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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – BONUS: Why You Need To Protect Your Joints If You Want to Live to Be 100 | Peter Attia (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – BONUS: Why You Need To Protect Your Joints If You Want to Live to Be 100 | Peter Attia (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom interviews Peter Attia, a medical doctor and longevity expert. They discuss the importance of preserving health span, the key factors in longevity, and the specific physical tasks one should be able to do to be a kick-ass 100-year-old. They also delve into the topics of exercise, joint health, energy systems, fasting, and personal growth. Peter Attia shares his insights and experiences, highlighting the importance of intentional training and discipline for living a fulfilling and healthy life.

Main Takeaways

Preserving Health Span and Longevity

  • Living forever may not be possible, but preserving health span is achievable.
  • Physical and cognitive performance are key factors in longevity.
  • Maximally loading muscles while minimally loading joints is ideal for exercise.
  • Lack of specificity in exercise can lead to joint failure.

Becoming a Kick-Ass 100-Year-Old

  • The goal should be to be the most kick-ass 100-year-old that ever lived.
  • To be a kick-ass 100-year-old, you need to be able to do certain physical tasks, such as carrying groceries, lifting bags, squatting and standing up without assistance, and playing with kids.
  • Instead of traditional decathlon events, the new decathlon for longevity involves real-world tasks that you have to be able to do when you’re 100.

Training for Longevity

  • To live a more fulfilling physical life and delay the onset of chronic diseases, you need to create a phase shift in disease onset by delaying the onset of every major chronic disease by about two decades.
  • To be a kick-ass 100-year-old, you need to minimize suffering, emotionally and physically, and train for it by taking things from various disciplines and building a bespoke routine around it that involves muscle mass, joint integrity, flexibility, functional movement, and balance.
  • The goal is to be the most kick-ass 100-year-old that ever lived, and to prepare for it, you need to spend 10-12 hours a week training for it by building a routine that works for you.

Energy Systems and Exercise

  • VO2 max is a measure of maximal extraction or utilization of oxygen by muscles, not just a heart-lung issue.
  • Extreme endurance athletes have efficient muscles that extract a lot of oxygen from blood.
  • VO2 max is just one energy system, and there are other energy systems that need to be trained for longevity.
  • As we age, there are minimum thresholds for different energy systems that we need to meet to maintain function.
  • High-intensity interval training only trains one energy system and may not be enough for overall longevity.

Joint Health and Orthopedic Injuries

  • Chronic orthopedic injuries can limit physical activity and impact quality of life in older age.
  • Joint overload is a major contributor to orthopedic injuries.
  • Many exercises carry a disproportionate amount of risk compared to their benefits.
  • Humans are innately bad at estimating risk.

Fasting and Caloric Restriction

  • Caloric restriction can have significant health benefits, despite the short-term discomfort it may cause.
  • Short term inconvenience of fasting is trivial compared to potential benefits.
  • Fasting clears out defective cells and promotes regrowth of better cells.
  • Benefits of caloric restriction are greater for those with poor diets.

Personal Growth and Motivation

  • Prioritizing knowledge that can drive living longer over money is a priority.
  • Insecurity can be a driver for success.
  • Feeling like a fraud can be a significant motivation for success.
  • Therapy can be helpful in gaining insight into one’s behaviors and motivations.
  • Set specific goals for personal growth, even if they are far in the future.


Peter Attia shares valuable insights on preserving health span, training for longevity, and personal growth. By focusing on specific physical tasks, intentional training, and discipline, individuals can aim to become kick-ass 100-year-olds. Understanding energy systems, joint health, and the benefits of fasting and caloric restriction can further enhance one’s journey towards a fulfilling and healthy life. Personal growth and motivation play crucial roles in this process, and seeking therapy and setting specific goals can aid in personal development. By following the advice shared in this episode, listeners can strive to make a legendary impact and live their best lives.

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