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Ted Talks Daily / How to harness abundant, clean energy for 10 billion people | Julio Friedmann | Ted Talks Daily

How to harness abundant, clean energy for 10 billion people | Julio Friedmann | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Julio Friedmann discusses the potential for harnessing abundant and clean energy for the world’s growing population. He challenges the notion that the global south will only be climate victims and instead sees them as latent energy superpowers. Friedmann emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable and affordable energy that is accessible to everyone.

Main Takeaways

Advancements in Energy Technologies

  • The advancement of solar, perovskites, and multi-exiton technologies can significantly increase energy output.
  • These technologies have the potential to harness more of the sun’s energy and make it accessible for use.

Fusion Energy Potential

  • Fusion in California presents an abundance of energy, but cost reduction is essential for harnessing this potential.
  • Finding ways to make fusion energy more cost-effective will unlock its vast energy production capabilities.

Cost Reduction Goals

  • The US Department of Energy’s Earthshot programs should incorporate cost reduction goals to make sustainable energy more affordable.
  • By focusing on reducing costs, renewable energy sources can become more accessible to a larger population.

Systemic Investment Mechanisms

  • Shifting from single-project finance to systemic investment mechanisms is crucial for sustainable energy.
  • By considering the entire energy value chain, investments can be made in a way that maximizes efficiency and impact.

Full Value Chain Consideration

  • The Bridgetown Initiative emphasizes the importance of considering the full value chain in energy investment.
  • By taking into account the entire lifecycle of an energy project, the true value and impact can be assessed.

Collaboration for Green Hydrogen

  • Collaboration between Chile and Japan on green hydrogen projects demonstrates the impact of multiple projects and long-term off-takes.
  • By working together, countries can leverage their strengths and resources to accelerate the development and adoption of green hydrogen.

Namibia’s Potential as a Global Anchor

  • Namibia could become a global anchor for food and fuel through a comprehensive set of projects and infrastructure development.
  • With the right investments and strategies, Namibia has the potential to become a leader in sustainable energy production.

Optimism and Collective Action

  • Building a thriving world requires optimism, collective action, and commitment to infrastructure, innovation, and investment.
  • By coming together and taking bold steps, we can create a future powered by abundant, clean energy.


Advancements in Energy Technologies

Julio Friedmann highlights the potential of advancements in solar, perovskites, and multi-exiton technologies to significantly increase energy output. These technologies have the capability to harness more of the sun’s energy and make it accessible for use. By investing in research and development in these areas, we can unlock new possibilities for clean and abundant energy sources.

Fusion Energy Potential

Friedmann discusses the abundance of energy potential in fusion, particularly in California. However, the cost of harnessing this energy remains a significant barrier. He emphasizes the need for cost reduction goals to make fusion energy more affordable and accessible. By addressing the economic challenges, we can tap into the immense energy production capabilities of fusion.

Cost Reduction Goals and Systemic Investment Mechanisms

Friedmann suggests that the US Department of Energy’s Earthshot programs should incorporate cost reduction goals. By focusing on reducing the costs associated with renewable energy technologies, we can make them more accessible to a larger population. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of shifting from single-project finance to systemic investment mechanisms. By considering the entire value chain of energy projects, investments can be made in a way that maximizes efficiency and impact.

Full Value Chain Consideration and Collaboration for Green Hydrogen

The Bridgetown Initiative highlights the significance of considering the full value chain in energy investment. By taking into account the entire lifecycle of an energy project, we can assess its true value and impact. Friedmann also discusses the collaboration between Chile and Japan on green hydrogen projects. This collaboration demonstrates the power of multiple projects and long-term off-takes in accelerating the development and adoption of green hydrogen as a clean energy source.

Namibia’s Potential as a Global Anchor

Friedmann explores Namibia’s potential to become a global anchor for food and fuel through comprehensive projects and infrastructure development. With the right investments and strategies, Namibia can emerge as a leader in sustainable energy production. By harnessing its unique resources and implementing innovative solutions, Namibia can contribute to a more sustainable and thriving world.

Optimism and Collective Action

In conclusion, Friedmann emphasizes the importance of optimism, collective action, and commitment to infrastructure, innovation, and investment. Building a thriving world powered by abundant, clean energy requires the collaboration and determination of individuals, organizations, and governments. By working together and taking bold steps, we can create a future where sustainable energy is accessible to all.


In this thought-provoking episode, Julio Friedmann presents a vision for harnessing abundant, clean energy for a growing global population. By leveraging advancements in energy technologies, pursuing cost reduction goals, and implementing systemic investment mechanisms, we can create a future powered by sustainable energy. Collaboration and collective action are key to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy sources and building a thriving world for all.

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