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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – Mass Psychosis: How An Entire Population Becomes Stupid & How To Get Ahead Of Everyone | Dan Ariely PT 1`

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – Mass Psychosis: How An Entire Population Becomes Stupid & How To Get Ahead Of Everyone | Dan Ariely PT 1`

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom interviews Dan Ariely, a renowned behavioral economist and author, about the phenomenon of mass psychosis and how it affects society. They discuss the rise of global conflict, the impact of social media and the news on people’s minds, and the importance of critical thinking in navigating the information overload.

Main Takeaways

Impact of Highly Processed Information

  • Global conflict is on the rise due to people losing their minds from highly processed information from social media and the news.
  • To think clearly, you must train yourself to avoid traps and see through the BS.
  • Stress is the breeding ground for misbeliefs and people feel a need for an answer.
  • Corrosive information is different from misinformation, and there’s no going back once people are on the other side.

The Role of Social Science

  • Social science is important, and people need to wear masks, practice distance education, and reduce domestic violence.
  • Misbelief: The mechanisms behind why people change fundamentally due to a belief.
  • Personality Traits: People who trust themselves and complete the picture are more likely to fall into misbelief.
  • Social Component: Ostracism and the need for a supportive community are key factors in misbelief.

The Power of Misbelief and Supportive Communities

  • Ostracism: People who feel ostracized are more likely to feel lonely, disconnected, and less optimistic about the world.
  • Supportive Community: People who fall into misbelief often find support online, which can lead to a desire to gain a good position within a group.
  • Shibboleth: extreme statements are used to show identity within a group.
  • Festinger’s observation: followers of extreme beliefs can experience cognitive dissonance when their beliefs are proven false.

The Influence of Emotions and Evolution

  • Emotions are rules of thumb, not always accurate, and dictate instinctual behavior.
  • Evolutionarily, quick intuitive systems that lead to action were advantageous for survival.
  • Communication in nature always has a true signal, while on social media there’s not necessarily a real signal.
  • Trust is our first instinct because we evolved in an environment where signals were mostly true.

The Illusion of Objective Truth

  • The brain processes emotions faster than language, making emotions the way the subconscious mind speaks to the conscious mind.
  • Our perception and interpretation of events can differ greatly from person to person, even if they experienced the same thing.
  • We each view the world through our own distorted glasses, making it difficult to see objective truth.
  • Intellectual humility is important for progress, using the scientific method to overcome obstacles and learn from failures.


Understanding Mass Psychosis and Misbelief

In this episode, Tom Bilyeu interviews Dan Ariely to explore the concept of mass psychosis and how misbelief can spread within society. They highlight the impact of highly processed information from social media and the news, which can lead to global conflict and a loss of critical thinking. Ariely emphasizes the importance of social science in addressing these issues, including practicing distance education, wearing masks, and reducing domestic violence.

The Role of Ostracism and Supportive Communities

Ariely delves into the factors that contribute to misbelief, such as ostracism and the need for a supportive community. Feeling ostracized can lead individuals to seek support online, where extreme statements and group identity play a significant role. Festinger’s observation of cognitive dissonance among followers of extreme beliefs is also explored, highlighting the challenges of changing one’s beliefs even when faced with evidence to the contrary.

The Influence of Emotions and Evolution

The podcast delves into the influence of emotions and evolution in shaping human behavior. Emotions are described as quick, intuitive systems that evolved to aid survival. However, in the age of social media, emotions can be easily manipulated, leading individuals to make irrational decisions. The discussion also touches on the illusion of objective truth, emphasizing the importance of intellectual humility and the scientific method in seeking progress.


This episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu provides valuable insights into the phenomenon of mass psychosis and misbelief within society. By understanding the impact of highly processed information, the role of supportive communities, and the influence of emotions and evolution, individuals can develop critical thinking skills and navigate the overwhelming amount of information available. Intellectual humility and a commitment to seeking objective truth are essential for personal growth and progress.

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