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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How the happiest people learn to love and live in abundance | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How the happiest people learn to love and live in abundance | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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“The Positive Mindset Podcast” aims to help listeners cultivate a positive mindset, shift their perspective, and raise their vibration. In this episode, the host explores the concept of thinking in abundance versus thinking in lack, emphasizing the importance of adopting an abundant mindset. Through guided meditative breathing exercises, listeners are encouraged to align with positive frequencies such as love, joy, happiness, and abundance.

Main Takeaways

Choosing Abundance

  • Choosing abundance over lack is a conscious decision that can shape our experiences.
  • We have the power to decide the thoughts we align with and the frequency through which we perceive the world.
  • Thinking in abundance is about being the solution, not just seeking results.
  • Embracing abundance as a state of being allows us to experience and enjoy life without attachment to material things.

Creating Positive Change

  • Imagine a world where everyone perceives through the lens of abundance, seeking opportunities to heal, grow, love, and expand.
  • The world can be a better place if individuals strive to become better humans.
  • To create positive change, individuals must embody the change they want to see in the world.
  • Emphasizes the importance of actively seeking opportunities to stay in love, power, and belief in oneself.

Living Abundantly

  • Encourages individuals to focus on their own journey and not compare themselves to others.
  • Advocates for living abundantly and being generous with love and joy.
  • Highlights the significance of personal growth and enjoying the results of one’s efforts.
  • Encourages listeners to subscribe to the email list and follow on social media for more content.


Choosing Abundance

Choosing abundance is a conscious decision that shapes our experiences. By aligning our thoughts with positive frequencies and adopting an abundant mindset, we can be the solution to challenges rather than seeking external results. Embracing abundance as a state of being allows us to enjoy life without attaching our happiness solely to material possessions. This mindset empowers us to create a more fulfilling and joyful existence.

Creating Positive Change

Imagine a world where everyone perceives through the lens of abundance, seeking opportunities for growth, love, and expansion. By striving to become better humans, we can contribute to making the world a better place. To create positive change, it is essential to embody the change we want to see. This involves actively seeking opportunities to stay in love, power, and belief in oneself, and inspiring others to do the same.

Living Abundantly

Living abundantly means focusing on our own journey and not comparing ourselves to others. It involves being generous with love and joy, spreading positivity, and embracing personal growth. By enjoying the results of our efforts and celebrating our achievements, we can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and contentment. The podcast encourages listeners to subscribe to the email list and follow on social media for more content that promotes living abundantly.


The “Positive Mindset Podcast” episode on embracing abundance and living a life of fulfillment provides valuable insights into the power of choosing positive thoughts and adopting an abundant mindset. By consciously aligning with abundance, individuals can create positive change in their lives and contribute to a better world. It emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-belief, and staying true to one’s journey. Through practical exercises and inspiring ideas, listeners are encouraged to live abundantly and embrace the joy and love that life has to offer.

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