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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to feel positive and create a beautiful life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to feel positive and create a beautiful life. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores how to feel positive and create a beautiful life. The podcast aims to raise vibrations, lift perspectives, and build a positive mindset. The host shares personal experiences and insights to help listeners align with their desired frequency and embrace their creative power.

Main Takeaways

Embracing Your Creative Power

  • Spotify for podcasters is a platform that allows users to record, edit, and distribute podcasts and earn money through ads and sponsorships.
  • The host shares how Spotify for podcasters has positively impacted their podcast, allowing them to make money and expand their reach.
  • The Positive Mindset podcast aims to raise vibrations, lift perspectives, and build a positive mindset.
  • The host leads listeners through a meditative breathing exercise to align with the desired frequency in their lives, emphasizing the power of creation and taking control.
  • The exercise involves choosing a word (e.g., love, joy) to focus on during deep breaths, visualizing oneself in that frequency, and using the word “creator” to recognize one’s creative power.
  • Affirmations such as “I am a creator” and “I have the power to create anything I desire” are spoken during the exercise to reinforce the idea of being in control and embracing creative power.

Stepping into the Control Seat

  • 2024 is about stepping into the control seat and becoming a powerful observer and creator of your experience (00:04:59).
  • You create your experience based on observing the thoughts and actions of those around you, including parents, teachers, bosses, and friends (00:04:59).
  • To take control, recognize yourself as the observer and adjust what you observe, putting thoughts in your mind that align with where you want to go (00:05:00).
  • Speak and act as if your desired reality is already in place, perceiving it from your current state, and it will become your current state (00:06:00).
  • Operating as the person who already has what you desire will manifest that reality because everything is frequency and fluid (00:06:00).

The Power of Mindset and Perception

  • People perceive and experience the same events differently based on their mindset and perspective (00:07:00).
  • Your perception of a situation matters more than the situation itself (00:08:00 – 00:08:59).
  • Material possessions and achievements won’t fill the void within you (00:08:00 – 00:08:59).
  • It’s about learning to love the person you need to become to achieve your goals (00:08:00 – 00:08:59).
  • You have the power to control how you feel despite external circumstances (00:09:00 – 00:09:59).
  • What you focus on will expand, so take care of your filter and focus on what you wish to receive (00:09:00 – 00:09:59).

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

  • The year 2024 will be a year of creation and transformation (00:09:00 – 00:10:59).
  • Understanding the process of creating a positive mindset is crucial for achieving your goals (00:10:00 – 00:10:59).
  • Everything is possible if you observe and create the right mindset (00:10:00 – 00:10:59).
  • You can choose not to let external events affect you and instead focus on your own experiences (00:11:00 – 00:11:59).
  • Despite challenging times, it’s possible to find and live the best life imaginable (00:11:00 – 00:11:59).
  • Learning to find and share abundance can uplift the world (00:11:00 – 00:11:59).


Embracing Your Creative Power

The podcast episode begins by introducing Spotify for podcasters as a platform that enables users to record, edit, and distribute podcasts while earning money through ads and sponsorships. The host shares their positive experience with Spotify for podcasters, highlighting how it has helped them monetize their podcast and reach a wider audience. The Positive Mindset podcast’s main goal is to raise vibrations, lift perspectives, and cultivate a positive mindset.

To help listeners align with their desired frequency and embrace their creative power, the host leads a meditative breathing exercise. During this exercise, listeners are encouraged to choose a word, such as love or joy, to focus on while taking deep breaths. By visualizing themselves in the frequency associated with the chosen word, they can tap into their creative power as a “creator.” Affirmations like “I am a creator” and “I have the power to create anything I desire” are spoken to reinforce the idea of being in control and embracing one’s creative potential.

Stepping into the Control Seat

The year 2024 is presented as an opportunity for individuals to step into the control seat of their lives and become powerful observers and creators of their experiences. The host emphasizes that our experiences are shaped by observing the thoughts and actions of those around us, including parents, teachers, bosses, and friends. To take control, it is crucial to recognize ourselves as the observer and consciously adjust what we observe. By putting thoughts in our minds that align with our desired path, speaking and acting as if our desired reality is already in place, we can manifest that reality.

The host explains that everything is frequency and fluid, and by operating as the person who already possesses what we desire, we can bring that reality into existence. This shift in mindset and perspective allows us to tap into our creative power and shape our experiences accordingly.

The Power of Mindset and Perception

One of the key insights shared in this episode is the importance of mindset and perception. People can perceive and experience the same events differently based on their mindset and perspective. The host emphasizes that our perception of a situation matters more than the situation itself. Material possessions and achievements alone cannot fill the void within us; it is essential to learn to love the person we need to become in order to achieve our goals.

Despite external circumstances, we have the power to control how we feel. By focusing on what we wish to receive and taking care of our mental filter, we can expand our positive experiences. The host highlights that the year 2024 will be a transformative year, and understanding the process of creating a positive mindset is crucial for achieving our goals. By observing and creating the right mindset, we can choose not to let external events affect us and instead focus on our own experiences. Even during challenging times, it is possible to find and live the best life imaginable. Learning to find and share abundance can uplift not only ourselves but also the world.


In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” listeners are encouraged to embrace their creative power and align with their desired frequency. By stepping into the control seat of their lives, they can become powerful observers and creators of their experiences. The power of mindset and perception is emphasized, highlighting the importance of focusing on what we wish to receive and cultivating a positive mindset. Despite external circumstances, it is possible to create a beautiful life by choosing to control how we feel and focusing on our own experiences. The year 2024 is presented as a transformative year, offering opportunities for growth and abundance. By embracing our creative power, we can manifest the best life imaginable and uplift ourselves and the world.

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