth path, you may pick wrong things, but growth is about moving, experiencing, learning, and letting go.
  • Growth is not linear, and it’s about expanding love and creating light where it’s needed.

Operating as a Successful Alter Ego

  • Henry Lawrence is operating as a version of himself from another timeline, with the habits, thoughts, and beliefs of his successful alter ego.

The Power of Focus and Love

  • The laws of the universe operate on what you focus on and will expand – focusing on what’s wrong in the world will only expand it, even if you think you’re fighting it.
  • You cannot be angry at one person and operate in love with another – you need to be in your power, which is absolute love at all times.

Choosing Personal Power and Control

  • The path to success and health is already in front of us, and we have the power to choose our experience.
  • We have the ability to control our frequencies and decide the experience we are on.
  • Choosing what’s best for our health and mind, even if it’s not easy or comfortable, is essential for growth.
  • Comfort can be a trap, and growth often comes from facing challenges.
  • Our experiences on Earth help us elevate and operate in love, and we have the power to find our path based on who we are.

Self-Made Success and the Law of Attraction

  • Self-made success comes from understanding the law of attraction and being in alignment with who we are.
  • The pursuit of a big payday can lead to a decline in performance once the goal is achieved.
  • The power and control lie within oneself, not in external factors.

Encouragement to Subscribe and Follow

  • Encouragement to subscribe to the email list and follow on social media for updates.

Guided Breathing Exercise

  • Guided breathing exercise to align with personal power and control.


Creating and Distributing Podcasts with Spotify for Podcasters

Spotify for podcasters provides an easy-to-use platform for creating and distributing podcasts. It also offers opportunities to monetize through ads and sponsorships, making it a convenient choice for podcasters looking to reach a wider audience and generate income.

Aligning Mindset through Visualization and Positive Frequencies

To cultivate a positive mindset, it’s beneficial to engage in deep healing breaths and visualize positive frequencies. This practice helps align one’s thoughts and emotions with positivity, allowing for a more harmonious and empowering mindset. Focusing on the word “control” and embracing its high frequency can further empower individuals to take control of their thoughts and experiences, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Becoming the Right Person for What You Desire

Instead of solely seeking external paths to achieve our desires, it’s crucial to become the person who can perceive and attract those desired outcomes. By shifting our focus from changing external circumstances to transforming our internal beliefs and mindset, we align ourselves with the energy necessary to manifest our desires. This growth journey may involve making mistakes, learning, and letting go, as growth is not always linear. By expanding love and creating light wherever it’s needed, we become the catalysts for positive change in our lives and the world.

Operating as a Successful Alter Ego

The concept of operating as a version of ourselves from another timeline, adopting the habits, thoughts, and beliefs of our successful alter ego, can be a powerful tool for personal growth and success. By embodying the characteristics and mindset of our desired future self, we align ourselves with the energy and actions necessary to achieve our goals and aspirations.

The Power of Focus and Love

The laws of the universe operate based on our focus and attention. If we constantly dwell on what’s wrong in the world, we inadvertently contribute to its expansion, even if our intention is to fight against it. To truly operate in love and personal power, we must let go of anger and embrace unconditional love in all aspects of our lives. By focusing on love and maintaining a positive mindset, we can attract positive experiences and contribute to a more harmonious and loving world.

Choosing Personal Power and Control

We have the power to choose our experiences and shape our own paths to success and well-being. By consciously selecting thoughts, emotions, and actions that align with our personal power, we can create the life we desire. This may involve making choices that prioritize our health and growth, even if they are challenging or uncomfortable. Comfort can often be a trap that hinders our progress, while embracing challenges fosters personal development and expansion.

Self-Made Success and the Law of Attraction

Self-made success stems from understanding and applying the principles of the law of attraction. By aligning with our authentic selves and focusing on what truly resonates with us, we attract opportunities and experiences that align with our desires. It’s important to recognize that pursuing material wealth alone can lead to a decline in performance and fulfillment once the goal is achieved. True success lies in recognizing and harnessing our personal power, rather than relying on external factors for validation and control.

Encouragement to Subscribe and Follow

The podcast host encourages listeners to subscribe to the email list and follow on social media to stay updated on future episodes and content. By engaging with the podcast’s community, listeners can further immerse themselves in the positive mindset journey and connect with like-minded individuals.

Guided Breathing Exercise

The episode concludes with a guided breathing exercise aimed at aligning with personal power and control. By practicing intentional breathing and focusing on the present moment, listeners can tap into their inner strength and cultivate a positive mindset.


In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” listeners are encouraged to take positive control of their thoughts and experiences. By aligning their mindset, becoming the right person for what they desire, and embracing personal power and love, individuals can create the life they love. The podcast emphasizes the importance of focusing on positivity, understanding the law of attraction, and making choices that prioritize growth and well-being. With the power to shape their own paths and attract desired outcomes, happy people can truly love their lives.

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