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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to make the switch and turn into a positive thinker. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to make the switch and turn into a positive thinker. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host discusses how to make the switch and turn into a positive thinker. They explore various techniques and perspectives that can help shift one’s mindset to focus on the positive and see the world in a more optimistic light.

Main Takeaways

Techniques for Shifting Mindset

  • Taking deep breaths and focusing on positive words and visualization can help align one’s mindset to a positive state.
  • Believing in something is what makes it flow through you.
  • Observing and creating more of what you perceive is your purpose.
  • You are gifted every day with the choice to decide how you perceive the world.
  • You are more powerful than your circumstances or events.
  • Shift your energy by becoming a source and choosing to be something every day.
  • Look at everything as it happens for you, not to you, to shift your mindset.
  • Realize that you are the creator of your experience, not the victim of it.

The Purpose of Existence

  • We are made in the energetic image of the creator, as observers and creators.
  • We are here to expand our energy and gifted with free will to do so.
  • Everything in life is a gift, even the painful experiences, as they allow us to become a positive version of ourselves and help others going through similar situations.
  • The purpose of our existence is to give and exchange energy with others.

Impact on Community and Self

  • Leaving a positive comment or sharing the podcast can help grow the community and inspire others.
  • Be grateful for challenges and use them to become the rising tide that lifts all ships.


Techniques for Shifting Mindset

The podcast explores various techniques for shifting one’s mindset towards positivity. By taking deep breaths, focusing on positive words, and engaging in visualization exercises, individuals can align their mindset to a positive state. Believing in something and observing and creating more of what one perceives can also contribute to a positive mindset. The power to choose how one perceives the world and the ability to be more powerful than circumstances or events are emphasized. By actively becoming a source of positive energy and viewing everything as happening for them rather than to them, individuals can shift their mindset and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

The Purpose of Existence

The podcast delves into the purpose of our existence, highlighting that we are made in the energetic image of the creator and possess the ability to observe and create. Our purpose is to expand our energy and exercise our free will in doing so. Even the painful experiences in life are seen as gifts that allow us to become a positive version of ourselves and offer support to others facing similar challenges. The concept of giving and exchanging energy with others is emphasized as a fundamental aspect of our existence.

Impact on Community and Self

The podcast acknowledges the impact of positive actions on both the community and the self. Leaving positive comments and sharing the podcast can contribute to community growth and inspire others to adopt a positive mindset. Additionally, challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth and becoming a positive force that uplifts others.


By implementing techniques for shifting mindset, understanding the purpose of our existence, and recognizing the impact of positive actions, individuals can transform into positive thinkers. Embracing positivity not only benefits oneself but also has a ripple effect on the community, inspiring others to adopt a similar mindset. Choose to see the world through a positive lens and become the creator of your own experiences.

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