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Science vs / I’ll Be Dammed: Beavers Fighting Climate Change | Science vs

I’ll Be Dammed: Beavers Fighting Climate Change | Science vs

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In this episode of “Science vs”, the surprising role of beavers in fighting climate change is explored. These adorable creatures are being recognized for their ability to create natural water storage systems and restore habitats. The government is investing millions of dollars in harnessing the power of beavers, but they still face challenges due to being seen as pests. Join the host as she delves into the incredible impact of beavers on our environment.

Main Takeaways

Beavers and Climate Change

  • Beavers are a surprising new soldier in the battle against climate change, with millions of dollars being invested in them by the government.
  • Beavers are helping fight against climate change by creating natural water storage systems.

The Majestic Swimmers

  • Beavers are adorable and love the water, making them majestic swimmers and excellent at building dams.

Water Storage and Wetlands

  • Beaver dams can help during droughts by storing water for plants to drink and creating wetlands rich with life.

Fire Prevention

  • Beaver ponds can also stop wildfires in their tracks by creating damp conditions that keep plants green.
  • Emily Fairfax conducted a study that showed areas with beaver ponds had greener vegetation after wildfires compared to areas without beaver ponds.
  • Beavers can create fire-resistant areas through their dams, which can act as safe zones for wildlife during wildfires.
  • These “beaver bubbles” have healthier vegetation and more wildlife than areas without beaver ponds.
  • Scientists hope that increasing the number of beaver ponds could act as speed bumps to slow down fast-spreading fires.

Challenges and Solutions

  • However, beavers are often killed due to being seen as pests, making it difficult to increase their populations.
  • Some scientists are trying to move beavers to new areas instead of killing them, but this process can be challenging, including determining the beaver’s sex.
  • Moving beavers to a new spot can be difficult, but when paired up with a mate, they are more likely to stick around and start building dams.

Beavers as Habitat Restorers

  • Beavers and their dams are doing incredible things in our waterways and are being used to restore habitats by the U.S. government and in California.
  • Beavers are making a comeback and are being used to restore habitats by the U.S. government and in California.

Beavers in the Mainstream

  • Beavers are entering the mainstream and are being recognized for their positive impact on the environment.
  • Beavers are like “your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, except this is like your friendly neighborhood beaver”.
  • Check out cute pictures of beavers on their Instagram at science underscore VS.


Beavers: Nature’s Climate Change Warriors

Beavers are proving to be unexpected allies in the fight against climate change. With their ability to create natural water storage systems, they are helping combat droughts and create thriving wetlands. Additionally, their dams play a crucial role in preventing wildfires by maintaining damp conditions and providing safe zones for wildlife. Despite their positive impact, beavers often face persecution as pests, hindering efforts to increase their populations. Scientists are exploring innovative solutions, such as relocating beavers to new areas, to restore habitats and harness their environmental benefits.

Beavers: Building a Better World

Beavers are gaining recognition for their role as habitat restorers and climate change fighters. The U.S. government and California are utilizing beavers and their dams to restore waterways and ecosystems. By increasing the number of beaver ponds, scientists hope to slow down fast-spreading fires and create fire-resistant areas. However, the process of relocating beavers presents challenges, including determining their sex. Despite these obstacles, beavers are making a comeback and becoming beloved icons of environmental resilience.


Beavers are proving to be invaluable allies in the battle against climate change. Their ability to create natural water storage systems, prevent wildfires, and restore habitats is garnering attention and investment from governments. By recognizing the positive impact of beavers and implementing strategies to protect and relocate them, we can harness their power to build a more resilient and sustainable world.

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