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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – How to Not Feel Like An Idiot When You Mess Up | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – How to Not Feel Like An Idiot When You Mess Up | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu

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The Impact Theory Podcast with Tom Bilyeu is a source of empowering ideas and actionable techniques from high achievers. In this episode, Tom and Lisa Bilyeu discuss relationships and intimacy in a new, intimate set. They address the fear of being in a loveless marriage, the struggle with memories and thoughts after a breakup due to cheating, and techniques to overcome negative thoughts and control emotions.

Main Takeaways

Relationships and Intimacy

  • Tom and Lisa ask the audience whether they would rather be alone and feel lonely or be in a relationship and feel lonely.
  • Tom shares his fear of being in a loveless marriage, which started in high school.
  • The hosts answer a question from a listener who recently went through a breakup due to cheating and is struggling with memories and thoughts about the relationship.
  • It’s natural to feel like an idiot after a breakup due to cheating.
  • Understanding that negative thoughts are a safety mechanism can help individuals let go and move forward.
  • Ignoring emotions doesn’t serve individuals, it’s better to turn down the temperature instead of putting a lid on it.
  • Physiological techniques like diaphragm breathing are effective in controlling emotions.
  • Communication can be hindered by tone and body language.
  • Extreme ownership in a relationship requires both parties to reflect on their actions.
  • Checking someone’s texts or personal information is a sign of mistrust in the relationship and should be addressed.

Controlling Emotions

  • Train yourself to do and believe that which moves you towards your goals.
  • Stop obsessive thoughts and change them to something positive like gratitude.
  • Obsessing over negative things doesn’t help you heal.
  • Your mind is better off obsessively thinking about things that went wrong to avoid similar situations in the future.
  • Physiological techniques like diaphragm breathing are effective in controlling emotions.
  • Laughing out loud can change your mood definitively.
  • Trusting someone’s honesty can prevent misinterpretation of emotions.
  • Understanding personal triggers can help prevent defensive reactions.
  • Micro expressions can give signals about someone’s emotions or frustration.
  • Communication is key in addressing these issues and building trust in a relationship.

Building Trust and Communication

  • Physiological techniques like diaphragm breathing are effective in controlling emotions.
  • Micro-expressions like widening of the eyes can be a barometer for emotional imbalances.
  • Letting the other person go way into the red before pulling them back.
  • Checking in on what the person needs when they’re feeling emotional.
  • Differentiating between listening and giving advice when someone is feeling unstable.
  • Expressing feelings is difficult for some due to cultural upbringing.
  • It’s important to step outside the emotion and communicate clearly.
  • Admitting to insecurities and asking for help is key.
  • Partner’s willingness to help is crucial for success.
  • Cultural differences can cause misunderstandings in relationships.


Relationships and Intimacy

Tom and Lisa Bilyeu explore the complexities of relationships and intimacy. They discuss the fear of being in a loveless marriage and provide insights on how to heal after a breakup due to cheating. They emphasize the importance of understanding negative thoughts as a safety mechanism and offer techniques like diaphragm breathing to control emotions. Effective communication, trust, and recognizing personal triggers are essential for building a strong relationship.

Controlling Emotions

Tom and Lisa share strategies to control emotions and overcome negative thoughts. They encourage focusing on gratitude and training the mind to think about avoiding similar situations in the future. Physiological techniques like diaphragm breathing and laughter can help shift mood and promote emotional well-being. Trusting someone’s honesty and understanding micro-expressions can prevent miscommunication and defensive reactions.

Building Trust and Communication

The hosts emphasize the importance of building trust and effective communication in relationships. They discuss techniques like letting the other person express their emotions fully before offering support and checking in on their needs. Differentiating between listening and giving advice during unstable moments can enhance understanding. Cultural differences and personal insecurities can impact communication, but addressing them openly and seeking help from a supportive partner can lead to successful relationships.


In this episode of the Impact Theory Podcast, Tom and Lisa Bilyeu provide valuable insights on relationships, controlling emotions, and building trust. They offer practical techniques and advice to navigate challenges and foster healthy connections. By understanding the importance of communication, trust, and personal growth, individuals can create fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

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