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How to Talk to People / – #28 – Paige Freeman: Unlocking the Power of Intercultural Communication

How to Talk to People – #28 – Paige Freeman: Unlocking the Power of Intercultural Communication

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, Paige Freeman joins the host to discuss the power of intercultural communication. They delve into the importance of building a diverse community, the difference between openness and vulnerability, and provide tips for both extroverts and introverts. They also explore why talking to strangers is beneficial and share personal experiences that shaped their communication skills.

Main Takeaways

Building a Diverse Community

  • Communication is an intercultural experience.
  • Importance of building a diverse community around you.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Difference between openness and vulnerability.
  • Tips for extroverts and introverts.
  • Why you should be talking to strangers.

Personal Experiences Shaping Communication Skills

  • Director of Student Programs oversees student alumni network and large-scale event planning for current KU students.
  • Introducing young alumni initiatives to re-engage disengaged population back to KU.
  • Learned leadership skills at Boys and Girls Club and became a leader in various programs.
  • Growing up in a diverse community in Louisville, Kentucky, shaped her desire to work with diverse populations.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Vulnerability

  • Rejection from University of Kentucky led to feeling of not being good enough.
  • Standardized testing and GPA can create a narrative of who you are as a student.
  • Being labeled as a talker can be both positive and negative.
  • Ability to connect with people can be a powerful tool for bridging gaps and bringing people together.

Language and Communication

  • Words and phrases can have different meanings and pronunciations depending on where you grew up.
  • Cultural experiences play a big role in language and communication.
  • Southern accents can sometimes lead to negative perceptions of intelligence.
  • People feel the need to code-switch for safety in certain spaces.

Emotional Intelligence and Communication

  • Being open and vulnerable is key to building deeper connections.
  • Self-awareness can help identify communication barriers.
  • Talking about emotions can lead to gaining a better approach to addressing situations.
  • Teaching children how to navigate their emotions starts at the dinner table.

Books and Resources for Understanding Communication

  • The book “Brunei Brown” offers a helpful guide to understanding and identifying different emotions.
  • The book “Why All the Black Kids Sit Together in the Cafeteria” provides context and understanding of Black people in education.
  • The book “Black Women and Girls in Higher Education” explores the experiences of Black women in higher education.
  • The book “Access” highlights systemic racism and barriers in educational systems.


Building a Diverse Community

Communication is an intercultural experience, and building a diverse community around you is essential. By engaging with people from different backgrounds, you gain new perspectives and foster a more inclusive environment.

Tips for Effective Communication

Openness and vulnerability are two different concepts when it comes to communication. Extroverts and introverts can both benefit from engaging in conversations with strangers, as it broadens their social networks and improves their mood and happiness levels.

Personal Experiences Shaping Communication Skills

Paige Freeman’s experiences as the Director of Student Programs and involvement in leadership roles have shaped her communication skills. Growing up in a diverse community in Louisville, Kentucky, also influenced her desire to work with diverse populations.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Vulnerability

Rejection and labels can impact one’s communication journey. However, embracing one’s ability to connect with others and being vulnerable can be powerful tools for bridging gaps and bringing people together.

Language and Communication

Language and communication are heavily influenced by cultural experiences. Different regions have their own unique phrases and accents, which can affect how individuals perceive and navigate communication in different spaces.

Emotional Intelligence and Communication

Being open and vulnerable is key to building deeper connections. Understanding and articulating emotions are crucial skills that can lead to personal growth and development. Teaching children how to navigate their emotions from an early age is essential.

Books and Resources for Understanding Communication

Books such as “Brunei Brown,” “Why All the Black Kids Sit Together in the Cafeteria,” “Black Women and Girls in Higher Education,” and “Access” offer valuable insights into understanding emotions, racial dynamics in education, and systemic barriers.


Effective communication is an intercultural experience that requires openness, vulnerability, and an understanding of cultural influences. By building diverse communities, embracing vulnerability, and exploring resources that enhance communication skills, individuals can foster deeper connections and navigate through various challenges.

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