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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – After Impact: Titus O’Neil (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – After Impact: Titus O’Neil (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom and Agent Smith are joined by WWE superstar and philanthropist, Titus O’Neil. They discuss the power of dressing for success, the importance of surrounding yourself with people who challenge you, and the transformative impact of love and belief. Titus shares his inspiring personal journey and offers insights into personal growth, empathy, and the fulfillment that comes from serving others.

Main Takeaways

Dressing for Success

  • Clothing can be a powerful tool for self-signaling and manufacturing authentic emotion.
  • Dressing nicely can help one be taken seriously and feel confident in a professional setting.
  • The way Titus dresses is a reflection of his values and the message he wants to convey to others.
  • Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
  • Being successful doesn’t mean you have to dress up.

Surrounding Yourself with Knowledge

  • Being around people who know more than you can help you progress faster.
  • Seek out groups that challenge you and help you learn.
  • Focus on how knowledge can be used to become capable of something you weren’t before.
  • Sharing your goals with others can help hold you accountable and potentially connect you with people who can help you on your journey.
  • Use social media and networking events to find people who know more than you do and can teach you.

The Power of Love and Belief

  • People can grow in any direction they want, and bad behavior often stems from insecurity or past trauma.
  • Understanding and addressing the underlying needs of someone acting out can lead to beautiful personal growth, as seen in the example of Titus.
  • When someone attacks you, it says more about them than it does about you, so it’s important to pause and ask why.
  • The story of Titus visiting a racist dying woman in the hospital teaches the lesson of looking past someone’s anger and seeing what they really need, as well as the power of forgiveness and empathy.
  • Believing in someone can have a profound impact on their life.

Fulfillment through Serving Others

  • Humans are the ultimate adaptation machine, and you can become the best in the world at something if you’re willing to pour yourself into it.
  • Fulfillment comes from serving other people in your unique way, and helping others can give a sense of well-being and joy.
  • Giving back is a strong theme in Titus’ life, and paying it forward can have a profound impact on others.
  • Helping others become the best version of themselves is what brings deep and lasting joy and fulfillment.
  • Giving back is good mojo and will make you feel better and life more joyful.


Dressing for Success and Surrounding Yourself with Knowledge

Titus O’Neil emphasizes the importance of dressing for success and using clothing as a tool for self-signaling. Dressing nicely not only helps one be taken seriously but also boosts confidence in a professional setting. Additionally, Titus highlights the significance of surrounding yourself with people who know more than you do. Seeking out groups that challenge you and sharing your goals with others can accelerate your progress and provide valuable learning opportunities.

The Power of Love, Belief, and Empathy

Titus shares his personal journey, highlighting the transformative impact of love and belief. He explains that people can grow in any direction they choose, and understanding the underlying needs of someone acting out can lead to beautiful personal growth. Titus recounts a powerful story of visiting a racist dying woman in the hospital, emphasizing the importance of looking past anger and extending forgiveness and empathy.

Fulfillment through Serving Others

Titus believes that fulfillment comes from serving others in your unique way. By helping others become the best versions of themselves, you not only bring joy and fulfillment to their lives but also experience a profound sense of well-being. Giving back and paying it forward are integral to Titus’ life, as they create a positive impact on others and contribute to a more joyful existence.


In this episode, Titus O’Neil shares his inspiring journey and offers valuable insights into personal growth, empathy, and the fulfillment that comes from serving others. Dressing for success, surrounding yourself with knowledge, and embracing love and belief are key elements in Titus’ philosophy. By understanding and addressing the underlying needs of others, we can foster personal growth and make a positive impact on society. Ultimately, serving others and giving back are essential for finding deep and lasting joy and fulfillment in life.

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