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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / How to Find the Root Cause of Your Medical Problems | Paul Saladino (Replay) | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

How to Find the Root Cause of Your Medical Problems | Paul Saladino (Replay) | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Dr. Paul Saladino, a functional medicine practitioner, shares his unconventional path to becoming a physician and his journey to understanding the root causes of chronic disease through nutrition. He explores the connection between human biology, philosophy, and our place in the universe. Dr. Saladino emphasizes the importance of exploring the natural world and finding clarity in our meaning and purpose. He also delves into the carnivore diet and its potential benefits for autoimmune conditions.

Main Takeaways

Exploring the Natural World and Philosophy

  • Dr. Saladino’s appreciation for nutrition stemmed from his physical endeavors and exploration of the natural world.
  • Exploring the natural world can provide a sense of something bigger than oneself, leading to clarity about our place in the universe.
  • Philosophical questions about the meaning of life and our place in the universe can be explored through meditation and mindfulness.
  • Humans find clarity in their meaning and place in the universe when they stand in front of things that are bigger than them.

The Power of Nutrition in Improving Health

  • Medicine often focuses on symptoms and drugs rather than addressing the root causes of chronic disease.
  • Nutrition and food can be powerful tools in improving health.
  • Food is information going into our bodies and is the biggest lever for health and disease.
  • Mainstream Western medicine does not fully understand that food is a signal and program for our bodies.

The Carnivore Diet and Autoimmune Conditions

  • The carnivore diet involves eating mostly animal products and has been used to address autoimmune conditions.
  • Autoimmunity is often linked to inflammation and can manifest in different ways.
  • Plants could be triggering autoimmunity, challenging our nutritional norms today.
  • Animal foods are the best source of nutrients and the richest source of vitamins and minerals.

The Importance of Mindful Eating and Food Choices

  • Hormonal and immunologic responses to food are nuanced and not fully understood.
  • Anecdotal evidence can be valuable in understanding the effects of food on the body.
  • Grass-fed meat contains higher levels of micronutrients and antioxidants, while grain-fed meat may contain toxins like glyphosate and atrazine.
  • Eating a nose-to-tail approach, including organ meats like liver, can provide essential nutrients.

Understanding Human Evolution and Nutrition

  • Humans have been farming for only 10-12,000 years, while 80,000 years ago, humans were essentially carnivores.
  • Access to animal foods and nutrient-dense animal products played a crucial role in human evolution.
  • The carnivore diet is also called a whole foods animal-based diet, where anything from an animal can be eaten.
  • The animal industry should be sustainable and cruelty-free to reduce inflammation from pesticides and plant toxins and improve overall health.


Exploring the Natural World and Philosophy

Dr. Paul Saladino’s journey to becoming a functional medicine practitioner was shaped by his appreciation for nutrition, which stemmed from his physical endeavors and exploration of the natural world. Through exploring the natural world, he discovered clarity about our place in the universe and the importance of mindfulness and meditation in understanding philosophical questions about the meaning of life. Standing in front of things that are bigger than oneself can provide a sense of awe and wonder, leading to a deeper understanding of our purpose.

The Power of Nutrition in Improving Health

Dr. Saladino emphasizes that nutrition and food are powerful tools in improving health. Mainstream Western medicine often focuses on symptoms and drugs, neglecting the root causes of chronic disease. Food is not just fuel, but information going into our bodies, and it plays a significant role in our overall health. Understanding that food is a signal and program for our bodies can lead to transformative changes in our well-being.

The Carnivore Diet and Autoimmune Conditions

The carnivore diet, which primarily consists of animal products, has shown potential benefits in addressing autoimmune conditions. Autoimmunity is often linked to inflammation, and exploring the possibility that plants could be triggering autoimmunity challenges our current nutritional norms. Animal foods, being the best source of nutrients and rich in vitamins and minerals, can provide essential support for overall health and well-being.

The Importance of Mindful Eating and Food Choices

Hormonal and immunologic responses to food are complex and not fully understood. Anecdotal evidence can provide valuable insights into the effects of food on the body, and it should not be dismissed when it disagrees with studies. Grass-fed meat, which contains higher levels of micronutrients and antioxidants, is a healthier choice compared to grain-fed meat, which may contain toxins like glyphosate and atrazine. Adopting a nose-to-tail approach, including organ meats like liver, can provide essential nutrients for optimal health.

Understanding Human Evolution and Nutrition

Human evolution and nutrition are deeply intertwined. Humans have been farming for only a fraction of our existence, while our ancestors were essentially carnivores. Access to animal foods and nutrient-dense animal products played a crucial role in our evolution. The carnivore diet, also known as a whole foods animal-based diet, allows for the consumption of any part of an animal. However, it is essential to prioritize sustainability and cruelty-free practices in the animal industry to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.


Dr. Paul Saladino’s unique perspective on nutrition and health challenges conventional wisdom and encourages a deeper exploration of our relationship with food. By understanding the power of nutrition, the potential benefits of the carnivore diet, and the importance of mindful eating, we can make intentional choices to improve our overall well-being. Exploring the natural world and understanding our place in the universe can provide clarity and a sense of awe and wonder. By embracing our animal nature and making conscious decisions about our diet and lifestyle, we can optimize our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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