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How to Be a Better Human / – What do our guests do to be better humans?

How to Be a Better Human – What do our guests do to be better humans?

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In this episode of “How to Be a Better Human,” host Chris Duffy compiles the most interesting answers from the season’s guests, who share what has helped them be better humans and what they are working on. From self-regulation to creating bonds and community, the guests provide valuable insights into the process of learning and growing as individuals.

Main Takeaways

Quotes for Personal Growth

  • Casey Davis found a quote in rehab that helped her let go of her past and move forward.
  • Jesse Reyes shared the quote, “Nothing outside of you can hurt you, but nothing outside of you can help you either,” emphasizing the importance of finding wholeness within oneself.

Self-Regulation and Parenting

  • Casey Davis is working on self-regulation to break the cycle of anger in parenting.

Creating Bonds and Community

  • Ann Helen Peterson shares her experience of moving to a small island off the coast of Washington State.
  • She talks about creating bonds and community with people she didn’t know before.
  • It’s hard for people in an illegible space, like her, to make connections on the island.
  • She plans to show up at least one community event, join a gardening club, and go on a walk with someone she didn’t know before.

Surprising Overlaps

  • Surprising overlaps can emerge when asking the same question to different guests.
  • Both Cored Jefferson and Jody Avergan said that learning how to play tennis had made them better people.

Physical Activity and Mental Health

  • Jody Avergan incorporates physical activity in all forms to improve himself, including sweating every day and napping every day.
  • Napping for just five minutes can make everything easier, according to Chris.
  • The goal is to experience the full range of human exertion every day.
  • Workouts should have texture and movement, not just pushing weights around.

Cultivating Empathy and Kindness

  • Taking care of mental health can make a person more generous, vulnerable, and kind.
  • The Stoic Challenge by Bill Irvine is a book that can help engage with practices to be better.
  • Listening to inner intuitions can make a person a better human.
  • Pay attention to what you need and honor it to feel better.
  • Watching movies or reading fiction can help us to be better humans by teaching us empathy and deep psychological truths.
  • Small acts of kindness and connection, like helping a stranger tie their shoe, can remind us of our connection to the world and make us feel better.

Embracing Individuality and Purpose

  • Trying different things and not fixating on a blueprint can lead to success and finding our purpose.

Learning from Fiction

  • Reading fiction is an easy and effective way to learn empathy and embody someone else’s experience.
  • As a therapist, reading fiction allows me to learn about other people’s worlds in a way that I don’t on social media or in the world in general.
  • Reading fiction allows us to learn about other people’s worlds and broadens our experience in the world.

Acceptance and Constructive Criticism

  • Interview with singer Jesse Reyes who spoke about finding wholeness within yourself or with spirit, God, source, or light.
  • It’s important to accept and show yourself grace instead of being hypercritical.
  • When giving constructive criticism, use decorum and softness in approach to help build someone up instead of attacking and judging them.
  • Being delicate and present when giving constructive criticism helps build someone up.
  • Accepting and holding space for who someone is can help improve them.
  • It’s harder to be delicate and accepting with oneself but it’s a learning process.

Appreciation for Guests

  • Thank you to all the guests from the past season for being thoughtful and open.
  • Leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple, or answer the discussion question on Spotify.


Guests Share Their Paths to Personal Growth

Throughout the episode, guests share their unique journeys to personal growth and becoming better humans. From finding quotes that inspire them to breaking cycles of anger in parenting, each guest offers valuable insights into the process of learning and growing.

Building Bonds and Community

Ann Helen Peterson’s experience of moving to a small island highlights the importance of creating bonds and community with people we may not know. Despite the challenges of being in an illegible space, she plans to actively engage with the community and form connections through various activities.

Surprising Overlaps and Unexpected Learnings

Surprising overlaps emerge when different guests share their experiences. For example, both Cored Jefferson and Jody Avergan found that learning how to play tennis had a positive impact on their personal growth. These unexpected connections remind us of the diverse paths to becoming better humans.

Physical Activity and Mental Health

Jody Avergan’s emphasis on incorporating physical activity in daily life, including sweating and napping, highlights the importance of taking care of both physical and mental well-being. By experiencing a range of human exertion and engaging in textured workouts, individuals can improve their overall well-being.

Cultivating Empathy and Kindness

Guests emphasize the role of mental health in fostering generosity, vulnerability, and kindness. Practices such as listening to inner intuitions, paying attention to personal needs, and engaging with fiction can help individuals develop empathy and deepen their understanding of others. Small acts of kindness and connection also remind us of our interconnectedness.

Embracing Individuality and Purpose

By trying different things and avoiding fixating on a predetermined blueprint, individuals can discover their purpose and find success. Embracing individuality and being open to new experiences can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

Learning from Fiction and Acceptance

Reading fiction provides a unique opportunity to learn about other people’s worlds and broaden our own experiences. It allows us to develop empathy and gain insights into deep psychological truths. Additionally, accepting oneself and others, while also giving constructive criticism with decorum and softness, can foster personal growth and improve relationships.

Appreciation for Guests and Call to Action

The host expresses gratitude to all the guests for their thoughtful and open contributions throughout the season. Listeners are encouraged to show their support by leaving a 5-star rating and review on Apple or engaging with the discussion question on Spotify.


This episode of “How to Be a Better Human” compiles valuable insights from guests who share their paths to personal growth and becoming better humans. From self-regulation to cultivating empathy and embracing individuality, these stories inspire listeners to embark on their own journeys of learning and growth.

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