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Ted Talks Daily / How to find humor in life’s absurdity | Maira Kalman | Ted Talks Daily

How to find humor in life’s absurdity | Maira Kalman | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, multidisciplinary artist Maira Kalman shares her insights on finding humor in life’s absurdity. Through her unique perspective and experiences, she offers levity and profound wisdom, reminding us of the importance of embracing the everyday moments that shape our lives.

Main Takeaways

Finding Practical Tips for Day-to-Day Life

  • Discovering practical tips can greatly improve our day-to-day lives.

Embracing Absurdity and Humor

  • Kalman’s family history of fleeing pogroms and the sense of absurdity it brought to her life.
  • The story of a philosopher who relentlessly talked about the misery of life until his death at 85.
  • Kalman’s routine of reading obituaries in the morning and watching British murder mysteries at night.

Embracing Connectedness and Laughter

  • Invitations to events can lead to unexpected experiences and connections.
  • Embracing connectedness and laughter can bring joy and new perspectives.

Finding Meaningful Work and Joy of Observation

  • Finding liberation in embracing inconsistencies and opposites.
  • The intertwined struggles of painting and writing, dealing with self-loathing and doubt.
  • Finding humanism and perseverance in creative pursuits.

The Ideal Life: Intense Creativity and Domesticity

  • The ideal life combines intense creativity with domesticity.
  • Exploring the lives of Alice B. Tockless and Gertrude Stein as examples.


Finding Practical Tips for Day-to-Day Life

Kalman emphasizes the importance of discovering practical tips that can improve our day-to-day lives. These tips can range from simple habits to more profound insights. By implementing these practices, we can enhance our overall well-being and find more joy in our daily routines.

Embracing Absurdity and Humor

Kalman’s family history of fleeing pogroms and the subsequent sense of absurdity it brought to her life shaped her perspective. She shares the story of a philosopher who focused on the misery of life until his passing at 85, highlighting the importance of finding humor even in the face of adversity. Kalman’s routine of reading obituaries in the morning and watching British murder mysteries at night serves as a reminder to embrace the absurd and find joy in unexpected places.

Embracing Connectedness and Laughter

Kalman discusses the power of embracing connectedness and laughter. She shares how invitations to events can lead to unexpected experiences and connections, reminding us of the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones. By fostering connections and finding moments of laughter, we can cultivate a sense of joy and open ourselves up to new perspectives and opportunities.

Finding Meaningful Work and Joy of Observation

Kalman explores the idea of finding liberation in embracing inconsistencies and opposites. By accepting the contradictions and complexities of life, we can find meaningful work and experience the joy of observation and creation. She delves into the intertwined struggles of painting and writing, discussing the challenges of self-loathing and doubt that artists often face. Despite these struggles, Kalman emphasizes the importance of perseverance and finding humanism through creative endeavors.

The Ideal Life: Intense Creativity and Domesticity

Kalman shares her perspective on the ideal life, which combines intense creativity with domesticity. She looks to the lives of Alice B. Tockless and Gertrude Stein as examples of individuals who successfully balanced their creative pursuits with their domestic lives. By finding joy in both the strangeness and sorrows of life, we can create a fulfilling existence that encompasses a wide range of experiences and emotions.


Maira Kalman’s Ted Talk reminds us to find humor and joy in life’s absurdity. Through her unique perspective and experiences, she encourages us to embrace practical tips for improving our day-to-day lives, find connections and laughter, and pursue meaningful work. By observing the world with a sense of well-being and embracing the contradictions of life, we can find inspiration and create a life filled with creativity and joy.

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