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How to Talk to People / – #25 – Mia Santarelli: The Importance of an Intergenerational Community

How to Talk to People – #25 – Mia Santarelli: The Importance of an Intergenerational Community

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, host Mia Santarelli discusses the importance of building an intergenerational community. Mia shares her passion for working with senior citizens and her belief in the power of communication to bridge generational gaps. She emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding when connecting with people of different age groups. Mia also talks about her own journey in creating a podcast and building relationships through talking to people.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Intergenerational Community

  • Mia Santarelli is passionate about working with senior citizens
  • Mia believes in the importance of building an intergenerational community
  • She advocates for creating opportunities for different generations to come together and learn from each other
  • Interacting with people of different ages can expand one’s perspective
  • Intergenerational community can teach people how to communicate with others who are different from them
  • Building relationships with people of different ages is important for personal growth

The Value of Communication and Connection

  • Mia emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding in communication with people from different age groups
  • She emphasizes the importance of building relationships through talking to people
  • Mia’s podcast is called “Talk to People” because that’s what she wants to do
  • Mia’s guest on the podcast once said, “you can’t steer a docked ship”, meaning it’s better to start and rebrand later than to never start at all
  • Overthinking can lead to analysis paralysis and hinder progress

The Impact of Intergenerational Volunteering

  • Volunteering at intergenerational communities can enrich the lives of older adults through activities and friendship
  • Pairing senior citizens and children can create a unique and enjoyable experience
  • Reading groups for seniors and students can be a great way to learn from each other
  • Perspectives and wisdom from older adults can offer valuable insights for younger generations
  • Building memories and relationships through intergenerational volunteering can be a rewarding experience for both younger and older adults

The Transformative Power of Art and Creativity

  • Working with older adults professionally has emphasized the importance of intergenerational community to the speaker
  • Moving to a new location for a job can be a bold and life-changing experience
  • Providing art activities for seniors led to a cool transformation and motivated the speaker to continue encouraging them creatively
  • Creative activities can increase seniors’ confidence and pride in their work
  • Art and creative expression provide a vehicle for building a community and socializing

The Joyful Palette Project

  • The Joyful Palette Project provides creative opportunities for seniors to spark joy within themselves and their communities
  • The project is scaled to meet seniors where they’re at, from skilled nursing to independent living
  • Building relationships and creating vehicles for expression for seniors is a skill that not many people have, but it is inspiring and motivating to see in action
  • The palette project is an exciting opportunity to bring creative experiences to a wider audience of seniors
  • Art has an inexplicable draw, and learning about the academic side of it is a component of the Joyful Palette project


The Power of Intergenerational Community

Mia Santarelli is passionate about working with senior citizens and believes in the importance of building an intergenerational community. She advocates for creating opportunities for different generations to come together and learn from each other. Mia emphasizes that interacting with people of different ages can expand one’s perspective and teach valuable communication skills. Building relationships with people of different ages is also important for personal growth.

The Value of Communication and Connection

Mia emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding in communication with people from different age groups. She believes in the power of building relationships through talking to people and emphasizes the importance of taking action rather than overthinking. Mia’s podcast, “Talk to People,” reflects her desire to connect with individuals from all walks of life and learn from their experiences.

The Impact of Intergenerational Volunteering

Volunteering at intergenerational communities can enrich the lives of older adults through activities and friendship. Pairing senior citizens and children can create unique and enjoyable experiences for both parties. Reading groups for seniors and students provide opportunities for mutual learning and growth. The perspectives and wisdom of older adults offer valuable insights for younger generations. Building memories and relationships through intergenerational volunteering can be a rewarding experience for both younger and older adults.

The Transformative Power of Art and Creativity

Working with older adults has emphasized the importance of intergenerational community to the speaker. Providing art activities for seniors has led to transformative experiences and motivated the speaker to continue encouraging them creatively. Creative activities increase seniors’ confidence and pride in their work. Art and creative expression provide a vehicle for building a community and socializing.

The Joyful Palette Project

The Joyful Palette Project aims to provide creative opportunities for seniors to spark joy within themselves and their communities. It is scaled to meet seniors’ needs, from skilled nursing to independent living. The project focuses on building relationships and creating vehicles for expression for seniors, which is a valuable skill. The Joyful Palette Project has the potential to bring creative experiences to a wider audience of seniors and tap into the inexplicable draw of art.


Building an intergenerational community is essential for personal growth, expanding perspectives, and fostering meaningful connections. By embracing empathy, understanding, and creativity, individuals can bridge generational gaps and create a thriving community where everyone can learn from each other. Whether through volunteering, engaging in conversations, or participating in creative activities, the power of communication and connection can transform lives and bring joy to individuals of all ages.

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