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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to take positive charge of your life and lift you mindset. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to take positive charge of your life and lift you mindset. | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores how to take positive charge of your life and lift your mindset. The podcast aims to help listeners raise their vibration, lift their perspective, and build a positive mindset. Through guided meditation and insightful discussions, listeners can learn techniques to align with positive energy and understanding.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Mindset and Frequency

  • Spotify for podcasters is a platform that allows users to record, edit, and distribute podcasts, as well as earn money through ads and sponsorships.
  • The host emphasizes the importance of mindset and setting the mind on the highest frequency available.
  • Using thoughts as indicators of the frequency can help individuals stay aligned with positive energy.

Using Affirmations and Visualization

  • The speaker suggests using powerful “I am” statements to imprint the desired frequency throughout the day.
  • Encourages listeners to visualize and affirm positive statements to reinforce their mindset.

The Power of Perception and Self-Trust

  • One’s perception shapes their reality and experience of the world.
  • Understanding and trusting oneself is crucial for creating a positive and impactful future.


Aligning with Positive Frequency

The host highlights the importance of mindset and aligning with a higher frequency. By setting the mind on the highest frequency available, individuals can attract positive experiences and opportunities into their lives. Thoughts serve as indicators of the frequency one is operating from, so it’s essential to be mindful of the thoughts and emotions that arise. By consciously choosing positive thoughts and emotions, individuals can maintain a positive mindset and attract more positivity.

The Power of Affirmations and Visualization

The speaker suggests using powerful “I am” statements to imprint the desired frequency throughout the day. Affirmations help reprogram the subconscious mind and reinforce positive beliefs. Visualizing desired outcomes and experiences can also enhance the manifestation process. By consistently visualizing and affirming positive statements, individuals can align their thoughts, emotions, and actions with their desired reality, leading to positive transformations in their lives.

Perception and Self-Trust

One’s perception shapes their reality and experience of the world. By cultivating a positive mindset and trusting oneself, individuals can create a positive and impactful future. Trusting oneself involves listening to intuition, making decisions aligned with values and desires, and taking inspired action. When individuals trust themselves, they can navigate challenges with resilience and create a life that aligns with their true purpose and potential.


Taking positive charge of your life and lifting your mindset requires conscious awareness, intentional thoughts, and aligned actions. By focusing on mindset, using affirmations and visualization, and trusting oneself, individuals can create positive shifts and manifest their desired reality. Embracing a positive mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

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