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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to awaken your higher self and live in love and light. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to awaken your higher self and live in love and light. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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“The Positive Mindset Podcast” aims to raise listeners’ vibration, lift their perspective, and build a positive mindset. In this episode, the host guides listeners on how to awaken their higher self and live in love and light. The episode emphasizes the importance of shifting from negative behaviors to positive ones to enhance and enjoy life experiences. The host also leads listeners through a guided meditation to align with a desired frequency and receive positive messages.

Main Takeaways

Shifting to Positive Behaviors

  • Focusing on internal desires and guided systems leads to true happiness and being present.
  • External rewards and actions can prevent us from being ourselves.
  • Honoring our guidance system instead of giving in to external pleasures is important.
  • Goals should be aligned with our higher selves and not just for external events.

Living in the Present and Focusing on Growth

  • Living in the present and focusing on growth now is key to achieving our desires.
  • Acting out of alignment with our true desires can lead to unhappiness and unfulfillment.
  • Chasing a result in pain and absence of pleasure, guidance, and self can create a yo-yo effect.
  • Reflecting on our actions and daily thoughts can help us align with our true desires.

Celebrating the Process and Being Authentic

  • Learn to love the process and celebrate the current state of our actions, rather than just the end result.
  • Focus on the current state of your actions to truly become.
  • Go within and grow every single day.
  • Fulfillment comes from what you did, thought, and who you were each day.

Listening to Your Higher Self and Being of Service

  • Your higher self will tell you who to be and how to be it.
  • Your internal state is your gift to everything, so listen to your heart and guidance system.
  • Don’t do things for others, do them for yourself.
  • Your being is built from your mind and actions, not external factors.

Embracing Love and Purpose

  • True service to others is being your authentic self and guiding them where they need to go.
  • Love needs to expand where it doesn’t exist in the darkness.
  • You came to this life because you’re a hero and have a purpose.

Building a Strong Mindset for Success

  • Building a strong mindset is key to creating wealth and success in all areas of life.
  • Freedom Fundamentals offers guidance on developing a winning mindset for any pursuit.
  • The same principles apply whether you’re interested in real estate, career advancement, or parenting.
  • Reach out via Instagram or the provided link for more information on Freedom Fundamentals.


Shifting to Positive Behaviors

By focusing on internal desires and guided systems, we can experience true happiness and be present in our lives. External rewards and actions may distract us from being our authentic selves. It is important to honor our guidance system and align our goals with our higher selves, rather than solely seeking external validation.

Living in the Present and Focusing on Growth

Living in the present moment and prioritizing personal growth are essential for achieving our desires. Acting out of alignment with our true desires can lead to unhappiness and unfulfillment. It is crucial to reflect on our actions and daily thoughts to ensure they are aligned with our true desires.

Celebrating the Process and Being Authentic

Learning to love the process and celebrating the current state of our actions, rather than solely focusing on the end result, allows us to fully embrace our journey. By focusing on the present state of our actions and continuously growing, we can experience fulfillment in our daily lives.

Listening to Your Higher Self and Being of Service

Listening to our higher self and following our internal guidance system is crucial for living an authentic and fulfilling life. It is important to prioritize our own desires and not solely act to please others. Our being is shaped by our thoughts and actions, not external factors.

Embracing Love and Purpose

True service to others involves being our authentic selves and guiding them where they need to go. Love should be expanded where it is lacking, bringing light to darkness. Each individual has a unique purpose in life and is capable of being a hero in their own journey.

Building a Strong Mindset for Success

Developing a strong mindset is essential for achieving success and creating wealth in all areas of life. Freedom Fundamentals provides guidance on cultivating a winning mindset, applicable to various pursuits such as real estate, career advancement, and parenting. For more information, reach out via Instagram or the provided link.


Awakening our higher selves and living in love and light requires shifting to positive behaviors, embracing growth, celebrating the process, listening to our higher self, embracing love and purpose, and building a strong mindset. By aligning our actions and thoughts with our true desires, we can experience true happiness, fulfillment, and success in all areas of life.

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