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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to create a powerful positive mindset and freedom from negativity. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to create a powerful positive mindset and freedom from negativity. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host discusses how to create a powerful positive mindset and freedom from negativity. The podcast aims to help listeners raise their vibration, lift their perspective, and build a positive mindset. Listeners are encouraged to take deep breaths and visualize themselves in a positive state to align with the frequency they want in their lives. The host also asks listeners to leave comments and share the podcast to help make it the number one mindset podcast in the world.

Main Takeaways

Choosing Inner Peace

  • Inner peace should be the ultimate goal above being right or wrong.
  • Recognize what inner peace truly means and prioritize it in all situations.
  • You cannot control others or external events, only your internal state.

Manifesting Desires

  • Focus on the frequency of what you desire within yourself and expand it in your vision.
  • Law of attraction: you attract more of what is within you by focusing on it in the world.
  • You have the power to choose your own frequency.

Taking Responsibility

  • It’s easier to blame others than take responsibility for your own frequency.
  • Depression makes you see everything negatively, causing you to create more negative experiences.
  • Your internal state is all that matters, not external circumstances.


Choosing Inner Peace

In this episode, the host emphasizes the importance of choosing inner peace as the ultimate goal. Instead of getting caught up in the concept of right or wrong, listeners are encouraged to prioritize inner peace in all situations. By recognizing that you cannot control others or external events, you can focus on managing your own internal state. This shift in perspective allows you to maintain a positive mindset and attract more of what you desire in life.

Manifesting Desires

The episode delves into the concept of manifesting desires through the law of attraction. By focusing on the frequency of what you desire within yourself and expanding it in your vision, you can attract more of it into your life. The host highlights the power of choice in determining your own frequency and encourages listeners to actively choose a positive mindset. By aligning your internal state with your desires, you can manifest a more fulfilling and positive reality.

Taking Responsibility

The host addresses the tendency to blame others and external circumstances instead of taking responsibility for one’s own frequency. It’s easier to point fingers and avoid personal accountability, but this only perpetuates negative experiences. The episode explores how depression can skew one’s perception and create a cycle of negativity. By recognizing that your internal state is what truly matters, you can shift your focus towards cultivating a positive mindset and creating a more positive reality.


Creating a powerful positive mindset and freedom from negativity requires prioritizing inner peace, manifesting desires through the law of attraction, and taking responsibility for one’s own frequency. By choosing inner peace, focusing on desired frequencies, and actively managing your internal state, you can cultivate a positive mindset and attract more positivity into your life. Remember, your internal state is what truly matters, and by aligning it with your desires, you can create a more fulfilling and positive reality.

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