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TED Radio Hour / Incognito | TED Radio Hour

Incognito | TED Radio Hour

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In the “Incognito” episode of the TED Radio Hour, former CIA chief of disguise, Johnna Mendez, shares captivating stories of espionage and the power of disguise. The episode also explores the use of AI-generated voices, the rise of ghost work, and the emergence of digital fashion. From the world of spies to the virtual realm, this episode delves into the fascinating ways in which identities can be transformed and manipulated.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Disguise

  • Former CIA chief of disguise, Johnna Mendez, shares a story of a creative disguise mission.
  • Johnna had to improvise a disguise for a local agent with only a can of Dr. Scholl’s powder and aluminum foil.
  • The disguised agent helped his colleagues steal a crucial piece of communications equipment from the Soviet Embassy.
  • Later, Johnna learned that the mission was actually a cover for protecting a Russian double agent working with the CIA.
  • Johnna highlights the power of disguise and the importance of being able to transform in the field.

The World of Spies

  • The CIA uses the wilderness of mirrors tactic to deceive other intelligence agencies.
  • Spies live in a world of disguises, deception, and lies, where technology is making it easier to transform identities.
  • Johnna Amendes, a former CIA agent, highlights the importance of being able to transform in the field.
  • Johnna’s role as a photo operations officer involved training foreign agents in the use of proprietary camera equipment and microdots.
  • Posturing as someone you’re not has benefits, psychological impacts, and ethical considerations in the age of AI and virtual reality.

Voice Manipulation and AI

  • Voice manipulation technology can be used to create confusing and deceptive recordings.
  • Holly has created a machine learning model of her own voice that can sing in multiple languages and vocal ages.
  • The model, called Holly Plus, was trained on hours of Holly’s natural singing voice to read notes in Catalan and other languages.
  • Holly Plus can perform beyond Holly’s own physical limitations and sing in a remarkably life-like way.
  • Musicians are concerned about the sovereignty of their voice with the introduction of AI-generated voices.

The Rise of Ghost Work

  • Ghost work is a form of micro job where people work in the background to facilitate our daily activities.
  • Companies like Uber use ghost workers to verify driver IDs before accepting ride requests.
  • Ghost work is often invisible and goes unnoticed by the end user.
  • The ghost work industry is growing quickly and could convert 60% of today’s global employment by 2055.
  • Ghost workers are paid per minute and have to work incredibly fast while being accurate.

Digital Fashion and Identity

  • Clothes are not only for protection but also fashion and identity, as seen in the Tribute Brand by Croatian fashion designer Gala Maria Verbonic.
  • Digital fashion allows for wild creative possibilities, such as pants made of fire and a dress that shoots lasers.
  • Young people are spending millions of real dollars shopping for virtual clothes online.
  • Digital fashion is a way to express identity and socialize online.
  • Digital fashion could potentially change the way we think about and consume fashion in the future.


The Power of Disguise

In the world of espionage, disguises play a crucial role in gathering intelligence and protecting agents. Former CIA chief of disguise, Johnna Mendez, shares an intriguing story of a creative disguise mission where she had to improvise with limited resources. The mission turned out to be a cover for protecting a Russian double agent, highlighting the importance of being able to transform in the field.

The World of Spies

Spies operate in a world of disguises, deception, and lies. The CIA employs tactics like the wilderness of mirrors to deceive other intelligence agencies. Johnna Amendes, a former CIA agent, emphasizes the significance of being able to transform in the field. Posturing as someone you’re not has various implications, including psychological impacts and ethical considerations, especially in the age of AI and virtual reality.

Voice Manipulation and AI

Voice manipulation technology has advanced to the point where it can create confusing and deceptive recordings. Holly, a musician, has developed a machine learning model of her own voice, known as Holly Plus, which can sing in multiple languages and vocal ages. This raises concerns among musicians about the sovereignty of their voice in the face of AI-generated voices.

The Rise of Ghost Work

Ghost work, a form of micro job, involves people working behind the scenes to facilitate daily activities. Companies like Uber rely on ghost workers to verify driver IDs before accepting ride requests. This invisible workforce is growing rapidly and could potentially dominate global employment in the future. However, the cognitive demands of ghost work and its unregulated nature raise questions about worker well-being and the recognition of their contributions.

Digital Fashion and Identity

Digital fashion offers a new avenue for self-expression and identity exploration. Fashion designer Gala Maria Verbonic creates digital garments that push creative boundaries, enabling wearers to embody fantastical concepts. Young people are increasingly investing in virtual clothes, highlighting the potential shift in the fashion industry. Digital fashion not only allows for personal expression but also serves as a tool for social activism and environmental sustainability.


The “Incognito” episode of the TED Radio Hour takes listeners on a captivating journey through the world of espionage, AI-generated voices, ghost work, and digital fashion. It explores the power of disguise, the ethical considerations of posturing as someone you’re not, and the potential impact of technology on various industries. From the shadows of covert operations to the virtual realm, this episode sheds light on the ever-evolving nature of identity and the role of technology in shaping our lives.

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