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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – A Recession Worse Than 2008? – How To Survive & Thrive The Next Economic Crisis | Peter Schiff PT 1

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – A Recession Worse Than 2008? – How To Survive & Thrive The Next Economic Crisis | Peter Schiff PT 1

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Peter Schiff discusses the current state of the economy and predicts that a recession worse than 2008 is on the horizon. He highlights the deceptive nature of government-reported numbers and the declining standard of living for most Americans. Schiff also delves into the impact of inflation, the dangers of quantitative easing, and the importance of individual rights and capitalism.

Main Takeaways

The Economy and Recession

  • Peter Schiff believes we are in a recession worse than 2008 and the economy is headed towards a cliff.
  • The numbers from the government are not accurate by design and the way they compute the numbers is deceiving.
  • Most Americans’ standard of living is declining and their cost of living is going up.
  • People are struggling with record credit card and student loan debt, and the savings rate has collapsed in the last couple of years.

Inflation and Quantitative Easing

  • Hyperinflation is still a possibility, but high inflation is inevitable and we are already experiencing it.
  • Inflation is going to increase and could reach double digits.
  • Comparing current inflation to the 70s is not accurate due to changes in the CPI used.
  • Quantitative easing is a euphemism for inflation and is when the government prints money to buy government bonds.
  • Quantitative easing is a short-term solution that creates a larger long-term problem.

The Impact of Government Policies

  • Government spending is paid for by the public through taxes or printing money.
  • Deficit spending and money printing reduce the value of money and increase prices, which is a form of hidden tax.
  • The CPI (consumer price index) is a basket of goods used to measure inflation, but it has been rigged to make it seem like inflation is lower than it actually is.
  • Regulations and other factors are making the economy less productive, leading to greater upward pressure on prices.

The Importance of Individual Rights and Capitalism

  • Lowering prices incentivizes people to shop and spend more.
  • Innovation drives prices down over time.
  • Governments use inflation to distribute money evenly and tax indirectly.
  • Short-term thinking dominates the economy, with little regard for long-term consequences.
  • Free market capitalism lowers costs through innovation and productivity.


The Economy and Recession

Peter Schiff warns that the current recession is worse than the 2008 financial crisis. He criticizes the government’s deceptive reporting of economic numbers and highlights the declining standard of living for most Americans. The burden of credit card and student loan debt, coupled with a collapsed savings rate, further exacerbates the economic challenges faced by individuals.

Inflation and Quantitative Easing

Schiff emphasizes the inevitability of high inflation and warns of the potential for hyperinflation. He explains that comparing current inflation to the 70s is misleading due to changes in the CPI calculation. Schiff also criticizes quantitative easing as a short-term solution that creates long-term problems by devaluing currency and distorting the economy.

The Impact of Government Policies

Schiff highlights the hidden tax of deficit spending and money printing, which reduces the value of money and increases prices. He criticizes the manipulation of the CPI to downplay inflation and discusses how regulations and other factors are hindering productivity and driving prices upward.

The Importance of Individual Rights and Capitalism

Schiff argues that lowering prices incentivizes consumer spending and emphasizes the role of innovation in driving down costs over time. He criticizes government use of inflation as a means of wealth distribution and highlights the dominance of short-term thinking in the economy. Schiff advocates for free market capitalism as a system that promotes innovation and productivity, ultimately lowering costs and benefiting society as a whole.


Peter Schiff’s insights shed light on the current state of the economy and the potential challenges ahead. His warnings about inflation, government policies, and the importance of individual rights and capitalism serve as a call to action for individuals to be informed and proactive in navigating the economic landscape. By understanding these issues, individuals can make more informed financial decisions and work towards a more prosperous future.

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