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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – How To Break Through Self Sabotage | Tom Bilyeu AMA (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – How To Break Through Self Sabotage | Tom Bilyeu AMA (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom shares his personal experiences and insights on how to break through self-sabotage. He discusses the importance of believing in oneself, the power of mindset, and the role of discipline and hard work in achieving success. Tom also provides valuable tips on improving mental health and managing anxiety and depression. Tune in to gain valuable insights on personal growth and overcoming self-sabotage.

Main Takeaways

Believing in Yourself and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Believing fundamental things about humans in the human condition helped Tom break through self-sabotage.
  • Tom struggled with believing he was special and had anxiety around outperforming others.
  • The idea of brain plasticity helped Tom overcome his limiting beliefs and set him free.

Seeking Support and Continuous Growth

  • Tom suggests getting a coach could be amazing for breaking through self-sabotage.
  • Believing that efforts will be rewarded allows for pouring oneself into things.
  • Humans are designed to grow, get better, and adapt.
  • Being human means being capable of radical transformation.
  • Refocus on learning in moments of self-doubt.

Building Skills, Passion, and Discipline

  • Developing yourself takes energy, relationships, and luck.
  • Luck is like a bus, skill set is the fare.
  • Continuously practicing and improving builds skill set.
  • Passion and enthusiasm create unimaginable energy.
  • Building interest and discipline is important for pursuing goals.

Mental Health and Self-Identity

  • Basic checklist for mental health includes exercise and diet optimization.
  • Experiment with different diets to see which ones alleviate anxiety and depression.
  • Focus on gut health as it plays a significant role in mental state.
  • Use identity rules and beliefs to motivate oneself and reward for sticking to commitments.
  • Consistency is key to undoing the spiral of anxiety and depression.

Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Habits

  • Psychological battles during weight loss can erode self-confidence.
  • Binge eating can be a major obstacle in weight loss journeys.
  • Having a release valve, such as one cheat meal a week, can help avoid binging.
  • Using bright lines and identity can help stick to a healthy eating plan and feel good about progress.

Fasting and Cold Exposure

  • Tom Bilyeu shares his experience with fasting and cold exposure.
  • Fasting can be challenging, but it’s important to have reasons to stick with it.
  • Longevity is a key reason for fasting.
  • Identity plays a role in sticking to a fast and feeling good about progress.

Manifestation and Positive Thinking

  • There is a wave trend around manifestation and the law of attraction.
  • First, you have to believe that the universe has your back and whatever you believe will come to you through the power of attraction.
  • Manifestation is partly amazing and partly told, told bullshit.
  • Adding value to someone’s life is the key to progress and success, not just positive thinking.

Pushing Yourself and Taking Massive Action

  • Believing in yourself and putting in time and effort leads to skill acquisition and rewards.
  • Luck can only be taken advantage of if you have the necessary skill set.
  • Positive thinking is important, but massive action is required for success.
  • Start doing hard things and doing what you say you’re gonna do to earn credibility with yourself.

Improving Mental Health and Managing Anxiety

  • Regular exercise is critical to managing anxiety and balancing mood.
  • Focus on a 95% reward for doing the things that were committed to and only 5% of the time poking oneself for not doing it.
  • Tie commitments to one’s identity to feel amazing about oneself.
  • Laughter and being upbeat can make a huge difference in mental health.

Recommended Resources for Personal Growth

  • Recommended resources for understanding the brain and human behavior include Dr. Daniel Aiman, VS Ramachandran, David Eaglement, and Dan Airelli.


Believing in Yourself and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Tom Bilyeu shares his personal journey of struggling with self-doubt and anxiety around outperforming others. Through the concept of brain plasticity and believing in the human potential for growth and transformation, Tom was able to break through self-sabotage and achieve success.

Seeking Support and Continuous Growth

Tom emphasizes the importance of seeking support and continuous growth. Getting a coach can provide valuable guidance and accountability in breaking through self-sabotage. Believing that efforts will be rewarded and embracing the human capacity for growth allows individuals to pour themselves into their pursuits and overcome self-doubt.

Building Skills, Passion, and Discipline

Developing oneself requires energy, relationships, and luck. Continuous practice and improvement build a strong skill set, while passion and enthusiasm create unimaginable energy. Building interest and discipline are crucial for pursuing goals and achieving success.

Mental Health and Self-Identity

Tom provides valuable insights into improving mental health and managing anxiety and depression. Exercise and diet optimization play a significant role in mental well-being. Using identity rules and beliefs can motivate individuals to stick to commitments and reward themselves for progress. Consistency is key in undoing the spiral of anxiety and depression.

Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Habits

Tom discusses the psychological battles and obstacles individuals face during weight loss journeys. Binge eating can erode self-confidence, but having a release valve, such as one cheat meal a week, can help avoid binging. Using bright lines and connecting healthy eating habits to one’s identity can provide motivation and a sense of progress.

Fasting and Cold Exposure

Tom shares his personal experiences with fasting and cold exposure. While fasting can be challenging, it is important to have reasons to stick with it, such as longevity. Connecting fasting to one’s identity can help maintain motivation and a sense of progress.

Manifestation and Positive Thinking

Tom explores the concept of manifestation and the importance of adding value to someone’s life. While positive thinking is important, taking massive action is required for success. Believing in oneself and putting in time and effort lead to skill acquisition and rewards.

Pushing Yourself and Taking Massive Action

Tom emphasizes the importance of pushing oneself and taking massive action to achieve success. Believing in oneself is crucial, but it is equally important to develop the necessary skill set. Positive thinking alone is not enough; massive action is required to turn dreams into reality.

Improving Mental Health and Managing Anxiety

Tom provides practical tips for improving mental health and managing anxiety. Regular exercise and focusing on a 95% reward for sticking to commitments can have a significant impact. Tying commitments to one’s identity and maintaining a positive and upbeat mindset can also contribute to overall mental well-being.

Recommended Resources for Personal Growth

Tom recommends various resources for understanding the brain and human behavior, including Dr. Daniel Aiman, VS Ramachandran, David Eaglement, and Dan Airelli. These experts provide valuable insights into personal growth and self-improvement.


Breaking through self-sabotage requires belief in oneself, continuous growth, and taking massive action. Building skills, passion, and discipline are essential for pursuing goals and achieving success. Improving mental health and managing anxiety play a crucial role in personal growth. By embracing the power of mindset and seeking support, individuals can overcome self-doubt and achieve their full potential.

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