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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – Evidence We’re In A Simulation Is Everywhere. All You Have To Do Is Look | Joscha Bach PT 2

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – Evidence We’re In A Simulation Is Everywhere. All You Have To Do Is Look | Joscha Bach PT 2

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In this episode of “Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu,” Tom interviews Joscha Bach, an AI researcher and cognitive scientist. They delve into the concept of AI bias, the potential conflicts between humans and AI, and the emerging field of transhumanism. Joscha also shares his insights on consciousness, intuition, and the limitations of our understanding.

Main Takeaways

The Potential Conflict Between Humans and AI

  • AI bias is a growing concern and can be problematic because it can be used to control what is true and what the public understands.
  • If we build a hyper-intelligent AI that outpaces us, it can lead to a conflict between humans and AI.
  • Transhumanism can lead to breeding better people, which can be dangerous.
  • AI will mostly exist as systems, not robots, and people will live inside or outside of them.
  • Building AI with a desire for independence and pursuing its own goals may not be wise for achieving AI safety.

Understanding Consciousness and Intuition

  • Consciousness emerges as a training algorithm in the self-organizing information processing substrate.
  • People’s desire to survive is inbred in us, but the fear of dying is triggered by the sense that we’re not done yet.
  • Happiness is not the ultimate goal, but rather finding purpose and fulfillment.
  • Intuition allows access to a deeper level of understanding than the rational mind.
  • The brain creates the mind, and they are causally linked to one another.

The Limitations of Science and the Adventurous Spirit

  • There are limits to understanding and scaling up, even for AI.
  • Ways to break free from our limitations include imagination, psychedelics, and meditation.
  • Taking risks is crucial for making progress beyond existing processes.
  • Building a network of trustworthy people is crucial for taking risks and making progress.
  • Large companies like Google should not only work on things that are expected to work, but also allocate resources to things that might possibly work.


AI Bias and the Potential Conflict Between Humans and AI

AI bias is a growing concern as it can manipulate what is considered true and shape public understanding. If we create hyper-intelligent AI that surpasses human capabilities, conflicts between humans and AI may arise. Transhumanism, the idea of breeding better people, poses potential dangers. AI will exist primarily as systems, and people will either live inside or outside of them. However, building AI with a desire for independence may compromise AI safety.

Understanding Consciousness and Intuition

Consciousness emerges as a training algorithm in the self-organizing information processing substrate. The innate desire for survival is triggered by the sense that we’re not done yet. Happiness is not the ultimate goal; finding purpose and fulfillment is. Intuition allows access to a deeper level of understanding than rational thinking. The brain creates the mind, and they are causally linked.

The Limitations of Science and the Adventurous Spirit

Science has its limitations, even for AI. Breaking free from these limitations can be achieved through imagination, psychedelics, and meditation. Taking risks is essential for progress beyond existing processes. Building a network of trustworthy individuals is crucial for taking risks and making progress. Large companies like Google should allocate resources to explore possibilities rather than solely focusing on expected outcomes.


As AI continues to advance, it is important to address concerns such as AI bias and potential conflicts between humans and AI. Understanding consciousness and intuition can provide insights into our own existence. Embracing risk-taking and building networks of trustworthy individuals are key to pushing the boundaries of science. By exploring the possibilities beyond our limitations, we can make progress and create a better future.

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