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How I Built This with Guy Raz / – When robots recycle with Matanya Horowitz of AMP Robotics

How I Built This with Guy Raz – When robots recycle with Matanya Horowitz of AMP Robotics

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In this episode of “How I Built This with Guy Raz,” Matanya Horowitz, the founder of AMP Robotics, shares his journey of using artificial intelligence and robots to revolutionize the recycling industry. Horowitz’s innovative technology aims to solve the challenges faced by recycling facilities in sorting and processing materials efficiently, leading to increased recycling rates and a more sustainable future.

Main Takeaways

Using AI and Robotics to Revolutionize Recycling

  • Metania Horowitz founded AMP Robotics in 2014 to solve the problem of recycling facilities not being able to sort through all the materials they receive.
  • The company uses artificial intelligence and robots to sort through waste more efficiently, leading to more materials being recycled.
  • Horowitz studied deep learning, a method in artificial intelligence that enables computers to process data like the human brain, and saw the potential for machines to see as well as humans for the first time.
  • AMP Robotics’ technology has the potential to revolutionize industry in the US and even consumer products.

Challenges and Potential of the Recycling Industry

  • Only 60% of American households have access to curbside recycling programs, and only 35% of waste is recycled in the US.
  • The recycling industry faces technical challenges due to inconsistent and difficult-to-separate materials.
  • The industry also faces challenges of incentives, as it may not be profitable to recycle certain materials.
  • The vast majority of materials can be reused or recycled, but the industry needs innovation and investment to make it profitable and sustainable.

The Economics of Recycling and Automation

  • Recycling can be a profitable business if the cost of sorting and processing is reduced.
  • The recyclables put in the recycling bin are worth about $100 per ton, but the cost of processing is also $100 per ton.
  • With technology, sorting costs can be reduced to $50 or $20 per ton, making recycling more profitable.
  • Making recycling a fundamentally better business can create an incentive to expand recycling globally, especially in developing nations with weak waste infrastructure.

The Journey of AMP Robotics

  • Matania Horowitz founded AMP Robotics to automate recycling using AI and robotics.
  • Recycling is a good fit for this technology because it requires sorting, which is a human problem that can be automated.
  • The vision system was the main technical challenge, as the robots had already been around for decades.
  • The computer vision technology started working well early on and had a lot of success, even though they weren’t initially at 99% accuracy.

The Future of Recycling and Automation

  • Lowering the cost of sorting in the US is leading to a manufacturing reshoring story.
  • Robotics and AI open up opportunities for the industry to expand access to recycling programs by going after dirtier materials.
  • Making the economics better could increase the current 35% recycling rate to 50 or 70% in the next five years.


Revolutionizing Recycling with AI and Robotics

Metania Horowitz founded AMP Robotics to tackle the problem of inefficient sorting in recycling facilities. By utilizing artificial intelligence and robots, AMP Robotics is able to sort through waste more efficiently, leading to increased recycling rates. The company’s technology has the potential to revolutionize the recycling industry in the US and beyond.

Challenges and Potential of Recycling

The recycling industry faces technical challenges in sorting and processing materials due to their inconsistent and difficult-to-separate nature. Additionally, the lack of incentives and profitability for recycling certain materials poses a challenge. However, with innovation and investment, the industry can become more profitable and sustainable, leading to increased recycling rates and a more environmentally friendly future.

The Economics of Recycling and Automation

Reducing the cost of sorting and processing materials is crucial for making recycling a profitable business. By leveraging technology such as AI and robotics, the cost of sorting can be significantly reduced, making recycling more economically viable. This can create incentives for expanding recycling programs globally, especially in developing nations with weak waste infrastructure.

The Journey of AMP Robotics

AMP Robotics was founded by Matania Horowitz to automate the recycling process using AI and robotics. The main technical challenge was developing a vision system that could accurately sort materials. Despite initial accuracy challenges, the computer vision technology improved over time and proved to be successful in automating the sorting process.

The Future of Recycling and Automation

The automation of recycling facilities in the US is leading to a manufacturing reshoring story, as the cost of sorting decreases. Robotics and AI open up opportunities for the industry to expand access to recycling programs by targeting dirtier materials. By improving the economics of recycling, the current 35% recycling rate can be significantly increased in the next five years.


AMP Robotics is at the forefront of revolutionizing the recycling industry through the use of AI and robotics. By addressing the challenges faced by recycling facilities and improving the economics of recycling, the company is paving the way for a more sustainable and profitable future. With increased adoption of this technology, the recycling rate can be significantly increased, leading to a cleaner and greener planet.

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