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How to Talk to People / – #24 – Kevin Tietz: Embrace Failure & Embrace Growth, You’re Michelangelo’s David

How to Talk to People – #24 – Kevin Tietz: Embrace Failure & Embrace Growth, You’re Michelangelo’s David

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, the host dives into a conversation with guest Kevin Tietz. They discuss various topics, including embracing failure, making big decisions, the importance of mentors, and the art of conversation. Kevin shares his personal experiences and insights, offering valuable advice for personal growth and building meaningful connections with others.

Main Takeaways

Embracing Failure and Growth

  • Embrace failure and don’t be scared to present ideas that may fail.
  • Successes and failures are part of the process of becoming the best version of yourself.
  • Embrace the growth mindset and have faith in Christ to shape you into the image of Christ.
  • Fear of failure can lead to paralysis in decision-making.
  • Embracing failure as part of the process can lead to freedom.

Making Big Decisions

  • Making big decisions comes with both fear and excitement.
  • Ask yourself if a decision will lead you towards or away from the Lord, considering your interests, experiences, and skills.
  • It’s important to define what a date is and not be afraid of putting yourself out there.
  • College is a transformative time of life where people are open to new experiences and conversations.
  • Setting trajectories in your 20s can help set habits in your 30s.

The Art of Conversation

  • Practice talking to people about God to improve communication skills.
  • Persistence and repetition can lead to improvement in communication skills and overcoming fear.
  • Genuine interest and asking questions can help in talking to people.
  • Building bridges and genuine interest in people can lead to deeper conversations.
  • Listening can sometimes be more important than talking in building relationships.


Embracing Failure and Growth

Kevin Tietz emphasizes the importance of embracing failure as part of personal growth. He encourages listeners to have faith in Christ and adopt a growth mindset. By acknowledging that failures are stepping stones to success, individuals can overcome the fear of failure and take risks with confidence.

Making Big Decisions

When facing major decisions, it’s crucial to consider one’s interests, experiences, and skills. Kevin suggests asking oneself if a decision aligns with their relationship with the Lord. Additionally, he highlights the significance of defining what a date means and not being afraid to put oneself out there. College is a prime time for self-discovery and setting trajectories for future habits.

The Art of Conversation

Kevin shares valuable insights on improving communication skills and engaging in meaningful conversations. He encourages listeners to practice talking to people about God, as it can enhance their ability to communicate effectively. Genuine interest, asking questions, and being a good listener are essential elements of successful conversations. Building bridges and showing interest in others can lead to deeper connections.


This episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast with Kevin Tietz offers valuable advice on embracing failure, making big decisions, and mastering the art of conversation. By adopting a growth mindset, seeking guidance from mentors, and stepping out of their comfort zones, listeners can enhance their personal growth and build meaningful connections with others. Remember, life is better when you talk to people!

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