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How to Talk to People / – #23 – Mike Montague: How to Have Fun With the People Around You

How to Talk to People – #23 – Mike Montague: How to Have Fun With the People Around You

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, host Mike Montague explores the importance of human connection and playfulness in a world dominated by technology and AI. He shares personal anecdotes, insights, and practical tips on how to have fun with the people around you while building better relationships and improving communication skills.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Human Connection

  • Social media is good for connection, but it’s not a substitute for face-to-face communication.
  • AI can quickly load up information but can’t connect with humor and insight like humans can.
  • Virtual communication can only fulfill one quarter of the human experience, leading to feelings of emptiness and depression.
  • Engaging in play and relaxation can help us think more creatively and find multiple solutions to problems.

The Importance of Playfulness

  • Playfulness can enhance productivity and creativity.
  • Regular engagement in play can lead to growth in the corresponding portion of the brain responsible for that activity.
  • Playing has numerous positive side effects, including making more creative connections, being more attractive, making more money, and having more sex.
  • Choosing who you surround yourself with is important for your stress levels and playfulness.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Failure

  • Failing spectacularly can lead to increased confidence and mental fortitude.
  • Overcoming obstacles and challenges can build emotional and physical strength.
  • Being bad at something first is the only way to be good at it.
  • Trying to force something to happen makes it less likely to happen, but when you relax and let go, interesting things happen.

The Benefits of Podcasting

  • Podcasting can be a great way to learn from others and add education to your life.
  • Podcasting can be a hack to get paid to learn and perform at the same time.
  • Creating your own podcast allows you to have more control over the content and showcase your personality.
  • Podcasting can be a creative outlet for self-expression and voice.


The Power of Human Connection

In a world where technology and AI dominate, it’s important to remember the power of human connection. While social media provides a sense of connection, it cannot replace the depth and richness of face-to-face communication. AI may be able to quickly load up information, but it lacks the ability to connect with humor and insight like humans can. Virtual communication can only fulfill a fraction of the human experience, leading to feelings of emptiness and depression. Engaging in play and relaxation can help us think more creatively and find multiple solutions to problems.

The Importance of Playfulness

Playfulness is not just for children; it can enhance productivity and creativity in adults as well. Regular engagement in play can lead to growth in the corresponding portion of the brain responsible for that activity. Playing has numerous positive side effects, including making more creative connections, being more attractive, making more money, and even having more sex. Choosing who you surround yourself with is important for your stress levels and playfulness, as some people may be more supportive and encouraging of your playful nature.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Failure

Failing spectacularly can actually lead to increased confidence and mental fortitude. Overcoming obstacles and challenges can build emotional and physical strength, making you more resilient in the face of adversity. It’s important to embrace failure and understand that being bad at something first is the only way to become good at it. Trying to force something to happen often leads to disappointment, but when you relax and let go, interesting things can happen.

The Benefits of Podcasting

Podcasting is not only a great way to learn from others and add education to your life, but it can also be a hack to get paid to learn and perform at the same time. Creating your own podcast allows you to have more control over the content and showcase your personality. It can serve as a creative outlet for self-expression and voice. Podcasting can also provide opportunities to connect with interesting people and gain valuable insights.


In a world where technology and AI are advancing rapidly, it’s crucial to remember the importance of human connection, playfulness, and embracing failure. Engaging in face-to-face communication, play, and relaxation can enhance creativity, build better relationships, and improve overall well-being. Podcasting can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-expression. So, let’s prioritize human connection, playfulness, and continuous learning to lead more fulfilling and joyful lives.

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