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Ted Talks Daily / Is technology our savior — or our slayer? | Ruha Benjamin | Ted Talks Daily

Is technology our savior — or our slayer? | Ruha Benjamin | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Ruha Benjamin explores the impact of technology on our lives and envisions a future where more people have a say in shaping our technological devices. She challenges the narratives of monopolists and advocates for collective well-being and inclusive decision-making.

Main Takeaways

Technology and its Influence

  • Technology is rapidly evolving and has a significant impact on our daily lives, from the emergence of the metaverse to the prevalence of smartwatches.
  • A small portion of society currently imposes their visions and values on the rest of us, shaping the future of technology.

Two Stories of the Future

  • Monopolists present two contrasting narratives about the future: one in which technology saves us and another in which it destroys us.
  • Ruha Benjamin encourages us to move beyond these narratives and embrace “us-topia,” a collective imagination where everyone’s needs are met.

Collective Well-being and Inclusion

  • Utopian visions require prioritizing collective well-being over wealth accumulation and exclusion.
  • Barcelona demonstrates this approach through its digital platform called “decidim,” which facilitates participatory policy-making.
  • In Atlanta, residents are mobilizing to create us-topias that prioritize people and public goods over profit and policing.

Reimagining Safety and Environmental Advocacy

  • True community safety is rooted in connection rather than relying solely on law enforcement.
  • Activists from diverse backgrounds are collaborating to imagine a world where ecological and social well-being are intertwined.
  • City officials often lack imagination when it comes to creating inclusive spaces, as seen in the example of questioning the necessity of playgrounds for police.

Dismantling and Building a Better World

  • Deadly systems are not inevitable and can be dismantled through collective action.
  • By strengthening local communities and embracing shared visions, we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable world.
  • Data justice organizers in Barcelona and forest defenders in Atlanta serve as inspiring examples of those actively dismantling the current system while envisioning a better future.


The Impact of Technology and the Need for Collective Imagination

Ruha Benjamin highlights the rapid evolution of technology and its influence on our lives. She emphasizes that a small group of individuals currently shapes the future of technology, imposing their visions on the rest of society. Benjamin challenges the narratives presented by monopolists, advocating for a collective imagination called “us-topia,” where everyone’s needs are met.

Prioritizing Collective Well-being and Inclusion

Benjamin argues that utopian visions require prioritizing collective well-being over wealth accumulation and exclusion. She discusses Barcelona’s digital platform, decidim, which allows for participatory policy-making, giving people from all walks of life a voice in decision-making processes. In Atlanta, residents are mobilizing to create us-topias that prioritize people and public goods over profit and policing.

Rethinking Safety and Environmental Advocacy

According to Benjamin, true community safety is built on connection rather than relying solely on law enforcement. Activists from diverse backgrounds are collaborating to imagine a world where ecological and social well-being are intertwined. Benjamin highlights the lack of imagination among city officials, exemplified by questioning the necessity of playgrounds for police.

Dismantling and Building a Better World

Benjamin emphasizes that deadly systems are not inevitable and can be dismantled through collective action. She encourages individuals to strengthen their local communities and embrace shared visions of an inclusive and equitable world. Examples of data justice organizers in Barcelona and forest defenders in Atlanta inspire the active dismantling of the current system while envisioning a better future.


Ruha Benjamin challenges the narratives presented by technology monopolists and advocates for collective well-being, inclusive decision-making, and dismantling oppressive systems. By embracing a shared vision of an inclusive world and actively engaging in local communities, we can shape a future where technology serves everyone’s needs and no one is left behind.

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