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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to be a positive person and free yourself in this life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to be a positive person and free yourself in this life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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“The Positive Mindset Podcast” is a podcast that aims to help listeners raise their vibration, shift their perspective, and cultivate a positive mindset. In this episode, titled “How to be a positive person and free yourself in this life,” the host explores various techniques and concepts to help listeners embrace positivity and manifest their desires.

Main Takeaways

Shifting Perspective and Frequency

  • Visualizing oneself against frequency lines and perceiving from a higher frequency can help shift one’s perspective and receive information from a different angle.
  • Starting with deep breathing and affirmations to elevate courage frequency.

The Laws of the Universe and Manifestation

  • The laws of the universe are always in action, working for good or evil, lack or gain.
  • The manifestation process is based on the current vibrational level; change must come from within.
  • The key to manifestation is being okay within, regardless of external circumstances.
  • Accepting that the internal state attracts external circumstances and facing the reasons behind it.

The Law of Attraction and Becoming

  • The law of attraction is not about thinking if something is beneficial, but rather understanding that like attracts like.
  • Desire for things is irrelevant if you do not become the version needed to receive it.

Perspective, Frequency, and Experiences

  • The laws of the universe are always working, regardless of fairness or equality.
  • Fairness and equality are based on the ego, but you are more than the human experience.
  • Your perspective and frequency shape your experiences and challenges.

Affirmations and Purpose

  • Affirmations shape our perception: Repeating positive affirmations like “I am abundance” can shift our frequency and perception of the world.
  • Purpose and growth: Everyone is here by design and purpose, and we can’t be forced onto our path. Every experience, positive or negative, is happening for our growth and expansion.

Taking Power Back and Connection

  • Taking power back: Embrace the idea that everything is happening for you. Take your power back and become the rising tide that lifts all ships.
  • Subscription and connection: Subscribe to the email list for updates and follow on social media for more content.

Courage and Creativity

  • Courage and creativity: Embrace courage and creativity, and put yourself on a high frequency where you belong.
  • Final deep breath: Inhale courage, speak affirmations, and exhale to expand into the day.


Shifting Perspective and Frequency

By visualizing oneself against frequency lines and perceiving from a higher frequency, individuals can shift their perspective and gain new insights. Starting the day with deep breathing and affirmations helps elevate the frequency of courage, setting a positive tone for the day.

The Laws of the Universe and Manifestation

The laws of the universe are constantly in motion, working for either good or evil, lack or gain. To manifest desired outcomes, individuals must recognize that change must come from within and be okay with their internal state, regardless of external circumstances. By understanding the reasons behind their current circumstances, individuals can take steps towards manifesting positive change.

The Law of Attraction and Becoming

The law of attraction is not about simply thinking if something is beneficial or not. It is about understanding that like attracts like. To manifest desires, individuals must become the version of themselves that aligns with their desired outcomes. Merely desiring things without personal growth and alignment is irrelevant.

Perspective, Frequency, and Experiences

The laws of the universe operate regardless of fairness or equality. Fairness and equality are concepts based on the ego, but individuals are more than their human experience. By shaping their perspective and frequency, individuals can shape their experiences and navigate challenges with a positive mindset.

Affirmations and Purpose

Affirmations play a significant role in shaping our perception of the world. By repeating positive affirmations, individuals can shift their frequency and perception, allowing them to attract abundance and positivity. Additionally, recognizing that everyone is here by design and purpose, and that every experience, positive or negative, contributes to personal growth and expansion.

Taking Power Back and Connection

Embracing the idea that everything is happening for one’s benefit allows individuals to take their power back. By subscribing to the podcast’s email list and following on social media, listeners can stay connected and receive regular updates and content to support their positive mindset journey.

Courage and Creativity

Courage and creativity are essential in maintaining a high frequency and embracing positive experiences. By embracing courage and creativity, individuals can elevate their vibration and align themselves with the frequency where they truly belong. Taking a final deep breath, inhaling courage, speaking affirmations, and exhaling to expand into the day sets a positive intention and mindset.


Cultivating a positive mindset and embracing positivity requires individuals to shift their perspective, align with their desired frequency, and understand the laws of the universe. By practicing deep breathing, affirmations, and visualization exercises, individuals can elevate their courage frequency and manifest their desires. Remember, like attracts like, so becoming the version needed to receive what is desired is crucial. Embracing the idea that everything is happening for personal growth and expansion allows individuals to take their power back and navigate challenges with a positive mindset. By subscribing to the podcast’s email list and following on social media, listeners can stay connected and receive ongoing support in their positive mindset journey. Embrace courage, creativity, and the power within to elevate your frequency and attract abundance.

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