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How I Built This with Guy Raz / – Threading the future of circular fashion with Peter Majeranowski of Circ

How I Built This with Guy Raz – Threading the future of circular fashion with Peter Majeranowski of Circ

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In this episode of “How I Built This with Guy Raz,” host Guy Raz interviews Peter Majeranowski, the founder of Cirque, a company focused on circular fashion and textile recycling. Peter shares his journey from the Navy to founding a biofuel company and eventually transitioning into the textile recycling industry. He discusses the environmental impact of the fashion industry and how Cirque is working with big names in apparel to reduce textile waste.

Main Takeaways

Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry

  • The fashion industry dumps 92 million tons of textile waste a year, but all of it is recyclable.
  • The fashion industry accounts for a significant percentage of carbon emissions and pollution.

Peter Majeranowski’s Journey

  • Peter Major Anowski started his career in the Navy and witnessed the conflict in the Middle East firsthand.
  • Investing in emerging markets in Eastern Europe inspired his interest in business and enterprise.
  • Dinner with immunologist Hillary Caprowski led to the idea of using tobacco plants for biofuels.
  • Smuggling oil out of Iraq in the Navy sparked a passion for alternative fuels and democratizing energy.

Cirque’s Technology and Partnerships

  • Cirque, founded by Peter Major Anowski, has patented technology to recycle poly cotton and reduce waste.
  • Cirque is partnering with big names in apparel to reduce textile waste.
  • The Renewal Workshop works with people focused on the collection and aggregation of waste, as well as with factories and brands to direct waste to them.
  • The Renewal Workshop has partnerships with various brands, with several more product releases planned to educate consumers.

The Potential of Textile Recycling

  • Only less than 1% of clothing is recycled globally.
  • Polyester building blocks can be separated from cotton through a hydrothermal reaction and repolimerized and unpolimerized infinitely.
  • There is enough clothing in the world to make all the clothes we’ll ever need.

The Future of Circular Fashion

  • Investors want 40% of clothing to be recycled and 25% from next-gen materials.
  • Regulation is coming to an industry that has been largely unregulated.
  • Disruptive ways of doing things are needed to transform the industry.


Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is responsible for dumping 92 million tons of textile waste every year, but all of this waste is recyclable. Additionally, the industry accounts for a significant percentage of carbon emissions and pollution. This highlights the urgent need for sustainable solutions in the fashion industry.

Peter Majeranowski’s Journey

Peter Majeranowski’s career began in the Navy, where he witnessed the conflict in the Middle East firsthand. Inspired by his experiences, he developed a passion for alternative fuels and democratizing energy. This led him to start a biofuel company that utilized tobacco plants. However, he later pivoted to the textile recycling industry, recognizing the potential for creating a circular fashion system.

Cirque’s Technology and Partnerships

Cirque, founded by Peter Majeranowski, has patented technology to recycle poly cotton and reduce waste. The company has also formed partnerships with big names in apparel to tackle the issue of textile waste. The Renewal Workshop, another key player in the industry, collaborates with waste collectors, factories, and brands to redirect waste towards recycling facilities.

The Potential of Textile Recycling

Despite the vast amount of textile waste generated, only less than 1% of clothing is currently recycled globally. Cirque’s technology allows for the separation of polyester building blocks from cotton, enabling infinite repolymerization and unpolimerization. This means that there is enough clothing in the world to meet our future clothing needs. Textile recycling has the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry and reduce its environmental impact.

The Future of Circular Fashion

Investors are increasingly pushing for a shift towards circular fashion, with a goal of recycling 40% of clothing and sourcing 25% from next-generation materials. The industry is also facing impending regulations to address its environmental impact. To transform the industry, disruptive approaches and innovative solutions are needed.


Peter Majeranowski’s journey from the Navy to founding Cirque showcases the potential for circular fashion and textile recycling. With the fashion industry’s significant environmental impact and the urgent need for sustainable solutions, companies like Cirque and The Renewal Workshop are leading the way in reducing textile waste and creating a more sustainable future for fashion. Through innovative technologies and partnerships, the industry can transform and address the 360 problem it currently faces.

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