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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to live in abundance and become a positive force for change | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to live in abundance and become a positive force for change | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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“The Positive Mindset Podcast” is a podcast that focuses on raising vibration, lifting perspective, and building a positive mindset. In this episode, the host aims to help listeners unlock positive abundance and become a positive force for change. Through guided meditations and exercises, listeners are encouraged to tap into abundance energy and visualize their desires. The podcast emphasizes the importance of finding internal peace and becoming the highest form of self in order to make a positive impact in the world.

Main Takeaways

Unlocking Abundance

  • Living in abundance means giving everything to others and receiving in return, creating a powerful and valuable exchange.
  • Abundance comes from stepping into a positive mindset and shifting perspective.
  • Practice separating beyond ego to be our higher selves, where everyone is valuable.
  • It’s important to step into the love frequency and be abundantly offering of love.
  • Infinitely abundant love can either change people or remove them from your life.

Visualizing Desires

  • The host leads a guided meditation to align with the desired frequency, promoting love, joy, happiness, and abundance.
  • Guides listeners through an exercise to tap into abundance energy and visualize driving the car of their dreams.
  • Emphasizes that the exercise is a vibrational exercise, not just a material one, and encourages listeners to imagine a life without limits and with the ability to help and support others.
  • Promotes a sense of achievement and joy by visualizing oneself in a state of success and celebration.
  • Visualize driving down the highway to your future, exhaling and keeping positive energy within you.

Becoming a Positive Force for Change

  • The goal is to be the highest form of self and find internal peace, leading to a desire to be a positive change in the world.
  • Healing ourselves first is essential before trying to change the world.
  • Becoming so abundant that you can overflow and lift others up is the goal.

Engagement and Support

  • Encourages engagement and feedback from listeners to make the podcast the number one mindset podcast in the world.
  • Encourages listeners to subscribe to the email list and follow on social media for more impactful content.
  • Mindset coach offering guidance for an abundant and positive mindset journey.
  • Open to one-on-one clients for the rest of the year.
  • Encourages reaching out for advice or support, even if not working together.
  • Emphasizes the love for communication and supporting people.
  • Best way to reach out is through Instagram.
  • Expresses excitement about talking to everyone and looks forward to the next conversation.


Unlocking Abundance and Shifting Perspective

The episode starts by emphasizing the importance of living in abundance and giving everything to others. By stepping into a positive mindset and shifting perspective, listeners can tap into abundance energy and experience a powerful exchange. The host guides listeners through a vibrational exercise that promotes love, joy, happiness, and abundance. This exercise encourages listeners to imagine a life without limits and with the ability to help and support others. By practicing separating beyond ego and stepping into the love frequency, listeners can become abundantly offering of love, which can create transformative change in people’s lives.

Visualizing Desires and Celebrating Success

The podcast emphasizes the power of visualization in manifesting desires. Through guided meditation and visualization exercises, listeners are encouraged to visualize their dreams and desires, such as driving the car of their dreams. The exercise is not just a material visualization but also a vibrational one, promoting a sense of achievement and joy. By visualizing oneself in a state of success and celebration, listeners can align themselves with abundance and attract positive outcomes into their lives.

Becoming a Positive Force for Change and Supporting Others

The ultimate goal of the podcast is to help listeners become the highest form of themselves and find internal peace. By healing ourselves first, we can then become a positive force for change in the world. The podcast encourages listeners to become so abundant in their mindset that they can overflow and lift others up. This involves offering love and support to others, as well as being open to communication and supporting people. The host expresses excitement about engaging with listeners and looks forward to the next conversation.


“The Positive Mindset Podcast” episode on living in abundance and becoming a positive force for change provides valuable insights and exercises to help listeners unlock positive abundance and shift their perspective. By visualizing desires, celebrating success, and becoming abundantly offering of love, listeners can tap into their highest selves and make a positive impact in the world. The podcast encourages engagement and support, offering guidance for an abundant and positive mindset journey. By subscribing and following on social media, listeners can access more impactful content and connect with the host. Overall, the episode promotes the importance of finding internal peace and becoming a positive force for change in the world.

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