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The Mel Robbins Podcast / If You Only Listen to One Podcast This Week, Make It This Episode | The Mel Robbins Podcast

If You Only Listen to One Podcast This Week, Make It This Episode | The Mel Robbins Podcast

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins discusses the importance of taking a break and doing nothing. She emphasizes the need to pause and make time for moments of rest, especially during chaotic times like the holidays. Despite the challenges of being busy, she encourages everyone to prioritize their mental well-being by incorporating moments of doing nothing into their daily lives.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Doing Nothing

  • Mel Robbins discusses the societal glorification of busyness and emphasizes the need to intentionally do nothing.
  • Taking a break, even just for a short period, is crucial for mental well-being.
  • Creating moments of doing nothing helps in refueling the mind and reducing stress.

Finding Time for Doing Nothing

  • Learning to find five minutes to do nothing or pushing off the to-do list can be a start.
  • Finding time to do nothing is essential, especially for those with busy schedules.
  • Visualize what doing nothing looks like for you, whether it’s taking a hot bath, a nap, or sitting in silence.

Overcoming the Pressure to Be Busy

  • Listener Jenny struggles to find time for self-care and rest as a single parent with little wiggle room.
  • The pressure to do everything and dream big can be overwhelming, especially when surrounded by achievers.
  • Social media often portrays unrealistic standards, and it’s important to stop torturing yourself with these impossible ideals.

Embracing Your Unique Circumstances

  • Flexibility is key to making advice work for you in your unique circumstances.
  • Embrace what works for you and your life right now.
  • Comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy; it’s important to stop comparing oneself to others with different life circumstances.

The Art of Doing Nothing

  • Practicing the art of doing nothing is a challenge for many people.
  • The ability to quiet the mind is essential for truly doing nothing.
  • It’s important to find ways to do less and sit with the discomfort of not constantly being on the go.

Taking a Minute to Do Nothing

  • Taking a minute to do nothing can be beneficial for mental health and stress relief.
  • Music can help focus the mind away from stress and thoughts.
  • Being lazy is okay if it brings joy, and it’s important not to make oneself wrong for it.


The Importance of Doing Nothing

Mel Robbins emphasizes the need to intentionally do nothing and take breaks, even during busy times like the holidays. Creating moments of doing nothing helps in refueling the mind and reducing stress. It is crucial for mental well-being.

Finding Time for Doing Nothing

Learning to find even five minutes to do nothing or pushing off the to-do list can be a start in incorporating moments of rest. It is essential to find time for doing nothing, especially for individuals with busy schedules. Visualizing what doing nothing looks like for you, whether it’s taking a hot bath, a nap, or sitting in silence, can help prioritize these moments.

Overcoming the Pressure to Be Busy

Listener Jenny’s struggle to find time for self-care and rest as a single parent highlights the pressure to do everything and the overwhelming nature of societal expectations. Mel Robbins encourages individuals to stop comparing themselves to unrealistic standards portrayed on social media and embrace their unique circumstances. It’s important to prioritize rest despite external pressures.

Embracing Your Unique Circumstances

Flexibility is key in making advice work for your unique circumstances. Embrace what works for you and your current life situation. Comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy, so it’s important to stop comparing oneself to others with different life circumstances. Align your actions with your values and make changes that fit into your current life circumstances.

The Art of Doing Nothing

Practicing the art of doing nothing can be challenging, especially in a constantly busy world. The ability to quiet the mind is essential for truly doing nothing. It’s important to find ways to do less and sit with the discomfort of not constantly being on the go. Taking intentional moments to unplug and do nothing is important for mental restoration and regaining energy.

Taking a Minute to Do Nothing

Taking just a minute to do nothing can have significant benefits for mental health and stress relief. Music can help focus the mind away from stress and thoughts. It’s important not to make oneself wrong for being lazy if it brings joy. Interrupting the addiction to busyness and starting somewhere is crucial in incorporating moments of doing nothing into daily life.


In a world that glorifies busyness, taking a break and doing nothing is essential for mental well-being. Mel Robbins encourages listeners to prioritize moments of rest, even if it’s just for a minute. Embracing one’s unique circumstances and finding ways to do less can help in incorporating the art of doing nothing into daily life. By taking intentional moments to unplug and regroup, individuals can interrupt the chaos and find mental restoration. It’s time to challenge the addiction to busyness and start prioritizing moments of doing nothing for a healthier and more balanced life.

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