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The Daily / Inside Russia’s Crackdown on Dissent: An Update | The Daily

Inside Russia’s Crackdown on Dissent: An Update | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” reporter Valerie Hopkins provides an update on the crackdown on dissent in Russia. She shares the story of Alicia Kripsova, a 19-year-old student who spoke out against the war in Ukraine and faced severe repercussions. Hopkins explores the chilling effect this case has had on the student body and the broader implications of dissent in Russia.

Main Takeaways

The Consequences of Speaking Out

  • Alicia Kripsova, a student in Russia, distributed leaflets speaking out against the war in Ukraine on Victory Day.
  • She was visited by the Russian center for combating extremism and forced to apologize on camera to the armed forces of Russia.
  • Alicia’s first offense resulted in a fine and a warning, but any future actions could lead to a criminal trial and prison time.

The Role of Social Media

  • Alicia felt safe speaking out on Instagram, but she was later confronted by Russian authorities and accused of discrediting the Russian armed forces and justifying terrorism.
  • Her anti-war posts on Instagram led to her classmates reporting her to the authorities, potentially resulting in a 10-year prison sentence.
  • The chilling effect of the case on the student body was evident, with most students claiming ignorance about the situation.

The Isolation and Fear of Dissenters

  • Alicia experienced surveillance and felt isolated during her house arrest, relying on her mom for support.
  • The head of Alicia’s department referred to the informers as part of a healthy immune response, likening dissent to a societal infection.
  • Alicia faced uncertainty and fear, expressing concern about potential imprisonment during court hearings.

Escape and Freedom

  • Alicia managed to escape Russia and reach Vilnius, Lithuania, with the help of a secret network of activists.
  • She disguised herself and ultimately decided to flee due to desperation, but she praised the people who stayed behind as the real heroes.

The Transformation and Growth of Dissenters

  • Alicia settled in Kirkenes, Norway, where she feels free and has found stability.
  • She is studying at a university, speaks English well, and works in Norwegian media focusing on political prisoners.
  • Alicia’s maturity and growth are evident as she uses her freedom to report on political cases.


The Consequences of Speaking Out

Alicia Kripsova, a 19-year-old student in Russia, bravely spoke out against the war in Ukraine on Victory Day by distributing leaflets. However, she faced severe repercussions for her actions. Alicia was visited by the Russian center for combating extremism and forced to apologize on camera to the armed forces of Russia. Her first offense resulted in a fine and a warning, but any future actions could lead to a criminal trial and prison time.

The Role of Social Media

Alicia initially felt safe speaking out on Instagram, but she soon faced confrontation from Russian authorities. They accused her of discrediting the Russian armed forces and justifying terrorism. Her anti-war posts on Instagram led to her classmates reporting her to the authorities, potentially resulting in a 10-year prison sentence. The chilling effect of this case on the student body was evident, with many students claiming ignorance about the situation.

The Isolation and Fear of Dissenters

During Alicia’s house arrest, she experienced surveillance and isolation. She relied on her mom for support during this difficult time. The head of Alicia’s department referred to the informers as part of a healthy immune response, likening dissent to a societal infection. Alicia faced uncertainty and fear, expressing concern about potential imprisonment during court hearings.

Escape and Freedom

Alicia managed to escape Russia with the help of a secret network of activists and reached Vilnius, Lithuania. She disguised herself and decided to flee out of desperation. However, she praised the people who stayed behind as the real heroes.

The Transformation and Growth of Dissenters

Settled in Kirkenes, Norway, Alicia now feels free and has found stability. She is studying at a university, speaks English well, and works in Norwegian media focusing on political prisoners. Alicia’s maturity and growth are evident as she uses her freedom to report on political cases.


The story of Alicia Kripsova highlights the harsh reality faced by those who dare to speak out against the Russian government’s actions. The consequences of dissent can be severe, including fines, imprisonment, and isolation. However, there is also hope for escape and freedom, as Alicia’s journey demonstrates. Her transformation and growth serve as an inspiration to others who continue to fight for their beliefs.

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