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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to create a positive year and stop the negative energy. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to create a positive year and stop the negative energy. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host discusses how to create a positive year and stop negative energy. The podcast aims to elevate listeners’ perspectives and build a positive mindset. The host encourages listeners to visualize and charge themselves with positive energy through deep breathing exercises at the start of the year.

Main Takeaways

Creating a New Energy for 2024

  • The speaker discusses the importance of creating a new energy and operating in 2024 with a pure form of energy.
  • By adjusting the mind and body, one can change how they perceive and receive the world.
  • Committing to being something for a year every single day and adjusting the filter based on influences from parents, school, media, and more is encouraged.

Becoming the Traits We Admire

  • We have the power to adjust and become the traits we admire the most.
  • The speaker plans to wake up as a different filter, Henry Lawrence, and operate as the most wealthy, unstoppable, and loving man in the world.
  • Writing down “I am” statements and following them with action for one year is a powerful practice.

Changing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Personal Expansion

  • The gift of the year is the experience of changing one’s limiting beliefs and persona to move into a higher power while still being aligned with one’s true self.
  • By adopting a different way of believing and pulling in a positive version of oneself, one’s world can change significantly.
  • Embracing change and exploring one’s creativity may lead to relationships changing, but it’s worth it to experience personal expansion and growth.

Controlling the Filter and Mindset

  • It’s important to control one’s filter and mindset, operating in a positive frequency close to love to level up and make 2024 an amazing year.
  • The law of attraction is always in action, and as one changes, they will receive things differently, including new opportunities and paths.

Updates and Social Media Engagement

  • The podcast will have fewer episodes, with new episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the time being.
  • The host will be more active on social media, especially on Instagram and TikTok, where listeners can follow and engage with him.
  • The host will introduce a new persona, Henry Lawrence, who represents expansion and positive alignment, and invites listeners to follow the journey on social media.

Guided Breathing Exercise and Conclusion

  • The episode ends with a guided breathing exercise, encouraging listeners to reconnect with their bodies and embrace change with love and gratitude.


Creating a New Energy for 2024

The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a new energy and operating in 2024 with a pure form of energy. By adjusting the mind and body, one can change how they perceive and receive the world. It is encouraged to commit to being something for a year every single day and adjust the filter based on influences from parents, school, media, and more. This intentional approach sets the foundation for a positive year and stops negative energy from influencing one’s mindset.

Becoming the Traits We Admire

The speaker believes that individuals have the power to adjust and become the traits they admire the most. To embody these traits, the speaker plans to wake up as a different filter, Henry Lawrence, and operate as the most wealthy, unstoppable, and loving man in the world. Writing down “I am” statements and following them with consistent action is a powerful practice that helps reinforce the desired traits and mindset.

Changing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Personal Expansion

The gift of the year is the experience of changing one’s limiting beliefs and persona to move into a higher power while still being aligned with one’s true self. By adopting a different way of believing and pulling in a positive version of oneself, one’s world can change significantly. Embracing change and exploring one’s creativity may lead to relationships changing, but it’s worth it to experience personal expansion and growth.

Controlling the Filter and Mindset

Controlling one’s filter and mindset is crucial for creating a positive year. Operating in a positive frequency close to love allows individuals to level up and make 2024 an amazing year. The law of attraction is always in action, and as one changes their filter and mindset, they will receive things differently, including new opportunities and paths.

Updates and Social Media Engagement

The podcast will have fewer episodes, with new episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The host will be more active on social media, particularly on Instagram and TikTok, where listeners can follow and engage with him. The introduction of a new persona, Henry Lawrence, represents expansion and positive alignment, and listeners are invited to follow the journey on social media.

Guided Breathing Exercise and Conclusion

The episode concludes with a guided breathing exercise, guiding listeners to reconnect with their bodies and embrace change with love and gratitude. This exercise serves as a reminder to focus on self-care and maintain a positive mindset throughout the year.


By creating a new energy, adjusting the filter, and embracing personal expansion, individuals can make 2024 a year of positive growth and transformation. Controlling the filter and mindset allows for the attraction of new opportunities and paths. The host of “The Positive Mindset Podcast” encourages listeners to follow the journey on social media and engage in the guided breathing exercises to maintain a positive mindset throughout the year.

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