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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to control your mind and create a positive life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to control your mind and create a positive life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the focus is on taking control of your mind and creating a positive life. The host emphasizes the power of deep healing meditative breaths and the practice of choosing a desired frequency to align with. The episode encourages the affirmation “I am here to create” and explores the importance of paying attention to what we observe as it influences what we create. It also touches on the significance of adjusting our thoughts and beliefs to align with wealth and abundance.

Main Takeaways

Creating a Positive Mindset

  • Deep healing meditative breaths can help shift your perspective and raise your vibration.
  • Choosing a word representing a desired frequency and visualizing it can align you with that energy.
  • Affirmations like “I am here to create” can empower you to manifest anything you desire.
  • Observing and controlling your thoughts influences your ability to create a positive life.

Shifting Thoughts for Wealth and Abundance

  • Adjusting the filter of your thoughts and beliefs is crucial for attracting wealth and abundance.
  • Belief, faith, and alignment with positive thoughts are necessary for manifesting desired outcomes.
  • Repeating positive affirmations helps set your mind on the desired frequency over time.
  • Consistent positive actions combined with a positive mindset lead to abundance.

Controlling Thoughts and Creating the Desired Experience

  • Your thoughts shape your perception of the world and influence your experiences.
  • Negative self-talk leads to empty feelings and prevents consistent positive actions.
  • By controlling and observing your thoughts, you can create the experiences you desire.
  • Enduring challenges and pain helps you grow stronger and connect to the frequency of love.


Deep Healing Meditative Breaths and Visualization

The episode highlights the power of deep healing meditative breaths as a tool for shifting perspective and raising one’s vibration. By taking intentional breaths and visualizing a word representing a desired frequency, individuals can align themselves with that energy. This practice can help create a positive mindset and attract desired outcomes.

Affirmations and Controlling Thoughts

The affirmation “I am here to create” is emphasized as a powerful tool for manifesting anything one desires. By consistently repeating this affirmation and paying attention to one’s thoughts, individuals can take control of their minds and create a positive life. Negative self-talk is highlighted as a barrier to consistent positive actions, and the importance of observing and changing negative thoughts is emphasized.

Shifting Thoughts for Wealth and Abundance

Focusing on wealth and abundance requires adjusting the filter of one’s thoughts and beliefs. By aligning thoughts with the goal of wealth and abundance, individuals can attract the desired outcomes. Belief, faith, and persistence are crucial in shifting energy and mindset towards the desired frequency. Repeating positive affirmations helps set the mind on the desired frequency and creates a habit of positive thinking.

Controlling Thoughts and Creating the Desired Experience

The episode emphasizes that individuals have the power to control their ability to experience the frequency they desire. The world is seen as a learning tool, and by observing thoughts and creating the desired experience, individuals can grow and find the positive in every situation. Enduring pain and challenges helps individuals become stronger and more connected to the frequency of love, ultimately leading to personal growth and positive outcomes.


By taking control of our minds and aligning with positive frequencies, we have the power to create the life we desire. Through deep healing meditative breaths, visualization, affirmations, and conscious thought observation, we can shift our mindset and attract wealth, abundance, and positive experiences. Remember, our thoughts shape our reality, and by focusing on the positive, we can become powerful creators of our own lives.

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