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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – Don’t Let Social Media Kill Your Relationship (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – Don’t Let Social Media Kill Your Relationship (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, the topic of discussion is how social media can impact relationships. Tom and his guest explore the importance of communication, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy sense of self within a relationship.

Main Takeaways

Creating Boundaries on Social Media

  • Rules of engagement are important in social media use, especially with regards to what parts of our lives are off-limits for posting.
  • Posting on social media should be done with consideration and understanding of how it affects others.
  • Silly content should not be posted without the consent of the person involved.
  • Communication is key in understanding what content is appropriate to post.
  • It is important to be respectful of each other’s feelings and boundaries when it comes to social media content.

Building a Strong Foundation

  • Speaking up and being honest about what you need and want is crucial.
  • Making demands tactfully can be tricky, especially at the beginning of a relationship.
  • Show the other person respect, ask for permission before sharing their photos.
  • Different worldviews exist, don’t judge each other harshly and communicate openly.
  • Consider important factors before entering a relationship, such as different worldviews and potential caretaker roles.

Maintaining Self-Care and Individuality

  • It’s important to value yourself and prioritize your own goals and aspirations, while still showing love and support to your family.
  • Acute moments are very specific and limited in time, but if someone needs something in that moment, be there for them.
  • Identity work is crucial in making the transition to a more selfish lifestyle.
  • Consistency is key in maintaining boundaries.
  • Guilt may play a part, but it’s important to remind yourself of the bigger picture.

Support Systems and Emotional Needs

  • Partners having healthy friendships outside of their relationship is important for support systems.
  • Friendships are valuable and helpful for emotional needs.
  • Everyone should do the hard work of not being reliant on other people.
  • Putting yourself into a positive mental state can reinforce positivity in your own life and relationship.
  • Optimism is never an effective strategy, even in the face of a terminal diagnosis.

Helping Others in Toxic Relationships

  • It’s important to be direct and clear when trying to help someone in a bad relationship.
  • Escalation may be necessary to get someone out of an abusive relationship.
  • When dealing with emotional toxicity in a relationship, giving space may be the best option.
  • Building a relationship one-on-one is important before offering advice and support.
  • Do things that will change the person’s brain chemistry, like going to the movies or doing something they enjoy.


Creating Boundaries on Social Media

Communication and respect are crucial when it comes to navigating social media within a relationship. Setting rules of engagement and being mindful of the impact of posts on others can help maintain intimacy and connection.

Building a Strong Foundation

Open communication, understanding different worldviews, and considering important factors before entering a relationship are key to building a strong foundation. It’s important to prioritize respect and consent when sharing personal information or making demands.

Maintaining Self-Care and Individuality

Valuing oneself, maintaining boundaries, and recognizing the importance of self-care are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s important to prioritize personal goals and aspirations while still showing love and support to loved ones.

Support Systems and Emotional Needs

Having healthy friendships outside of a relationship can provide valuable support systems and emotional needs. It’s important to cultivate a positive mental state and avoid relying solely on others for happiness.

Helping Others in Toxic Relationships

When trying to help someone in a toxic relationship, it’s important to be direct, clear, and emotionally aware. Building a strong relationship with the person before offering advice and support can be impactful. Escalation and creating positive experiences can help facilitate change.


Managing social media, building a strong foundation, maintaining self-care, nurturing support systems, and helping others in toxic relationships are all crucial aspects of maintaining healthy relationships. Communication, respect, and understanding are key in navigating the challenges and complexities of modern relationships.

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