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The Positive Mindset Podcast / How to unlock your positive mindset and free your being! | The Positive Mindset Podcast

How to unlock your positive mindset and free your being! | The Positive Mindset Podcast

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Welcome to “The Positive Mindset Podcast”! In this episode, titled “How to unlock your positive mindset and free your being!”, the host explores the power of positive thinking and provides valuable insights on how to cultivate a positive mindset. Listeners are encouraged to leave positive comments and share the episode to support the podcast’s mission of spreading positivity and uplifting perspectives.

Main Takeaways

Unlocking Your Positive Mindset

  • Visualize yourself in a positive state to make a mental shift towards positivity and freedom.
  • Take deep healing meditative breaths to align your frequency with positive energy and let go of negativity.
  • Separate yourself from your body and realize that you are not just your physical form but a spirit, soul, and infinite energy.
  • Play the infinite game of life and stop limiting yourself to the belief that this life is the end.
  • When you embrace the infinite game, you tap into your infinite power, becoming unstoppable.

The Power of Perspective

  • Perspective is everything; it’s not the experience itself but your perception of it that matters.
  • Recognize that your journey is unique and meant to be different from others.
  • Shift your focus from self-limitations to the limitless nature of your energy and soul.
  • Plant seeds for the future by doing things for the greater good, as the greater good encompasses us all.
  • Time is an illusion; focus on your internal state and embrace the present moment.

Expanding Together

  • Let’s become the rising tide that lifts all ships, supporting and uplifting each other.
  • Reach out on Instagram for more information, to chat, or to share something.
  • The future is expansive, and the best is yet to come; embrace the next chapter of growth together.
  • In a group, we can all win and create positive change in the world.


Unlocking Your Positive Mindset

By visualizing yourself in a positive state and taking deep meditative breaths, you can shift your mindset towards positivity and free yourself from negativity. Recognizing that you are more than just your physical body and playing the infinite game of life allows you to tap into your infinite power and overcome any obstacles.

The Power of Perspective

Your perspective shapes your reality. Understanding that your journey is unique and focusing on the limitless nature of your energy and soul helps you break free from self-imposed limitations. By planting seeds for the future and embracing the present moment, you can create positive change and contribute to the greater good.

Expanding Together

Together, we can create a positive ripple effect. Let’s support and uplift each other, becoming the rising tide that lifts all ships. Connect with others on Instagram to share insights, information, and experiences. The future holds great potential, and by embracing growth as a collective, we can create a better world for all.


Unlocking your positive mindset and freeing your being is a transformative journey. By shifting your perspective, embracing the infinite game of life, and connecting with others, you can create a life filled with positivity, growth, and limitless possibilities. Join “The Positive Mindset Podcast” community and be part of the rising tide that lifts all ships!

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